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Oscar didn't know what happened, but he knew something weird definitely happened with Mer. He kept touching his lips and playing with them a little. Every time he went in to check on him, he also felt like he was blushing. What exactly happened between Mer basically trapping him on the bed and when he ended up on the floor? He didn't think Mer was going to tell him and so he went to the studio to see what pictures he could take to the aquarium to try and sell. He didn't want to take too many... He looked through a few of the paintings he had in the corner and decided to bring three of the small ones and one of the medium sized pictures. He yawned and walked out of the studio with the pictures in hand and was heading to the hall closet to get the large portfolio folder when he heard Mer crying in the bathroom. Oscar stopped for a moment and then decided to just finish his task before getting into what was happening with Mer.

After making sure his paintings were set in the portfolio binder and weren't going to fall out, Oscar went to the door and knocked on it.

"Mer? You alright in there?"

He didn't answer and so he tried the doorknob to see if it was unlocked. Luckily it was and so he opened the door. Mer was laying against the toilet, half asleep. Oscar walked over and bent down in front of him. Mer's eyes flickered over to him and he watched him for a moment.

"You okay?" Mer shook his head. "You still feel sick?" Mer nodded. "You want some help?" Mer nodded again. "Are you going to push me away?" Mer thought for a moment and then gave a small shrug.

Oscar smiled a little and stood up to get in position to be able to carry Mer out of the bathroom. He grabbed under him and hefted him up bridal style. Mer laid his head on Oscar's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry if I did something to make you mad a minute ago." Mer looked up at him. "You seemed to have pushed me off the bed and was very angry. I'm sorry if I caused a problem but I mean... you wouldn't let go..."

It wasn't you. Mer signed.

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Would you tell me if it wasn't?" He nodded. "I feel like you wouldn't." Mer just smiled a little, leaning his head back onto Oscar's chest. "You're a lot heavier than you look. I keep thinking you're really light and then I try to carry you and I feel like my arms are about to fall off."

You don't have to carry me. I can walk.

"Every time I've seen you, you look like you're having a lot of trouble with it."

I just haven't gotten used to them yet.

"I think you just secretly like me carrying you everywhere." He said with a grin.

Mer smiled, listening to Oscar's heartbeat. Maybe... You feel safe.

"If it makes you feel safe, then I don't mind doing it."

I know I... I know I bother you and you can't sleep. You don't have to take care of me.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Because it causes too much trouble.

"I'm sure I was a lot of trouble when I needed it back then and you were there to help me through all my issues. Let me just be your friend and repay the favor. I'm not doing this to gain something out of it; I'm doing it because you're my best friend and you were in pain. You're still in pain, but that's not for me to dictate. I'll be here and I'll help you no matter what."

I know... Thank you...

"No problem."

He got back to the room and laid Mer down on the bed, pulling the covers over him and touching his forehead again. The fever was still there but this seemed to be one of those rare lucid moments for Mer.

Oscar and Mer 🍆🪼Where stories live. Discover now