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Jackie's POV

I ignored the pain I was feeling in my foot from the shards of ceramic as all my eyes and attention were on the piece of paper in my hand. I read over the information on the small piece of rectangular paper full of the grocery items he had bought and the sum total and his name which was in Matt. J Hamilton. I was confused, while a rush of wonder filled me.

How does Matt have the same last name as Lucas and Axel? Did it have something to do with the pictures I kept seeing?

I heard hurried footsteps and when I raised my head, I saw Bria, Victor and behind them was Matt. I kept my eyes on Matt who had a blank stare on until his eyes shifted to the paper in my hand and a shadow crossed his face.

"Are you okay?" Bria asked and came to me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the mess I made.

"You're bleeding," Victor said, and I looked down at my foot.

I had a small cut with a wavy line of blood running down the side of my foot to the floor. I nodded and forced a smile on my face while on the inside I was panicking from what I just found out. My heart was racing fast which made my breathing hard. I dropped the hand that held the paper behind me and pushed it into my back pocket.

Matt walked up to me, took my hand and gently pulled me with him. We left the kitchen and got to the hallway. As we walked, I just stared at him, still wondering who this man was. As we got into the bathroom, he forced me to sit on the closed toilet seat and went over to the sink. My gaze stayed glued to his body as he moved here and there until he came back with a small bowl and first aid box then knelt in front of me.

I didn't know how to confront him about what I just found. There were too many coincidences already for me to ignore or not ask him about. If I had not seen those pictures, I would just assume that he had a common name. I swallowed and looked down at what he was doing. He was cleaning the cut with a wet toilet paper. When he raised his head back and met my eyes, I stiffened. We stared at each other before a scowl masked his face.

"You love to snoop around, don't you?" He asked and curled his upper lip, showing his top teeth before gritting his teeth. "You never learn to stay away from things that aren't your business. First, those pictures and now that receipt."


"Enough," he said in a sharp tone. "You really are trying to ruin everything, and you don't want to get on my nerves."

I flinched when he gripped my arm hard. He pulled me downward, pulling my face very close to his.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, voice shaking. "Why do you have those pictures and that name?"

He smirked. "At first, I never expected you to find out so soon. Your useless curiosity really pissed me off. I had everything under control but because of you, I had to work fast."

I was still confused. In annoyance, I pushed him away and got up then walked away from him. I stood with a safe space between us and watched him rise to his feet.

"I am asking again, who the fuck are you?" I asked, my voice raising a bit. "Stop being so secretive and tell me what you know and why you have Hamilton in your name."

Matt chuckled and dumped the toilet paper he was holding. He crossed his arms across his chest and slowly walked over to me. I backed away until my back hit the cold tiled wall of the bathroom. I swallowed when he placed his hands on the wall by my head.

"Trust me, you will soon find out but for now, I don't want to ever see you near my things. Your curiosity will hurt you, Jackie. Don't piss me off past my limit. Know your place."

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