"I wanted to be here for you through the last stage of your pregnancy," I replied, and she flushed. "Uh... Are you lacking anything in the house?"

"No... The only thing worrying me right now is the baby's room. Paul already stays in one and I don't know what to do with the baby's room. The design and all."

I stayed quiet as I thought of what to do. I could surprise her with the baby's room. I wanted to do everything that would make her happy and if she told me to jump off a bridge, I would. I was that desperate to make everything right... for our relationship.

"Paul will be staying with my mom. Andrea will be arriving in a few days to stay with me."

Was I not needed?

She gave me a look before she rolled her eyes.

"I already know what you're thinking but no... Anyway, I have to head to school for some registration for the new session."

Classic Jackie Garner. She was the nerd I fell in love with after all. She was on the verge of giving birth and she still thought of school.

She got off the seat and patted me on the shoulder before walking away. Once she was out of earshot, I pulled out my phone and started looking up stores online that sold baby room items. I found a lot and started to scroll through the perfect color palette for every item. I bought a bed, a shelf, some toys, curtains, rugs, baby chairs, diapers, and clothes then some blue and white paints. Once I was done, I ordered the items and smiled, feeling satisfied.

With those on their way, I went upstairs and walked into the unused room. It was perfect and faced the airy part of the room. I walked into the room and in my mind's eye, I started to picture me and Jackie taking care of our son in the room. It made me smile goofily before I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard babbling coming from outside the room.

I walked out of the room and craned my head to hear where the sounds were coming from. My eyes darted to the door adjacent to where I was standing. I walked over to it and opened the door and the first thing I noticed was the bright yellow painting of the room full of toys, a baby bed, a bed for an adolescent. The room was different from what was here before and I wondered if this was our son's room until I spotted Paul, sitting on his bed.

My heart warmed at the sight of him staring at me with wide curious eyes and tiny hands gripping the railings of his bed as he stood on the bed. I approached him and pinched his cheek, making him grin, showing me his two front teeth. My heart melted at the sight of them and how cute he looked.

"Hey, little man. How are you?" I asked and he said something in his baby language then stretched his arms out. I took that as a sign and lifted him into my arms.

I hissed when he immediately grabbed my hair and pulled at it. I groaned and forced his hand away from it and glared playfully at him.

"Really, little man? Is that a way to say hi? Don't tell me this is what you do to my girlfriend," I said to him as if he understood what I was saying.

I think he did because he started to babble and form spittle at the same time. I spotted a face towel hanging on the railing of his bed and took it then wiped his mouth. After I was done, I made my way to the white couch in the corner of the room and sat on it. I sat him down on my lap and stared at him. If anyone would look at us, they would think he belonged to me biologically.

Cindy abandoning such a cute baby made me feel bad and I hated how Jackie was forced to take care of something I started. The guilt in me made me want to hit myself so hard. Jackie deserved the best and I would understand her if she chose not to end up with me. She deserved someone better than me after all the shit I put her through.

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