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Author's pov:

The sudden loud sound forced them to pull out of their fantasies. Y/N almost jumped back with a jolt while Jungkook clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tightly. He was annoyed would be an understatement.
This better be worth my time.

Y/N was already going out of the room to check what had happened while he quickly followed behind. As they walked towards the source of the sound, Jungkook gently pulled Y/N behind him and walked towards the kitchen." Stay behind me." Their footsteps stopped near the entrance of the kitchen. He bent his body forward to look inside. Y/N tried to take a peek as well but was stopped when his arm pressed her on his back, still not changing his posture.

Just a second later, she heard him huff and loosen his rigid stance. His body suddenly radiated an annoyed aura. Before she could ask him about the noise, a purr echoed followed by meowing of a cat. Y/N's eyes widened with realization.

She quickly walked inside to see the bowl full of milk on the floor with the milk splattered all over the place. The cat licked the milk not acknowledging the two individuals, one- having thoughts of murder, second- having a look of mesmerisation.

"Oh! Finally." She clapped her hands together as quietly as possible and giggled. The man behind her looked at her with confusion." I always kept the window open expecting this kitty to come and drink the milk. She finally came back." She turned towards Jungkook wanting to share her enthusiasm with him but he could only stare at her blankly. Her enthusiasm died down as she tried to explain herself." What? I rescued her a few weeks back but she ran away the next day despite the injured leg. So I always kept some milk in the open, if she ever wanted to return."
The man could only nod in acknowledgment. What was he suppose to do? Be happy with her? No matter how pitiful this cat's story might be he couldn't help but see it as the villain of his own story." Hi there, kitty-" the cat hissed at her making her step back "- okay, okay. I'll leave." She smiled in satisfaction, about to turn again. Frowning at feeling a sticky substance on the fingertips, she lifted her hand to see the remnants of the paste. All the things came back to her like a flood from a broken dam making her cheeks turn red. She did not want to turn anymore.
What. Just. Happened? What would have gone down if the cat did not interrupt?

Oh my goodness!! How could I do such a thing? How did my conscious allow me to do it? It was as if someone had put a spell on me.

Clearing her throat she turned around looking down, glancing at him once or twice." Um, I- I should go sleep. Its late." Saying that, she almost ran out not even giving him a chance to speak.

He sighed as his shoulders slouched. Glaring at the cat, he mumbled "- choke on that milk." And sulked his way back to the room. Even though he was a little disappointed, he surely will play those scenes on repeat the entire night.
Thats enough for today, I guess.


The morning meal the following day was more than awkward. Y/N had sworn to not meet his eyes, while serving, while eating and even while talking. He tried his best to make small talk but she replied with just a 'hm' or 'yes' or 'oh'. How ironic! The man who hardly ever said anything was trying to get the chatty bird to speak.

She was again testing his patience. It annoyed him to death but he didn't want to force her to be comfortable with him again. Give her time to digest the fact on her own pace.
What was the fact anyway? That I want to chomp on those cute cheeks.

Yes! This is so out of character for me.

They soon left for their stipulated work. Y/N was hardly able to concentrate on her work, mind going back to the previous night. His skin was smooth and rough at the same time. She wanted to mindlessly run her hands all over. Even though nothing much happened, they both knew they had somewhat crossed the fine line that made their bond feel like a forbidden one. The most concerning part for her was that she wasnt feeling guilty. She was about to do something erotic with a man she just met a week ago, someone she hardly knew anything about. But hardly those thoughts were crossing her mind, rather she focused on how lustful his eyes looked, on how he looked at her like she was a full course meal. She wanted to touch him again. Just the skinship was driving them crazy. What would the actual thing do?

Before she realised, it was already afternoon. After closing the shop, Y/N made her way back to the cottage to prepare food for herself and Jungkook. She was already coming up with scenarios about how to react to anything that happens in the farm. While on the way to the fields, she talked to herself making the passerbys to look at her weirdly. 

When she reached, she saw Jungkook working in the middle of the field, pulling the plough behind him. His friend, Ji ho stood there and watched a bit anxiously. Y/N always wondered why his reactions were so anxious or nervous. Jungkook was sweating buckets making his white shirt, now transparent shirt stick to his body. Clearing her throat, Y/N waited for him to notice her presence. When he did, he dropped the tool immediately and huffed. She saw him breathing heavily as he cracked his neck tilting his head back, face towards the sky. After taking a deep breath he began walking towards her. She also noticed his legs tremble as he walked.
He must be tired.

Ji ho followed Jungkook in close proximity but did not come near for a conversation with Y/N. She again found it weird but let it go. Jungkook sat on his fixed spot as Y/N passes him a bottle of water. Without saying anything, he grabbed it and almost gulped down the entire thing in one go." You should take a break." Her lips involuntarily formed a pout as she took in his state.

"You finally decided to talk?" The sarcasm did not go unnoticed nor did he want to hide it. She did not expect him to be so blunt about it. Clearing her throat, she passed him the box, completely ignoring his question." Going back to stage one again." This time annoyance was more prominent than sarcasm.

He gripped the box and pulled at it, but she did not let go, making him look at her again." Seriously Soobin-shi, take a break. You'll faint otherwise." Letting the box go, she turned around, not before giving an acknowledging bow to Ji ho, who immediately returned the gesture.

As Y/N walked away, she couldn't help but think- why is he so persistent for my attention?

What would he do once its over?

Is it just lust?

Will he leave me like a used rag doll?

What if he only sees it as a one time thing?

Is it just me who's romanticizing all of this?

"I wish to marry her." Jungkook spoke to his advisor while his eyes followed the woman like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

"The lady is a commoner, Your Majesty." The advisor's voice was laced with fear. This was what he was afraid of.

"And?" The king turned to look at the man causing him to flinch at his place. The resolve in Jungkook's eyes was terrifying him.
How was that woman able to get so deep into his conscious?
How is he so sure in such a short span of time?

"M-Majesty, if you allow me, may I ask you something?" Ji ho fixed his glasses again. On getting an approving nod from the king, he proceeded." Are you sure about this? Your decision can lead to an internal cold war in the royal family. Are you willing to go through it now that an actual war is knocking on our doors?"

Jungkook's eyes were still stuck on the almost disappearing figure of the woman in question." I have never been so sure in my entire life, Ji ho."


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