The clone sitting in front said softly: "If you don't want to, I can wait until tomorrow."

The clone at the back hummed, "If it doesn't work, let's go back and line up again alone."

Mr. Miao was strangely silent for a second, "I don't feel uncomfortable."

"But you cried."

"If people are happy, they will also cry."

After Mr. Miao finished saying this, the three clones had a great time playing with confidence.

After a week of leisure and entertainment, Mr. Miao put the plan on the agenda.

Most of the batch of clones that Miao Zhen came out in advance exploded.

After Miao Zhen's clone exploded, most of the Zhai Chengyun clones who followed him were unwilling to live alone, and took the initiative to leave with him in violation of regulations.

The surviving replicas have established their own power everywhere.

On the eighth planet, a copy of Miao Zhen lost his partner.

But he was busy organizing rebels to attack the empire, so he refrained from committing suicide.

With the help of rebel leader Miao Zhen, Mr. Miao obtained data on artificial human technology.

After the two clones secretly exchanged the information they had, Mr. Miao left the eighth planet.

When the three of them were traveling through the stars, they picked up a bunch of Zhai Li clones on a planet.

They gather together, astrology is king here, and are preparing to attack the Federation.

Mr. Miao tried to make them his own, but the clones ignored him.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Mr. Miao created two copies of Zhai Chengyun.

As soon as the two Zhai Chengyun showed up, they were surrounded by dozens of Zhai Li clones.

Father's love is like a mountain, surrounded by mountains, which almost crushed them to death.

Chengyun and the other two didn't say anything, they just reluctantly called daddy.

The group of Zhai Li clones immediately left with Mr. Miao in a whimpering voice.

As for the planet that he has been operating for many years, he also gave it to Mr. Miao.

Zhai Li was used to being arrogant, and his clone also had a gangster air about him.

After realizing that there are still many Zhai Chengyun clones living outside.

Zhai Li's clones began their interstellar journey to find children.

Whenever he sees Zhai Chengyun's clone wandering outside, he will be knocked unconscious and taken back to the stronghold.

If he didn't meet his son but met Miao Zhen's clone, he would pack him up and take him away along the way.

Anyway, one is his son and the other is his son's partner, so it's right to take them back.

Zhai Li's clone robs people when he sees them, and robs ships when he sees them.

Zhai Chengyun was influenced by his father and followed him to rob homes and homes.

As a result, Mr. Miao's team grew rapidly.

After the android base was completely built, several Miao Zhen clones came over one after another and expressed their willingness to form an alliance.

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