Tournament of combat (part 1)

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We see thousands of people enter some arena and both geo and Damian sign up to fight and so the rounds begin and the announcer gets onto the arena which was made of concrete and the announcer starts speaking and says

Announcer: today ladies and gentlemen we have the tournament of combat and this is a special event that happens every 100 years and so for this century let us see who fighting and so for the fighters of this round we have two powerful opponents one is a mystery and one is well known and for the fighter that is well known he is considered a top dog and went to prison but broke out the day after and welcome in Max Jackson

The doors open and a large man with no shirt comes out

Once he comes out people in the audience cheered and some booed and the announcer speaks again

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Once he comes out people in the audience cheered and some booed and the announcer speaks again

Announcer: now for the fighter that's a mystery well I no nothing about him if I did then he wouldn't be a mystery but welcome in geo darkrina

The doors open and geo walks in and geo first thought was this

Geo mind: to make it fair for these humans I'll only use my physical abilities such as my strength , durability and speed

Geo sees his lover and kids cheering for him and he just smiles

The announcer then starts the fight and leaves

Max walks up to him and says

Max: how about you make it easy for everyone and just forfeit or else I'll take the life of your kids

This was the movement max fucked up as geo punches the fighter gut with such force the man coughed a lot of blood and geo stares at him and says

Geo: I'm going to make you regret those words...

Max muscles then got enlarged and geo sees that max took a type of steroid and max throws a barrage of punches at geo but none of the punches did any damage and geo just sighs and says

Geo: I'll show what a real barrage of punches feels like

Geo then uses Devil Destroyers and throws a barrage of destructive punches with one arm at max and the human couldn't block or dodge them and he was shot out of the ring

Geo just walks away as the fight was over

Round 1 , match 1

Max jackson vs geo darkrina

Winner=geo darkrina
Victory move= devil destroyers
Match length= 2 minutes


We see the announcer get onto the arena and then starts speaking

Announcer: ok we got our next round and so for the fighters that are fighting on both sides are considered deadly fighters but this fighter is a legend and despite his age he is still a deadly fighter and welcome in Alden Veda

The doors open and a rather old man walks in

Once he walks in the crowd don't cheer or boo they just look in confusion

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Once he walks in the crowd don't cheer or boo they just look in confusion

-with the audience-

We see geo , Luna , their kids and damian watching with confusion

Damian: uhh who the fuck the old geezer?
Geo: well he called Alden Veda and I believe I've heard that name somewhere?

Luna: let's just watch

-back to the arena-

The announcer then speaks again

Announcer: for the next fighter he mastered the martial art of the deadly monkey and welcome in Noah Theodore

The doors open and this man jumps in

Once he jumps in a bunch of men wearing martial arts uniforms started cheering and the announcer leaves and the fight starts

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Once he jumps in a bunch of men wearing martial arts uniforms started cheering and the announcer leaves and the fight starts

Noah just approaches Alden and without second thought Noah throws a punch but Alden dodges and Noah jumps back for some reason

Noah: ok old man just give up before you get a rough beating

Alden: old! , excuse me mr but I am just 137
Noah: that's old you geezer

Alden: come on show this geezer what your made of

Noah then gets into a stance and suddenly a large ape appeared behind and this was called the jungle ruler Dance and Noah suddenly appears behind Alden and throws a punch at the old man but Alden dodges and Noah appears all over the old man and throws millions of punches and kicks

Alden just jumps up and then lands

-in the audience-

Damian: what the hell is Noah using?

Geo: it's called monkey style it's a type of martial art designed to be unpredictable, dangerous and unique but that old man is predicting like it's nothing

Damian: ok and how does one learn monkey style

Geo: first you need to be in a jungle and it don't matter which one just make sure it's a jungle and then you start hitting things with your hands and feet and then you got to imagine your hands and legs are swords , hammers and claws and you do that after 5 entire months of training

Damian: damn
Geo: yea

-back to the fight-

We see Noah throwing attack and then not hitting and Alden then grabs Noah shoulder and with his all his strength he shattered the young boy shoulder and punches the young man to the door leading to the Exit of the arena

After that the round was over and Alden leaves

Round 1 , match 2

Alden Veda vs Noah Theodore

Winner= Alden
Finishing move= full power punch
Match length= 7 minutes , 10 seconds

To be continued

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