It could be seen that he was quite scared. When he saw Miao Zhen coming, he stuck directly to Miao Zhen's side.

After taking two steps, she turned her head and looked at him with admiration.

Miao Zhen smiled at him, and Xiao Sun blushed.

He leaned forward a little nervously, "Master, can you tell fortunes? Can you help me see if I'm safe this time?"

Miao Zhen was amused. He patted Xiao Sun on the back and said, "Yes, just stay with Xiao Sun and you will be fine."

The middle-aged couple traveling with them were named Liu.

Mr. Liu is addicted to smoking and has been looking for a place to smoke.

Ms. Liu was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes and looked very irritable.

Several people searched around the indoor hot spring, but couldn't see anyone.

Mr. Liu spat, "Can you please? It's already past twelve o'clock. It's not my child who is missing. Whoever you want to look for is looking for me. I want to go back to sleep!"

Ms. Liu also yawned. She sat down on the chair by the hot spring and did not get up.

"Then take a rest?" Waiter Xiao Sun knew that someone was about to die.

The manager repeatedly ordered that no matter what means were used, the guests must be prevented from returning to their rooms.

The single mother almost ran out of tears.

She called the child all the way and was now licking her lips.

Xiao Sun looked around and said hesitantly: "How about I get you two drinks? We'll continue looking after we finish."

Seeing the two men nodding, Xiao Sun glanced at Miao Zhen eagerly.

The vending machine is very close. Go out from the other side of the indoor hot spring and turn a corner to reach it.

But Xiao Sun didn't dare to go alone.

Miao Zhen thought for a while.

After all, there is a blind spot there, and the ground is slippery, making it difficult to run around.

Even if Xiao Sun dares to go, Miao Zhen will not ask him to go alone.

Might as well let him stay here.

Thinking of this, Miao Zhen stood up and said, "I'd better buy it, little monk."

He winked at Xiao Sun, who nodded to express his understanding.

Miao Zhen came to the vending machine alone, selected four drinks, and was bending down to stuff money into it.

Suddenly, I heard the frightened scream of a single mother coming from the indoor hot spring.

Then the shouts of the other three people also rang out.

Miao Zhen didn't care about taking out the drink. He ran back quickly, only to see several people huddled aside, looking in one direction in fear.

Miao Zhen followed their gaze and saw the bench where they had rested before.

There is a decorative potted plant behind the bench, with an eyeball lying inside.

The single mother's face was pale, and she could barely stand still only with the support of her grandson.

The middle-aged couple hugged each other, and Ms. Liu was crying and obviously frightened.

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