weapons, gear and pets?

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We see some base in heaven and we see two angels having a chat until suddenly their heads were cut off and geo was suddenly there

Geo: so I wonder what this base has got today

Geo smashes through the roof and shoots toxic mist from his body and directs it towards all the angels in the facility and after five minutes every angel was killed

Geo: well that's all of them done let's see what we got here

We see geo searching the facility where he sees a bunch of large treasure chests and geo was kinda confused

Geo: when did angels decided to take the pirate route?

Geo just breaks one chest open and sees a bunch of gold and geo uses telekinesis to grab it and summons a portal to the shadow world

Geo breaks open the other chest just to see some sword

Geo breaks open the other chest just to see some sword

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Once geo sees these his eyes have stars

Geo: well damn these are awesome

Geo observes the swords and sees the regular looking sword is just a sword just redirects magical attacks , the glowing orange sword just increases heat from mana levels ,the misty sword just creates mist ,the sword that has a small storm around it just  creates lighting capable of destruction, the green sword is just extremely poisonous , , the black sword has a blade made of dark matter and glowing sword is just a sword with a blade made of magical energy

After geo sees these abilities well he sends them to the shadow world and geo then breaks open another chest to see two swords

After geo sees these abilities well he sends them to the shadow world and geo then breaks open another chest to see two swords

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Once geo sees them he looks at the texture

Geo: these blades looked like they were forged in the city of Camelot

Geo then sees the last large chest and breaks it open it just to see it was filled with mystical arrows and geo collects them and puts them in the shadow world

Geo: I wonder what else is here

Geo then searches the facility some more and then sees a bunch of cages and then sees some reptile in the cage

The Shadow Devil returnsWhere stories live. Discover now