Chapter 2 (Day 2)

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Yumi's POV

I woke up having a puffy red eyes from crying all night. I quietly serves the foods on the table and just in time, Niki and Bryle are coming this way.

I mentally gulp when i saw their stoic expression. I was about to leave when i finished serving when suddenly...


I heard Niki called me that made me stiff, I reluctantly turn to look at him.

"I-I'm sorry i-if i ruined your party last night Niki." I apologized while staring at the floor.

"Come closer"

I hesitantly walks closer to him while still staring below as if like something is interesting in it.

I close my eyes as my lips trembles when he suddenly pulled my hair up hard.

"Look at me" He commanded coldly.

I opened my eyes and met his emotionless hazel brown eyes.

"The next time you disobeyed me you won't like what I'll do to you." His voice was darker than the night and colder than the ice that made my heart pounds even more.

"" He said and grip my hair tighter.

'It hurts'

"Y-yes N-Niki"

He sharpened his eyes on me and shove me off harshly causing me to fall.

"Don't waste your time on that b*tch and eat Niki."

I heard Bryle said. Niki stared at me emotionless and said something that shattered my heart.

"I wish you were dead." He coldly said and walk away.

I tried my best to stop my self from tearing up... but i failed.

"It would be so much better if she's not our sister." Bryle exclaimed.

I stood up and wipe the tears from my eyes before walking away quietly.


I've been here for more than an hour already and i feel like i don't want to get out.

I closed my eyes and feel the cold breeze that's embracing my body.

'I wish you were dead'

'It would be so much better if she's not our sister'

I smiled sadly as i remembered what they said on me. Their words keeps repeating on my head.

'It would be really better indeed if I'll just die'

The thought of it broke my heart.

I want to spend my remaining time with my brothers but they don't want me near them...

I want to feel their love but all i can feel is their hatred...

I want us to get back like how we used to be in the past but i guess that will remain an illusion...


My eyes suddenly open when i heard someone groaned. I look around and found no one except me.

'It's just my imagination'

"F*ck sh*t"

'Here it goes again!'

I stand up from sitting in bermuda grass and followed that sound.

'It's not a ghost right? It's way to early '

I slowly walks towards the tree with my heart beating fast.


'Wait... That voice is familiar...'

My eyes widenwhen i saw Lux in pain. I turned pailed when i saw his stomach bleeding.

"Oh my god Lux!"

I went towards him and kneeled to take a look at his stomach.

"Y-Yumi? F*ck get out!"

For the first time, i wasn't scared when he shouted at me. I just looked at him worriedly.

'That's why i didn't saw him earlier'

"What happened to you?" I asked worriedly.

He glared at me and pointed his trembling finger at me.

"G-get out! Ugh..."

I didn't mind him and took my phone out.

"I'll call 911"

I was about to take a call when he suddenly take my phone.

"I'll call Niki and Bryle."

I don't have the energy to argue with him and just run inside the house.

"Niki! Bryle!" I shouted after i got inside. But no one answered.

I searched the entire house but no trace of them being around had found. It seems like they left already for work.

I run towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit and hurriedly left.

When i got back i saw Lux almost loosing his consciousness.

"They left already."

I was about to touch him when he slap my hand.

"Don't touch me." He grunted while breathing heavily.

I sharpened my eyes on him in annoyance.

"Can you just let me Lux?! I don't want to see you die!"

This is the first time that i raised my voice on him, and i was shocked. I saw him stiff and looks at me in shocked but later on he sigh and nodded.

I pulled up his shirt and start treating his wound with first aid.

'It's a good thing that i had an online class about medicine and such before'

"Fortunately it's not deep, you just lost some blood that's why you feel weak right now." I stated and look at him.

I sigh when i saw that he already lost his consciousness.

I let out a heavy sigh when i finished giving him a first aid. I grab my phone on his hand and dialed 911.

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