Although Oscar told Mer not to get excited, he forgot that Mer had never ridden in a car before. When they got in, Mer was really enthralled with everything and was even awing at the scenery flying by, but soon he started getting sick and ended up throwing up in a bag that Oscar happened to find. Once they got to the department store, Oscar parked the car and came around the other side. He took the bag from Mer and threw it away in the trashcan next to the car and helped him out of it.

"I honestly didn't think about the fact that you've never ridden in a car before. I'm sorry."

I do not like your fast wheely metal box! Mer signed largely.

Oscar laughed. "Well, unfortunately, you're going to have to take the wheely metal box back to the house." Mer looked horrified. "Don't worry, I'll get you something to help with the motion sickness. Also, not looking out the window helps."

Mer looked unhappy but he trusted Oscar and followed him into the store. Mer was amazed at the store and was very intrigued by how humans had so many things for so many things. They walked to the men's section and Oscar started grabbing stuff for Mer to try on but Mer wanted to go to the concession stand that was at the front.

"We'll get over there eventually. We need to try these clothes on first."

I am fine in these ones. I want the fluffy corn.

"We can get popcorn on the way out. It won't take that long to figure stuff out, okay? Can you hold out for like an hour? And when did you like popcorn?"

I have always liked fluffy corn.

"Not to this extent. You had it once, if I recall."

Mer frowned as he crossed his arms and watched the people around him. People were looking at him and staring at him, making him uncomfortable. He scooted closer to Oscar as Oscar finished piling the clothing into the cart.

"Okay, just try these on and then we will go from there, okay?" He looked up, noticing the apprehension of his friend. "Mer? You okay?"

People are staring at me.

Oscar looked at Mer's bright blue hair and smiled. "They're curious about your hair. Here on land, we have very boring colors for hair. Anyone with bright hair like yours is kind of viewed a little different."

Am I being rude?

"Nah, they are actually. They shouldn't stare at people... Anyway, come on."

Mer followed Oscar to the changing room and he handed him the allotted number of clothing. The woman led him to an open room and Mer looked around for a second. Oscar came up behind him, pushing the door open.

"Come on."

Mer obliged and went inside.


After a few minutes, Mer had finished trying on the clothing. Most of it felt annoying and itchy to Mer and a few of them were a bit tight. As he pulled the sweatpants back up again to leave the dressing room, Mer looked at himself in the mirror. He blinked at it, not having seen himself in a long time. He looked completely different than before... He stared at himself for a long time before he breathed in and grabbed the shirt Oscar let him borrow. As he moved to put the shirt on, he turned a little and happened to see something off about himself. He frowned and raised up the shirt, looking at his stomach. There was a bit of roundness to the bottom of his torso than he remembered. He made a face and touched the protrusion, wondering what it could be when there was a sudden knock on the door. Mer almost jumped a mile high from the fright and quickly yanked the door open.

Oscar and Mer 🍆🪼Where stories live. Discover now