Parental instincts

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We see geo and Luna run to the kids rooms and see Lucinda and Luke at a corner and the shadow wolf infront of them guarding them and the three then look at what the wolf is staring at and saw this thing

Once geo saw it well he felt his draconic instincts take over and he lunges at the bogeyman and slams it against the floor and the creature clawed geo face but it barely left a mark and geo stares at Luna and says

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Once geo saw it well he felt his draconic instincts take over and he lunges at the bogeyman and slams it against the floor and the creature clawed geo face but it barely left a mark and geo stares at Luna and says

Geo: take the kids into our room

Luna immediately take the kids to their room and geo stares at the bogeyman and throws him out a window and geo climbs out and sees the bogeyman crawling but geo uses telekinesis to drag it and geo says

Geo: don't you fucking know who I am you foul creature

The bogeyman does a screech but geo steps onto its chest and starts applying pressure and geo eyes then glow red and he says

Geo; I am geo darkrina the strongest shadow demon , I am a  descendant of the great beast typhon the nightmare of Olympus and I am the lord of shadows so I'm sure your kind has heard of me at one point

Geo sees the bogeyman eyes widen and he just chuckles and adds more pressure causing the nightmarish creature to be in more pain and geo just then says

Geo: *coldly* so what gave you the right idea to scare my kids if your kind knew of the legends about me

Geo adds more pressure and the beast screams in pain and then suddenly it speaks

Bogeyman: p-please d-don't k-kill m-me

Geo: oh you speak that's good that means I can hear you explain yourself to the true king of darkness

Bogeyman: a-are y-you implying y-your the L-lord of hell!?

Geo: oh no you got that concept mixed up

The creature was confused until geo says

Geo: being king of darkness doesn't mean I rule hell yes I may be one of its most feared and respected demons but the title of ruler of hell goes to lucifer

Geo then crushes the bogeyman chest using his foot and the bogeyman screamed in pain but then died and geo gets his Foot from out of its corpse and uses black fire to burn off the blood and destroyed the remains of its corpse

Geo goes into his house and checks his room to see Luna cuddling the children and they were all asleep and geo decided to sit on a chair and keep watch and stayed up the entire night watching them

The end

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