Ambushed and Saved?

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We see geo having a relaxing walk and we see him by some river

Geo: hmm good to see these sights once in a while

Geo danger sense detected something and he turned around fast enough to catch a spear and saw a goddess wearing Greek armour and geo recognised this goddess immediately and it was Athena the goddess of war and wisdom and Zeus golden child

Geo danger sense detected something and he turned around fast enough to catch a spear and saw a goddess wearing Greek armour and geo recognised this goddess immediately and it was Athena the goddess of war and wisdom and Zeus golden child

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Once geo saw her well he sighed and thrown the spear away and asked

Geo: what the hell do you want you divine fuck

Athena: some manners would be nice of you first off and secondly I'm here to execute you

Geo sighs and says

Geo: many have tried and failed
Athena: yea I'm aware that the Phoenixian clan , most of heaven , vampires and even the demon king of blood have tried

Geo: well I guess you ain't the goddess of wisdom for nothing

Athena: yea and now die!!

Athena suddenly flash steps and had her spear in hand and used her spear to stab geo hip which caught him off guard for the first time in two years

Geo jumps back in shock and fires demonic energy blasts but the goddess was fast and suddenly started thrusting herself towards geo at light speed and stabbed geo in the chest with a large amount of force

Geo: *coughs blood* Shit

Athena pulled her spear out and thrusted it a thousand times and it tore pieces of geo flesh and geo tripped and fell into the river and Athena walks away and disappears to Olympus

We see geo body bleeding while he travelling through the river but some sort of portal manifested for a few seconds and geo body went threw it and geo body was at the shores of some lake but some woman comes in and starts to drag geo body

After three hours geo wakes up to see he in some random house

Geo: where the actual hell am I?

???: your in my home

Geo turns around to see this woman

Geo turns around to see this woman

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(Ignore the military shit)

Once geo saw her he asks

Geo: uhh who are you if I may ask?
???: I'm Octavia hattori
Geo: Ok Octavia where exactly is your home?

Octavia: oh just somewhere in London
Geo: wait I'm in London
Octavia: well my house is just 20 minutes away from London

Geo: ok
Octavia: also I took the liberty of answering your phone for you

Geo: wait what?

Suddenly a portal warps in and well Luna walk threw and jump onto geo hugging him and geo hugs back and they girls had some tears but geo wiped them and then Octavia says

Octavia: oh yea I know who you all are
Geo: what?
Octavia: I knew who geo was before taking that call from Luna

Geo: you do?

Octavia: well your sorta an urban legend in a sense but there been footage of you like the destruction of Sorath island in your battle against that red thing?

Geo: that red thing was called dryed and he was the demon lord of blood and well hell was in constant terror from his presence heck even mentioning his name when he died before was enough to send a demon into a panic

Octavia: damn well I guess your hell most feared demon

Geo: well yea

Geo the looks at the girls and asks

Geo: uhh where are the kids!?
Luna: well Gilgamesh and Damian are looking after them

Geo: Damian I can trust it's Gilgamesh I gotta worry
Luna: why
Geo: well Gilgamesh might be a bad influence on them

Octavia; geez what a odd family
Geo: eh it could have been weirder trust me but I love them

Luna: Awwww

Geo: well I gotta head home now but I'll lend you my number

Geo grabs a piece of paper and write his number on it and hands it to her and well geo makes another portal which leads back to his home and geo and his lover go threw the portal and back home

The end

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