This would be the first time ever those people fell prey to a king. How did he manage to do it?
Have I been underestimating him all along? Jungkook thought.
More and more worries just keep on squashing him under their weight.

"He must have invaded weeks back. There is a wall built up around the borders, its not concrete but thorny. There are soldiers all over the place. Its almost impossible to go inside without being detected. Even the people of our land are shifting places. Majesty, they no longer feel safe." Jimin voices his concern. This also meant another thing, Taehyung was closer than what Jungkook anticipated. Yon village was big and there was only one tribe near its borders and that gave a closer pathway directly towards Busan's centre.

He won't even need two days to reach here.
How is he able to do all this without fail? What kind of power does he hold? Jungkook who wasn't aware of Y/N's presence tsks loudly in annoyance. "How does he manage to do this!?"

"Its not him." Jungkook's neck snaps in the direction of her voice, surprised to see her there. Since when was she standing there? She looks him in the eye. "Its Namjoon." Did Namjoon support all this? Why would he be willing to do this and weave plans for his brother to win otherwise? She didn't expect this from him. She didn't expect this from anyone. She never met Namjoon in person but heard stories about how great and charming he was, from Taehyung. Was everyone showing their true colours now? Was everything in the past just a facade, an illusion?

Hoseok grunts when the guard pulls at the metal chains. All the Busan soldiers were made to stand in a straight line with the shackles on their wrists and ankles connected to each other. The guard in the front would pull at the chain and everyone behind would get pulled harshly, feeling the metal burn through their skin.

Hoseok was somewhat happy to finally see the open sky after such a long time. Even though the sky didn't seem welcoming enough, he was satisfied. Deep down he thought he'd never be able to witness the mother nature with his own eyes ever again. People living their regular lives truly take things for granted for this felt like heaven. Even with the chains restraining him, the painful whines from his fellow prisoners and no sign of humanity in the eyes of the monsters who tugged at their chains for fun, he couldn't stop looking up at the sky. But it seemed to be mourning. Its about to weep.
What could it be that made you suffer? He thought, staring at the thundering clouds.

"Stand straight!!" One of the Ulsan guards roared. "The king will be here. If I see anyone trying to pull any funny tricks, you'll be beheaded in an instant!!" Hoseok rolls his eyes subtly, finally coming down from his high and becoming aware of his surroundings. This wasn't Busan for sure. Could it be somewhere in Ulsan? Was Ulsan that poor to have their houses still be made of mud and straw? Why are they even destroying these houses? His eyes follows a few soldiers using their weapons to smash the walls of the tiny houses. A few acres of the area had already been cleared. That meant, the place he stood on was once someone's home.

He narrows his eyes when a symbol on one of the houses catches his eyes.
Celtic shield knot.

A symbol from a different origin, the tribals used it very often. It symbolised protection, a sign that was used to ward off enemies to demonstrate strength.

We stand on a Tribal's land? He almost stumbled, his knees buckling. Even though he was able to endure their torture for a fortnight, it didn't mean he enjoyed it or would like to relive those moments again. Those people could turn brutal if they ever felt threatened in any way. How were these people allowing another kingdom to invade them? Or was Ulsan strong enough to do it by force? 

"Your Majesty!" All the soldiers bow in unison when a certain someone comes out of a tent. A young man, probably in his early or mid twenties makes an appearance.

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