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Y/N's pov:

Sleep has hardly cooperated with me yet I refuse to let it become a hindrance to my daily work. I still go out and train even though Jimin wasn't in sight for a whole day, I take lessons to improve my knowledge about the kingdom's geography, history, the systems the people follow and I have become a part of the council and decision making. I've learnt to have a good control over my emotions. I don't let them slip out when with anyone else other than Jungkook. Basically, I act like a proud queen must.

But that doesn't let the growing tension in the walls get overlooked. The side eyes from the maids, the murmuring of the ministers, I notice it all but act like I don't see it but I can't act like it doesnt affect me. The more this happens, the more of a nuisance I feel like, a spoilt child that needs to be taken care of. I feel like the root cause of this rift between the kingdoms and its slowly growing on me.

"Should I prepare a bath for you, Majesty?" Miho asks politely. When she doesn't get a response, she speaks again.

"Hmm?" I quickly look at her. "Oh, no. Thank you, Miho." I give her a weak smile. I must thank Jungkook for providing me with such an understanding and sweet help. Miho might be the only exception amongst the workers of the castle who wasn't resenting me. We had no heart to heart talks, just stuck to work but an understanding silence is also of great comfort. I get why Jimin is head over heels for this woman. His entire personality changes when she is in the room.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She asks, frowning a little at my dull responses.

"No need for anything. You may leave." I say and turn around. I didn't want her to see through me. The unease and worry was consuming my existence, spreading through my body like a malignant cancer. But today, it was at its peak. Today was the second day! It has been two days since the argument between Taehyung and Jungkook took place.

I clutched my hands together, feeling them growing limp, shaking like a leaf and sweating profusely. I try to focus on the warm breeze blowing outside.

Did he really mean it? Was he really going to have his men murder innocent people just to have his way? And for what in return? Me? Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think he'd place a bet on me. Was that what I was to him? An object? I've known Taehyung my entire life. The younger me would never even consider the possibility of Taehyung trying to hurt and kill people for his own personal benefit. This doesnt even sound like him. Where is that sweet boy who would steal bread loafs from his royal kitchen and crossed forests to have them with me? Where was the boy who's only purpose for being the king was bringing peace? I'm not a very good judge of character but I always thought he was good at heart. Was I wrong?

It isn't too late, Tae. Come back while you still can.

"I see. Then I'll take my leave." Miho bows behind me and leaves the room leaving me alone with the chaos in my head. The door opens again and I instantly recognise the footsteps.

I turn to see him slouching and sulking. He must have been scolded again. "What was it this time? History?" I smile and sit on the bed, patting it.

"Can you please tell brother that I don't need lessons anymore?" Soobin drags his feet to the bed before dropping on it. A typical mischievous teenager who hates to study and loves to do physical training for it seems more manly.

"Why don't you tell him yourself?" I watch him place his elbows on his knees and dropping his head like a lifeless object.

He laughs a little. "I don't want to die so early, Your Majesty. Thank you for the advise." I've seen how Jungkook treats Soobin. He is really hard on him and expects him to do everything perfectly but that is because he loves his younger brother unconditionally. He wants Soobin to become responsible before he grows up.

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