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Lucas' POV

Few hours ago...

I was still shaking from the fact that I had murdered someone. Even as I sat in the cell, I could barely think straight. So many things were running through my mind. How would I get out of this? What will happen to the family I was building with Jackie? Who would take care of them? My kid would see me as a father who was in prison for murder, that is if he sees me leave this place if I get punished by the persecutor.

My heart was racing every second, making my blood pump from fear. I had no one to save me from such a crime. Even though Jared had teased and made himself my lawyer, the case would end up with a charge heavier than what I was used to as an illegal street racer.

I had been so deep in my thoughts that I did not hear when a cop had been calling my name until he banged the bars of the cell, shouting my name. I rose to my feet and watched the cop walk away. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and took some steps toward the iron bars, only to stop when someone in all black walked to a stop in front of the cell. I could tell from their tall and masculine stature that they were male, but his face was hidden with a black nose mask and the hood of his sweatshirt. Seeing that I did not recognize him, I turned away.

"Lucas Hamilton."

I froze and turned around in shock at the voice of the person. It was deep and unrecognizable. I approached the bars and eyed him up and down.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He laughed lowly and leaned forward. "You will soon find out but for now, I just want to let you know how much I enjoy seeing you like this, pathetic and suffering. Well, your suffering has not started but when it does, you will be left with nothing."

Anger took over my body and I marched to the bar then gripped it tight.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I won't let you do shit... You're the one responsible for me losing my spot on those clubs, aren't you?" I asked through gritted teeth, and he chuckled.

"You could say that. But...This is just the beginning, Lucas. Watch your back. It's all coming back to you like karma. I am karma."

With that, he left, and I tried to see if I recognize his walk, but I couldn't just as I couldn't recognize his voice. It was scary yet confusing. I had no enemy that would come after me. It felt as if he was targeting me and worry for Jackie and the baby filled me.

After we left the police station, I had checked my phone and saw I had an email from the finance department in the family company. The content of the mail left me shocked as I never thought it would be that easy to have someone wanting my shares in the company. The content of the email wasn't out of request but as if the person already took the shares and only needed my presence to complete it all.

The shares issue was the icing on the cake. It made me fully convinced that someone of greater status was behind everything and I needed to head over to New York before things got late. Those shares were all I had to raise my family. I was just beginning to make a trust fund for our baby and losing it would mean I would go broke in a matter of years.


"What?" Jackie repeated beside me, this time from worry.

"I don't know, Jackie. I am really confused right now and the only way to save everything is to go to New York." I didn't want to tell her about the person who visited me at the station.

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