Chapter 16 Epilogue (Day 30)

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Someone's POV

No one dared to talk as Lux, Niki, Bryle, Tyson, and Ria stared at the lifeless body of their angel, none other than Yumi. Her eyes is covered in white clothe.

"She's really an angel." Tyson stated and let out a gentle smile.

Yumi donated her eyes in Lira and the surgery was successful.

"An angel indeed." Ria agreed.

The three brothers didn't utter any word and just stared at Yumi. They are in pain seeing their sister in this state but there's nothing they can do.

"I'll just go somewhere." Niki suddenly spoke dryly and didn't wait for their answer before he turn his back and walks away.

He went inside the chapel and sit on one of the vacant sit. There's no one around except from him. He burst into tears and stared at the statue of the holy Jesus Christ.

"Why did you take her God? It's too early." He stated in pain while crying.

Lux sat beside him and tap his shoulder.

"I'm sure she can see us right now." Lux said while staring at the statue of Christ.

Warm breeze suddenly hug them that made Niki stop on crying. The two of them smiled when they saw a white butterfly flying around in front of them. It landed first on Lu head and next in Niki's face that's covered in tears.

"I told you she can see us right now." Lux said before letting out a chuckle.

Niki couldn't believe his eyes and stared at the white butterfly. After some minutes, the butterfly flew away leaving the two of them behind.

"Let's go."

The two of them soon leave the chappel and went back in Lira's room.





Two years later...

"Hi princess! You okay there?"

Bryle laugh to himself while staring at Yumi's grave.

"Of course she's okay, she's in paradise now." Lux stated after putting the bouquet of flowers.

"I miss you so much Yumi." Niki said and let out a heavy sigh.

"Don't sigh in front of her Niki! You know that princess don't like any of us being sad." Bryle grunted.

Lux chuckles and so as Niki. Silence filled the air as warm breeze suddenly blow up that made the three of them smile.

'If only i can turn back time, I'll do everything just to see your smile again.'

Bryle said to himself.

'Loving my so-called sister was the best feeling ever'

Lux stated while staring at her grave.

'Losing you means losing my life. I'm just living yet I'm not alive, i can't wait to be with you in the after life.'

Bryle mentally said and smiled once more.

-The End-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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