Miao Zhen patted her shoulder.

The red-haired woman turned her head, her expression very calm.

Miao Zhen noticed that the red-haired woman did not look nervous at all, and seemed sure that she would not be attacked.

The red-haired woman looked Miao Zhen up and down, "Is that you?"

She recalled briefly, but did not recall Miao Zhen's name. She only remembered that he was also an old passenger.

The red-haired woman chewed gum and said casually: "Although the doctor can go wherever he wants, the main activity area is still on the third floor. Stay away from me, so as not to attract ghosts to me."

After saying that, she looked at the time again and waved her hand to tell Miao Zhen to hurry up.

Miao Zhen couldn't help but be startled when he heard the woman's words.

He recalled the memory of the original owner and read the original text.

Miao Zhen couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Seeing that the woman was not very interested, Miao Zhen straightened her expression and adjusted her posture.

Trying to use the gentle and sunny appearance of the original owner to win the favor of women.

The red-haired woman's gaze stayed on Miao Zhen's face for a moment, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

She looked at Miao Zhen's Adam's apple again, sighed with some disappointment, and whispered: "You look so cute, how come you are a man."

Miao Zhen who is scratching/coquettishly:............

Lily is actually by my side?

Although Miao Zhen's gender is wrong, her face is indeed shaped by her aesthetics.

Seeing that the red-haired woman's eyes were friendlier, Miao Zhen asked tentatively: "This is my third time downloading the game and I'm not very good at playing. Sister, can you tell me some experience? I also want to leave alive."

The woman's eyes were very surprised, "How can you survive two books if you don't know how to play?"

Miao Zhen smiled and said, "I had better luck the first two times and survived by chance. I didn't know much about the game and didn't understand what was going on."

In fact, the original owner was able to survive here partly because of luck, but mainly because of selling out his teammates.

It can't be said that it's for sale, it's just that people are timid.

When it's time to fight in a team fight, he always shrinks to the end. When the ghosts went to catch his teammates, he came out shivering and took the opportunity to get the props to complete the mission.

He completed two missions, and both times all his roommates were wiped out, leaving him alone.

In the men's compartment, the experienced veteran noticed that there was something wrong with the original owner and was unwilling to talk to him.

Other newcomers themselves are also confused.

In the women's carriage, stranger men are not welcome to enter.

The original owner used opportunistic tricks to get through the level two times before, but still has little understanding of these copies.

The original text is a sweet and sweet story, with the male protagonist leading the way. There is not much experience that can be provided to Miao Zhen.

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