A rather interesting person

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We see geo walking in the streets of earth and your wondering why he doing this well he got some text to come here and well he kinda prepared to kill someone tonight and geo then enters a alley and sees a man wearing some odd suit with a helmet of some kind

We see geo walking in the streets of earth and your wondering why he doing this well he got some text to come here and well he kinda prepared to kill someone tonight and geo then enters a alley and sees a man wearing some odd suit with a helmet of...

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Once geo saw him he pulled out a gun and shot a bullet at him but the bullet stopped right in its tracks when it got close to him

Geo: what the?
???: don't bother I ain't a enemy
Geo: well why did you send me a text to come to an alley in the middle of the night!

???: because gods wouldn't look in some random alley id be surprised if they did

Geo: ok then what's your name if you ain't a enemy
???; I'm nova and well I'm apart of a organisation that your ancestor Tëras made

Geo: I see also what form of magic is that?
Nova: well it's spacial magic the type of magic that allows you to manipulate the force of space itself

Geo: neat and from your high magic levels you've mastered it

Nova; you would be correct

Geo: now what's your organisation goals?
Nova: well to annihilate all the gods that are truly evil and to shape this world to whatever a darkrina desires it to be

Geo: so your like a cult?
Nova; sorta
Geo: I see

Geo could tell nova was telling the truth due to the lie detection ability he has and so he could trust this man and says

Geo: so say if my lovers and kids were in danger woul-

Nova: yes the organisation would keep them safe at all costs

Geo: good and how many members do you have
Nova: well we have a whole army being trained to take on the gods

Geo: good , hmm tomorrow can me and my family come see your base

Nova: sure I'll get some things arranged

Geo: ok good well I guess I'll see you tomorrow
Nova: same here

Geo then makes a portal to his home and walks through it and nova then teleports somewhere that wasn't on earth

To be continued

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