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Jungkook's pov:

I want to snap his neck with my bare hands and watch the gleaming life drain out of those monster like eyes. If I hated him before, I despised him now. I could feel the blood pumping in my veins, the feeling of wanting to skin him alive taking over to the point I almost let go of my composure and moved. Almost.

He was the reckless one here, not me. I had to keep calm and handle this while being level headed.
"What do you say?" He raises his eyebrows like he was having a casual talk about the weather. I just stare at him, trying to come up with a reason why he was so dear to her. Nothing satisfied the multiple questions rising in my mind and I was left pondering.

"I refuse." My decision may sound abrupt, irrational and without any proper thought. I was putting my men's lives at risk and it wasn't just one or two, there were 160 of them. But I was positive I'd find a way to save them. I had more years of experience than him, I am wiser than him, stronger than him, and he too knew that in a fair fight, he stood no chance against me.
But war is never fair.

And so he was playing dirty. He wouldn't be able to survive without it.

"There is no hurry. I want you to think it through. You would be jeopardizing your men's safety. Y/N wouldn't want some-"

"Another word about my queen and you'll see why you have to stoop so low to win against me." The seething venom and sharpness in my voice wasn't even close to the boiling hatred inside me. I may look calm on the outside, but in my head I've already killed this man in multiple gruesome and brutal ways all while enjoying the pain he suffers from.
He becomes quiet and his face becomes stoic, devoid of emotion.

He quickly puts the facade back on and tuts his chin high as if to challenge me.

"She has nothing but praises for you and here you stand making a deal with me, that I trade her to you." I glare at him without blinking. He didn't just hurt my pride but also disrespected Y/N.
For a second, for a fleeting moment, I see the real him.
Vulnerable and hurt.

He bounces back from it rather quickly.
"'Trade' would me a big word and even if you put it that way, in return I offer you world peace. Thats how much importance she holds."
"You treat her like a miracle blessed upon you by the heavens, I treat her like my Possession." He tilts his head to the side. "Both have their pros and cons. I don't see anything wrong with it."

"Glad to know you realise you treat her like an object." I clench my jaw so hard, its starting to get sour. How dare he say that? How dare he call her his possession?
She was, is and always will be mine. Even when she had no idea about her feelings, even when she had no relation with me, even when I didn't exist for her, she was mine.

She was born to be mine.

If he was implying just because I respect her and love her enough to do anything to see her happy to the point I'd let her go, and that made my feelings weak, He was wrong. True, I'd let her go if she wasn't happy with me but I'd make sure no other man lays eyes on her. I'd follow her like a shadow. She could live a life free of me but not with anyone else other than me.
If he was comparing the level of madness he could go to have her, he hadn't fully known me.

I would die for her. I would kill for her. I'd become the most hated man on earth, a twisted and morally corrupt if that meant she'd be safe.

I would wade wars for her.

I would destroy their peace if that meant she'd sleep peacefully at night.
I would see the world crumble just for mine to be happy.
I have always looked forward to see a world with no evil, living in peace and harmony. It was a dream I wanted to fulfill.

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