Except for those who were introduced by the fake Taoist priests, the rest were a group of people with extraordinary status.

It is divided into four large blocks.

Film and television appreciation area, offline exorcism channel, video shopping area and mutual aid channel.

It doesn't sound like a problem.

But Li Mantong couldn't even tell the contents involved.

Miao Zhen already knew what the exorcism ceremony meant when he was at the Snow Mountain Hot Spring Hotel.

The channel on the website is where a group of scum signed up to get together and use the opportunity of traveling to do such dirty things.

The videos they took were processed and sent to the film and television area.

Video shopping to buy live people.

There are men and women, all of them have been processed.

For adults, their photos, education, and biographies will be displayed on the page.

For minors, their parents' information will be displayed.

The price is clearly marked, and you can do whatever you want with it after you buy it.

Mutual aid channels sound nice, but they are just bad guys exchanging experiences.

The gummy bears that Reporter Nie and Reporter Wang Jiaojiao jointly secretly tracked down were actually neither a person nor an organization.

It is a code word that represents a little girl.

There are also fruit candies, which refer to little boys.

There are many code words in it, all referring to goods and shipping methods.

Free shipping means that the website's own contact person will deliver the child all the way to the buyer.

If the purchaser is an adult, the person who has been brainwashed and has lost the ability to resist himself will ride on his own.

Pretend to be a tourist and go to the designated location. The buyer will then take it back and call it self-collection.

During Reporter Nie's previous unannounced visit, his wife and children were deceived by the Three Luck Spiritual Gods.

They were taken away in the name of summer camp and brainwashed, and then the buyer picked them up.

According to the old Taoist priest, the summer camp is not a formal channel and there is no official record.

Those who participate are equivalent to getting on a black bus. No matter whether they are smart or quick-reacting, once they get in, they can never get out.

After Li Mantong finished speaking, he squatted on the ground and cried.

She cried and cursed, "How can people's hearts be so bad?"

Wu Chengfeng also squatted on the side, stabbing the wooden man hard with his hand.

When he hit the wooden hammer, the old Taoist priest in the interrogation room screamed.

The police officer in charge of the interrogation acted as if he couldn't hear him and picked him up to continue the interrogation.

Wu Chengfeng banged the wooden hammer.

Sooner or later, he will be able to hammer the old Taoist priest to death.

Police began tracking that network.

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