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We see geo and all his friends with the gods that joined his side at some large table and geo says

Geo: any questions?

Ares: yea what the hell did you perform on Eve?

Geo: I had simply absorbed the sins of earth meaning every horrible thing to happen on this planet gave me enough power to beat eve

Ares: ok but what about that form?

Geo: I believed I unlocked a state that manifests of what I really am

Phobos: and that would be?
Geo; Darkness that forever evolves and brings death to all its enemies

Phobos: damn that's a nice 
Geo: Damn right it is

Shizen: question how did you beat Adam?
Geo: I used one of his nullification blades on him

Shizen: I see
Artemis: better question is what are we gonna do because well Zeus and Odin came up with a plan

Geo: and that is?
Artemis: well they plan to conjure the Genesis core and Original singularity

Geo: What!?

A bunch of the people in room where confused

Shizen: what's the genesis core and original singularity?

Geo: ok the Genesis core is basically a form of energy that manifested after the biblical god death

Shizen: how did Yahweh die?
Geo: he used too much power in creating Eden and the three humans Adam , Lilith and Eve

Shizen: that kinda lame?
Geo: eh history covered up his death and after his death well a orb manifested which is known as the genesis core and basically whoever absorbs it gets the power of a primordial

Shizen: so powers such as reality bending , matter manipulation ect

Geo: yea
Shizen: ok then what's the original singularity?

Geo: well the original singularity is a type of power that isn't exactly easy to explain

Shizen: try explaining it in simple words

Geo: basically a power that created every type of concept

Shizen; so both are primordial energy shit

Geo; not entirely as the original singularity doesn't originate from this universe

Shizen: it doesn't?

Geo: no and it's full potential doesn't come into the universe it's summoned in but more like conjuring it in a universe makes it limit itself to that universe

Shizen; but say if it's limiter was off then what?

Geo: well you basically have the concept of infinity in the palm of your hands and could could the infinite multiverse on the tip of your finger

Shizen: how do you happen to know this?

Geo; hell has a library filled with forbidden knowledge

Shizen: really now
Geo: there is one being who can fight off both of these in this universe

Damian: and that would be?
Geo: abbadon the first ever demon to manifest

Loki: ok that's a good issue but to even reach him you need the monarch of holiness

Artemis: oh he alive still but he asked my brother Hephaestus to build him a mechanical body and well he got a robotic body where his soul and mind are in

Geo: so the ruler of all angels is a robot now?

Artemis: yep but you could get the information on how to get to the netherworld from him

Geo: ok

The shadow devil gets up and says

Geo: tomorrow im challenging sora to a battle and I know he will do it just to kill me

Ares: need backup?
Geo: I'll be fine right now but first I need some rest

Shadows wrap around geo as he transport himself to the shadow world and goes to a Bed that was made for him and falls asleep

The end

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