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Author's pov:

Castle of Ulsan:

Underground dungeons~

The man screamed his gut out making his cell mate go quick on his feet. He latched onto the steel bars of the cell and called out for a guard. "Yah! He needs help." The guards turned deaf to his calls and stood unaffected. "Yah!!" He screamed, pulling at the rods.

The agonising scream of the wounded man behind him made his face scrunch up in worry but his face soon turned clueless when the man threw himself at him. "W-what are you doing?"

"I need to get out of here! Get me out of here!! My bone is shattered. I can't walk!! I don't care about the darn kingdom anymore. I NEED OUT!!" the force of his hands almost ripped off his already worn out clothes. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" From the corner of his eyes he saw the soldiers coming his way.

"Ahh! He bit me." He brought his neck closer to the wounded man's face and hit his knee on his groin. The man who was already at the verge of insanity grew more angry and actually bit his neck hard, drawing out blood. "H-he's gone crazy. He's crazy!!" He pushed the man away just when the soldier opened the cell. "H-he's become a cannibal. He can't be trusted.." He stepped away and latched onto the guard's arm. "Please save me from me. I beg-"

"ENOUGH!" The guard pushed him away making his weak body fall on the floor. A sigh left his mouth when he saw the guard call for the others. The wounded man just kept on mumbling 'Get me out of here' like a chant. He looked like a maniac.

"Put this guy in the other cell." A guard held him by his collar and dragged him out of the cell to the one infront of his previous one.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" the wounded man now attacked the guard but was too weak to fight. A hard push and he flew back. A crack was heard and he began crying in misery.

"Lets observe him for another day. If he keeps on acting like this, kill him off." Now the crazy man was alone in his cell while his cell mate sighed in relief when he saw the guards walk away.

He finally decided to acknowledge the pain he felt on his neck. "Agh~" he touched the spot and saw fresh blood. "Shit! He really is crazy."

"Is he really?" He flinched on hearing a voice behind him. It completely slipped out of his mind that he got a new cell mate now.


"I just saw the entire thing."

"And?" He walked and sat infront of the new guy against the opposite wall.

"He isn't crazy, just desperate to get out of here. Just like you and me."

"He was ready to spill information about his own kingdom. I can't afford that. It was necessary to make them believe his word can't be trusted anymore." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You still care about your kingdom?" There was surprise in his voice.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Look at yourself. You look and smell like poop. Everyday, you get a few punches in from these guys. The food is just disgusting and my beautiful teeth were about to crack because of it. I find worms in the water." He pointed at the mud pot at one corner of the cell. "How much more miserable can life get? You're here because You were too loyal to your kingdom and what does it do for you in return?" He gritted his teeth. "It forgets that you even existed."

"There are too many soldiers to keep track of all of them." He again shrugged his shoulders.

"Seriously? Thats your excuse." He scoffed.

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