Aftermath and epilogue

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We see geo in a large building and on a bed waking up and suddenly geo felt two things on him and he looked to see his kids hugging him and geo smiles and hugs his kids back

Lucinda: thank you for saving us papa!
Luke: yea!

Geo chuckles and says

Geo: I was just doing what any father should do and that is to always protect his kids no matter what

Geo does a light smile and geo uses magic to put a shirt on and he carries the kids on his shoulders and they go to another room where Luna and Medusa were talking and they see geo and Luna smiles and kisses her fiancé and geo kisses back

Geo puts the kids down and says

Geo: I think I'm gonna take a two year break as I've had quite a lot and I think a two year break will be good for me and besides I want to spend more time with my family

Geo rubs his kids hair and kisses Luna on her cheek and she giggles and Luna then says

Luna: we also got a wedding to plan
Geo: oh yea I got that all sorted out
Luna: huh!?

Geo: before I got the ring I kinda had some wedding preparations set up and well let's keep it at their a ideal wedding area set up on this continent

Geo summons a large suitcase and gives it to Luna and well Luna knew what this meant and geo teleports away and teleports to the wedding area in a suit and a hour later Luna arrives wearing a lovely wedding dress while holding flowers from hell

Luna walks down the aisle and geo felt nervous but Damian pats his back and geo smiles more and well all of Luna family was here and so was geo family which was only just his big sister , her husband and their daughter who was geo niece and obviously both Luna and geo kids were here watching and well Gilgamesh was the priest person in this wedding and Gilgamesh says

Gilgamesh: Luna hellforged do you take geo darkrina to be your husband

Luna: yes
Gilgamesh: and geo darkrina do you take Luna hellforged to be your wife

Geo: yes
Gilgamesh: well you may now kiss the bride

Geo grabs Luna by her waist and kisses her lips and well after that they had a a wonderful wedding where the kids played at a area meant for kids and all the other guys were chatting and both Luna and geo slow danced and after a few hours both of them went into a limo that was randomly there and they both went to their honeymoon


It's been two years since geo and Luna got married and well they got even more closer than before and well geo took his two year break seriously and he managed to not enter combat of some kind in those two years and he used those years to spend time with his family and had some nights with friends but still with those two breaks he made sure to make Luna feel very loved and spent as much time with the kids as he could and it was quite the peaceful two years of his break and now we see the end of his break and we see him and Damian talking

Damian: you sure you wanna do this geo?
Geo: yea after all I gotta do what's necessary
Damian: so we really are taking over the world

Geo: yep but hey it might be fun
Damian: eh maybe
Geo: well then let's have some fun

Geo opens a portal at the bottom of the cliff and both geo and Damian jump through it

The end

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