A day in hell

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We see geo arrive in the city of greed which was one of the capital cities of hell and he was holding a bag that had blood leaking a bit and geo sighs

Geo: time to sell these

We now see geo start to walk through the city of greed and the place was shiny as most of the buildings were made of gold and we see geo arrive at a building called the golden trade

Geo enters the building and sees a bunch of demons selling stuff and getting money for it and giving money and getting odd stuff with it and we see geo go to the only slot left and goes to it and the demon recognised geo due to his reputation and the demon just smiles and says

Demon: so what may I do for you mr darkrina
Geo: well I'm here to sell something

Demon: What are you selling sir?

Geo: well these

Geo opens the bag and drops 200 angel wings on the counter and the demon is shocked

Demon: damn I haven't seen angel wings in over a hundred years

Geo: yep
Demon: well then let me get your money sir

The demon goes into another room and then comes back dragging a large bag and hands it to geo and geo looks in side to see 600 trillion demonic coins

After looking it the shadow demon closes the bag and opens a portal and puts the bag through it and says

Geo: well nice doing business with ya

Geo then leaves the building and gets a text from Luna to buy some meat and geo then makes a portal to the city of gluttony and we see the city of gluttony not having many tall buildings but most of buildings in the city of gluttony were Restaurants of all kinds heck geo even came across a demonic version of McDonald's while there

We see geo arrive at a butcher shop and we see him entering and saw the couple that was running the butcher shop and geo spots a bruise on the wife face but acts like he didn't spot it

Geo: I would like to order some meat from here
Butcher demon: uhh sure sir

The butcher then grabs his wife arm but very roughly drags her into the other room and in the room filled with meat the butcher hits his wife in the face and says

Butcher demon: get that meat ready you bitch

Wife:*tearing up* ok

Butcher demon: after the shop closes for the night you will be pleasuring me got it you whore

The butcher Wife just nods with tears in her eyes and the butcher demon feels something grab his shoulder and the butcher turns around to see geo with a demonic smile

The butcher Wife just nods with tears in her eyes and the butcher demon feels something grab his shoulder and the butcher turns around to see geo with a demonic smile

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(Alastor= geo)

Geo: you know I hate when my meat is tainted with the filth of a abuser

Geo opens his mouth wide and starts to devour the butcher demon and after ten minutes geo finished eating the demon and well the wife had already left and geo decides to write a friendly letter and leaves it on the restaurant with one of every meat in that place

Geo puts each type of meat in a bag and then teleports back to his home to put the meat in the fridge and goes to the couch and decides to relax

The end

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