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Geo and Luna wake up to the sounds of screaming and geo immediately runs to the kids room to see angels taking his kids away

Geo: you fuckers what are you doing with my kids

Angel 1: we're doing what Zeus told us I

Geo summons some black fire when suddenly one angel points a knife at Luke neck and at

Angel: you do anything and this brat dies first

Geo stopped his flames and suddenly more angels appear and summoned their weapons and aimed it at geo and the sovereign of darkness growls in annoyance and suddenly geo sees crystals form and suddenly crystal darts shoot at the angels slaughtering some of them and killing two angels that had the kids hostage

Geo grabs them in time and the devil of the end summons tentacles made of darkness and shot these tentacles at some angels and geo let's go of his kids and well Luna arrives summoning a crystal katana and says

Luna: shall we slaughter these angelic bastards hun
Geo: you read my mind dear

Geo and Luna hair starts floating and suddenly waves of magical crystals and shadows started bursting from the ground and slaughtering the angelic army infront of them and once every angel was killed

Geo: geez that felt fun to do
Luna: yea

Both demons turn around only to see their kids being held by shiva the Hindu god of destruction

Both demons turn around only to see their kids being held by shiva the Hindu god of destruction

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Once the demonic couple saw this god well they both growled by shiva says

Shiva: I wouldn't dare try to attack unless you want your kids to die

The demonic couple see shiva hands are directly holding the kids by the back of their necks and geo says

Geo: why are you here you fucking bastard

Shiva: simple to win a war and I know you won't attack since you love your kids and your future wife

Geo; yea and what's wrong with that huh!?

Shiva: oh nothing wrong with the idea of love and all that but it's mostly due to the fact that your a threat because well to put it lightly you've grown to powerful

Geo; first off I've only gained this type of power for good reasons

Shiva; and those are?
Geo: one to protect my loved ones and secondly the events that caused me to become a feared entity in heaven was mostly defence

Shiva; how?
Geo: well dryed threatened all of hell and I wanted to keep the demons safe so I met him on Sorath island where we had the battle that lead to his demise

Shiva; well ain't that interesting a demon that wants to protect more demons well what a odd sense of nobleness

Geo: now it's also not a good idea for you to even think of hurting our kids!

Shiva: and why is that I ain't afraid of you or your future wife

Geo; ok maybe not my future wife even tho she isn't someone to underestimate but it's me you really should fear heck fear is what lead you to me

Shiva: no it isn't
Geo: really then what lead you to do this
Shiva: well the other chief gods besides Ameratsu and Horus believe your a threat

Geo: that sounds like fear to me because here the funny thing I wouldn't have attacked the gods if you just left my family alone but no you gods let your fear consume you and now look a war has started because of that fear

Shiva: I uh?

The Hindu god of destruction was having trouble processing what geo just said and despite his omniscience well the Hindu god couldn't see this coming despite knowing everything and geo used this opportunity and flash steps infront of shiva and punches his chest hard enough that he lets go of the kids

Geo punches shiva through a wall and geo appears above him and shiva throws a punch but Geo disappears

Shiva tries to find him using his omniscience but something was wrong

Shiva: why can't I see him!?

Suddenly from the shadows shiva could hear geo voice and it was all demonic

Geo: I am the darkness and so you look into the unknown and you cannot know something that is clearly unknown and I am everlasting darkness

Suddenly spikes shoot into shiva flesh and start to tear apart his body and geo appears from a shadow and geo stabs two fingers in the eye in shiva forehead and rips out a eyeball and geo says

Geo: that omniscient eyeball won't be a issue now

Shiva: h-how did you bypass omniscience?
Geo: honestly I don't know if anything it just happened.

Shiva; but that should be impossible!

Geo; maybe being called the devil of the end means I can do the impossible I mean I handled the power of infinity , I defeated beings who could stop time and I killed the demon which all of heaven feared so maybe I am my own entity but I guess in the end it won't matter as you are all about to die by me.

For the first time in shiva life the Hindu god felt fear and geo then crushes his skull and kills the Hindu god and well geo sighs

Geo: I thought a god like him would be a bit more challenging but I guess I was wrong.

Suddenly geo hears screams and he runs only to see Luna bruised and broken and geo heals her quickly and then geo notices the kids are gone but Luna mutters something

Luna: Z-Zeus

Luna suddenly passes out in geo arms and geo checks her heartbeat and geo sees the damage that had been done earlier wasn't life threatening

Geo suddenly thinks about what Luna muttered and realised Zeus took their kids and the devil of the end roars in anger

Geo; I am going to butcher that bastard!

The demon carries luna to her room and tucks her in and geo sends a telepathic message to Dramorag aka Luna father and geo then teleports away and geo sends a telepathic message to everyone he knows so this included Medusa , Damian , shizen , Loki , Gilgamesh , sun wukong , the order of shadows , Ameratsu ,all of helheim , the Japanese pantheon , Horus , the Egyptian pantheon and many others about what's gonna happen and so he opens portals to heaven and well geo flies through his already

To be continued

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