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Lucas' POV

Before I knew it, Jackie had gone into active labor, close to delivery and was rushed into the labor room. I thought I had been restless hours ago, but now, I feel worse. It was around three in the morning that her contraction got worse and when the doctor and nurses had come to check her, they said she was dilated enough to be in the labor room.

Now, I was stuck between going into the room to be with her or dying of worry out here in the hallway. I was partially less worried, just by a very tiny percent, because Andrea was in there with her but that was not enough. I wanted to be with Jackie, by her side. I got her pregnant and the thought of her being there alone, without me, the father of the child, made me feel guilty. It didn't help that I could also hear the pained screams of other women coming from two rooms.

I slid down the wall and sat on the floor, not giving a fuck if it was a hospital floor. I was nervous, sweating and had a funny feeling in my stomach. I wanted Jackie to make it alive, with our baby.

I heard rushed footsteps and looked in the direction of the sound. Both my mom and Jackie's were heading toward me with Ruth who had Paul in her arms. I got to my feet when they got close and dusted my ass.

"How is she?" Her mother asked.

"I don't know."

"Has anyone told you anything about her or—"

"I don't know," I cut my mother off. I was not in the fucking mood to answer stupid questions. All I wanted to know was if my girl was okay.

One of the double doors opened and a nurse stepped out. I stood straight when she looked in our direction.

"Is everything alright?" Jackie's mother asked.

The nurse sighed. "Are you her boyfriend?"

"Yes!" I answered and closed in on her. "What happened? Is she okay, nurse?"

"She needs you inside with her. Come with me to get changed."

A wave of relief went through me at the statement, then she walked back into the room. I looked at the others and nodded at them before entering the room. I was in a short hallway and toward the end of it, stood the nurse holding some folded blue material. I rushed over to her and stared.

"Stretch your arms in front of you," she said, and I quickly did.

She opened up the folded material and I was able to see it was some sort of coverall. She wore me the coverall and went behind me then tied it tightly around my waist before coming to stand beside me.

"Come wash your hands."

I followed her to a sink in the corner and washed my hands so much that I was sure that I washed out every germ before she motioned for me to follow her. I swallowed as we walked back to the double doors. She opened it with her back and the first thing I saw was Jackie lying inclined in the middle of the room with her legs parted with the doctor and nurses moving around the room. When she groaned, I rushed over to her side and took her hand in mine, getting her attention.

"Lucas," she said my name in a hoarse voice. "I'm scared."

"I'm here for you. I am here for you, Jackie. You don't have to worry about anything. We're in this together." I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed the back of it.

She cried out and clenched my hand hard while slightly twisting her body with her other hand on her stomach. She arched her back and threw her head back, crying out more. She was in pain and the urge to scream at them to do something was heavy on me but I knew they did their jobs. I just hated seeing her this way. Heck, I think one child is enough for the both of us. Two even, counting Paul, when we legally adopt him.

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