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Lucas' POV

The events of yesterday went with me to sleep and woke up with me. It was like a second skin on my body. It was hard to get rid of or put as a dream that never happened and I was bound to realize as one. No, it wasn't and that scared me to shit.

How could it be that I had a brother? Another sibling that wasn't Axel or Ruth.

After that man introduced himself as my brother, I walked out with a short laugh. I had been confused and pissed off at the same time. My family was full of shit so I felt it was all a lie but deep down I could tell it wasn't. Even though our genes were strong, making it easy for almost everyone in our family to share the same features, this man, Matt was polar opposite and that made me feel it could not be possible but yet again, with the lies I grew up with, it was possible that he was related to me.

I sighed and got out of bed then crossed over to the window. I leaned on it and stared at the activities below. The people walking back and forth and the cars driving by. The more I stared at the people going about their business, I wished my life was like theirs, even though I knew everyone had problems of theirs. I wanted to be a different person, away from problems. I ran away from my family issues yet here I was again, facing them.

My body stiffened when I heard my phone ringing behind me. I didn't want to speak to anyone, and it hurt that I was ignoring Jackie's calls, but I needed to have space. I let the phone ring out and for a few seconds, the person did not call again. A minute after, the phone rang again and I huffed then turned around, ready to answer the call.

I got to the bed and snatched up the phone then raised it up. It was an unknown number calling and as much as I wanted to ignore it, it could be important. I swiped my thumb over the screen, answering it then pressed the device to my ear.


"Hello, brother."

It was Matt and my heart ached at his response. I frowned and glared at the wall facing me. He was beginning to piss me off with this brother thing.

"What do you want, and I am not your fucking brother. You are just a person I met once and hope to never see."

He laughed. "We don't even have issues. Why are you so cold?"

I didn't know why but everything about this just pissed me off. Plus, the fact that he wanted the shares I had.

"Listen, Lucas. You and I need to talk. I am sure that you have questions that need answers. I have them. Besides, you and I have very important things to discuss. Don't think because you walked off like a kid, that it will stop me from getting those shares. I will be leaving Atherton tonight and I better see you tomorrow. Oh... your girlfriend needs to be cautioned. She better not cross my limits again."

Before I could warn him not to do anything to Jackie, he ended the call. I yanked the phone from my ear and glared at the device. Who did he think he was to threaten my woman and think I would accept it.

In worry, I dialed Jackie's phone and impatiently waited for her to answer. I assumed she would be angry as I have been ignoring her calls, but she needed to pick up. I was worried, especially when they knew each other.


I exhaled in relief when I heard her voice. I swallowed and sat on the bed.

"Jackie? Baby, are you okay?"

She was quiet for some seconds before she hummed and sighed.

"Lucas. Seriously, why haven't you been picking up? Do you even know why I was calling you? You didn't even call back. What the fuck?"

When Bad Boys Fall IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin