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After they ate dinner and watched a movie, it was time for them to go to bed. Oscar headed to his room and went to close the door but found Mer was right behind him.

"What's up?"

I am going to sleep.

"Your bedroom is over there." Oscar said, pointing.

Mer looked over at it and then back at Oscar. He rubbed his arm a little.

I sleep better with you.



"I'm... flattered that you seem to get better sleep with me around but I unfortunately can't say the same. You squirm way too much and we also end up in weird positions when you're there. Nothing sexual, but just... not comfortable. I have to get some sleep, man." Mer looked upset and Oscar touched his shoulder. "I'm sorry, okay?"

You slept fine last night and I didn't have any nightmares.

Oscar sighed, knowing Mer was right and really didn't have any other reason why he couldn't sleep in his bed. Plus, it was proven twice that if he slept near Oscar that his nightmares seemed to not flair up so badly.

"Fine, I guess... Just make sure you brush your teeth."

Mer grinned and he immediately went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Oscar sighed and took off his shirt as he sat down on the bed and went to the alarm section of his phone. The weather said that it should be clear in the morning before it started storming again, so he wanted to try and take a run. Mer came back out and went to the other side of the bed, snuggling into the sheets. Oscar went and brushed his teeth as well and then got in the bed. Mer rolled over and put his head on Oscar's shoulder but Oscar moved his shoulder, pushing Mer away.

"Can you not sleep all over me?"

Mer frowned. Why are you being mean?

"You're being clingy."

I'm doing what I have been. You're being touchy.

"Maybe I just don't want you to touch me. I'm just not in the mood to cater to you."

Mer stared at Oscar for a moment and then got up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going? I thought that sleeping here helps with the nightmares."

You're being mean. Is this because of the Trent?

"What would Trent have to do with me not wanting you to be clingy?"

Because he hurt you and when you are hurt you... you push people away and are mean.

"I'm sorry if that's what it seems like but I just really want to get some sleep. The last couple times we have been at the brink of sleep when we passed out but this is a little different."

I hope my nightmares keep you up all night. he said with a frown and then sent an explicative to Oscar before opening and shutting the door.

Oscar laid in bed after Mer left and wondered why he really was upset. Mer was right and he didn't have issues before, so what had changed? The only defining factor seemed to be Trent but Oscar didn't get what that had to do with Mer either. He turned over in the bed, confused and ready to tell Mer he was sorry the next day.



It had been four years since Oscar had met Mer and he and his father had been coming to the beach house every summer since. Things were great up until the year between then and now. Isaiah ended up meeting a woman named Vanessa and soon he was married to her, making her Oscar's stepmother. Oscar didn't have any issues towards Vanessa but he didn't really like her being around. He missed it just being him and his dad and although Vanessa didn't try to overstep her bounds as his 'new mother', her presence still left a sour taste in Oscar's mouth. With all the stress of his father dating and marrying someone else, trying to get used to her taking up his father's attention, and going into high school, Oscar began to stress eat, gaining a lot of weight between the summers. With the added weight, it added more stress, and it made him self-conscious about his body. Isaiah hoped that this trip to the beach house would improve his son's spirits.

Oscar and Mer 🍆🪼Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora