Start of a nation (part 1)

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It's been 3 months since geo broke Medusa and astreus out of the underworld and well medusa got close with Luna and geo and surprisingly Ameratsu started appearing more often and getting closer with the three of them as-well and now we see geo at the Sahara desert

Geo: hmm I guess the Sahara can be a alright start

Geo grabs his phone and makes a quick call to shizen and then shizen arrives to geo location via Tesla portal and says

Shizen: so you want to change the Sahara desert into the city for your fantasy nation even tho you got that shadow world inside of your soul?

Geo: yea
Shizen: well this should be rather fun and I've got some machines I want to test out

Geo: such as?
Shizen: the matter replicator and the construct projector

Geo: what do those do?

Shizen: well the matter replicator can replicate any type of matter but it does take power from the machine but it's still useful as resources can run out and the construct projector can project something into reality it just can't be organic

Geo: those sound interesting
Shizen: also we're gonna need to flatten a large part of this desert and change it environment to make it compatible for a civilisation

Geo: that part won't be hard also if I'm correct didn't all cities in the desert get destroyed during world war 3 in 2043?

Shizen: yea sadly
Geo: well it seems we're gonna be doing a better job in the year 2091

Shizen: well not exactly
Geo: what, didn't you say we could use this place for civilisation?

Shizen: well yes before I did a simulation of how it would go

Geo: when!?
Shizen: right now

Shizen then takes out these special techno eye contacts and geo sighs and says

Geo: well now what
Shizen; well what about demonic domain?
Geo: no
Shizen: why
Geo; first off demonic domains are usually forms of attack or imprisonment not for building civilisation

Shizen; what about when Bernael used it to live a peaceful life

Geo: he the founder of demonic magic so he got the exception and I can't even perform it

Shizen: hmm well their is one other idea for civilisation creation

Geo: and that is?
Shizen: well it's gonna be very hard
Geo: and it is?
Shizen: to build a entire continent
Geo: come again
Shizen: well build a entire continent to then build your civilisation on

Geo: ok first off HOW THE FUCK DO WE DO THAT!?

Shizen: well we're gonna need to head to the Pacific Ocean for what I'm about to do

Geo: ok?
Shizen: also we're gonna need the matter replicator and your red lighting

Geo: why?
Shizen: you'll see why

Shizen then creates a Tesla portal and then throws some small device and suddenly a large platform forms and both geo and shizen step onto it and fly through the portal

To be continued

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