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I did not understand what he was trying to say. His expression, body language, and tone of voice were not helpful to me at this moment.

"What... What do you mean?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Look, I understand that you may not like Cindy or everything about this situation... But leave the child out of this."

I gasped in disbelief. My eyes widened and my mouth stayed open in shock. I couldn't help but chortle.

"Wait... Are you trying to tell me that you're blaming me for this?"

"Yes," he retorted. "I am blaming you. What is wrong with you? I hate Cindy, yes but I will never be so careless! What if the child had died?! Do you even think for someone who claims to be intelligent? How could you leave a child unattended and have him almost swallowing something hazardous?!"

I slapped him across the cheek, sending his face sideways. My eyes were already brimmed with tears and my heart was pounding in anger.

"Don't you even dare try to say that to me!"

"I don't care what you want me to say. I don't care if you are my girlfriend or the mother of my child! Do not act irresponsibly! I trusted you to keep an eye on him and you, with your hate, almost made him die!"

I was in full rage. I could not believe he was saying this. I could not believe that he was not choosing to let me explain.

"Yes! Yes, it was my fault but I will never hurt an innocent child! I would never do such a thing! Lucas, why are you attacking me instead of her who cannot stay with her child for once?! I didn't do anything."

We didn't say anything after a few seconds and I felt as if he was not believing me. I sighed and bowed my head to avoid looking at him.

"I'm sorry for being careless. I should have been better," I said and sniffed. "I know there's a possibility that he's your son and that you're doing out of parental instinct but don't you ever assume shit about me."

With that, I walked to the front door. I wasn't expecting him to call me back so I quickly left the house and shut the door in the same way Elizabeth had done. I pulled out my phone and quickly called Axel.


"Axel... I need you, please," I said in a broken tone.

"Who hurt you?" His voice was dark.


"I am going to kill my brother!"

I held Axel's hand, stopping him from starting the car. I shook my head at him and his frown became darker.

"There's no point. His anger is valid to some point but he's a bastard for trying to blame me," I said and Axel scoffed.

"I'm sorry that this is happening. Cindy has always been a manipulative bitch. If she wants something, she'll do everything to get it and Lucas is on her hit list."

I leaned against the cold window and stared at the people walking back and forth.

"First Maddy, now Cindy. Why am I cursed with bad luck? Did my parents do something that had bad luck placed on me?"

"Don't say that... Look, we have to make Lucas understand that it wasn't your fault. Fuck, I'm sure he knows but he's been too emotional right now and lord knows what that girl has said to him at the hospital," Axel said and took my hand in his. "Besides, you have me to stay by your side if things get messy."

I cracked a smile and faced Axel. His eyes held so much kindness and the small smile on his lips made me smile wider.

"Thank you, Axel. I needed a friend and you're the best one I knew."

He grinned. "Of course I am."

The car was in a comfortable silence until his phone rang. I glanced at the screen of the phone that was between our seats and raised an eyebrow at Lucas' name on the call. He grabbed the phone and accepted the call, then placed it against his ear.

"You've got the nerve to call me. What the fuck do you want?"

I could hear Lucas speak but not his words. So, I faced away, minding my business even if I knew it was my business.

"You are the most disgusting piece of shit and I hate how related I am with you. Don't you dare call my number until I call you... Bitch."

The call ended and I looked at Axel.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to know where you were and he was trying to tell me what happened and I didn't care to know."

I sighed. "You don't have to fight with your brother."

"Huh? I will kill anyone if they try to hurt you. You matter to me."

I smiled at his passionate words and grabbed his hand in mine. I squeezed it and chuckled.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," he said with a wink.


Axel took me home later that night and I had to force him to not follow me inside before he left angrily. After a count of ten, I walked into the house and smelled food. I knew it wasn't Cindy as I have never seen her in the kitchen before but I was curious.

With a deep sigh, I made my way toward the entrance of the kitchen, and what I saw made my insecurities about our relationship get worse. Lucas and Cindy were sitting at the counter with the baby on a child's seat. Lucas was trying to feed the baby while Cindy went through some bottles of medicine. I scooted away from the door to peep when I noticed that they had not spotted me.

I bit my lip when I saw Cindy drop the medicine and hold her head between her hands. Lucas immediately placed a hand on her back and patted her back before feeding the baby again.

"I feel like a bad mother... It's been just me and my baby and I know I am still new to this but today made me feel so bad. It's all my fault. Jackie is right, I'm such a bad person."

I looked at Lucas when he dropped the baby spoon he was holding.

"Don't say that. It was an accident and none of this is your fault. I should not have left him with Jackie. I'm sorry this happened."

Cindy sniffed and raised her head to look at him. There were tears in her eyes and stress was written all over her face.

"Thank you so much, Lucas. It's because of you that my baby is fine. I'm so glad you were with me."

When Cindy hugged him, he hesitantly hugged back and I moved away. My heart was shattering and I was growing sadder. I bit down hard on my trembling lip and rolled my eyes to stop the tears from falling.

I took a deep breath and moved away from the wall then walked into the kitchen, startling them. They pulled away from each other and I kept my eyes ahead. I stopped in front of the fridge and opened it.

"You've got the nerve to show your face around here. You can't even apologize or even ask about the baby."

Cindy's voice annoyed the hell out of me but I pushed the annoyance away and grabbed a bottle of soda and ice cream. I closed the fridge and went over to the sink.

"Did Lucas tell you yet?" Cindy asked and chuckled.

My eyes lifted from the items in my hands to the window in front of me. I looked over my shoulder to stare. Lucas was back to feeding the baby while she stared at me.

"Lucas doesn't want you living here," Cindy said.

A/n: Drama has begun. Haha.

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