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Lucas' POV

It was the next day and I had to run a test to know if I was the real father of the baby Cindy claimed was mine. I had barely slept a wink last night because I was nervous and restless, thinking of how I had been careless or how I got her pregnant when I was the most careful person when it came to such. It was only with Jackie that I let myself lose.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Cindy closing in on my car. I unlocked the doors and got out of the car then went around it. She was carrying a baby seat and I quickly opened the back door. She was carrying the baby in one of those baby carriers parents hung on their chests.

"Good morning," she said and I ignored her.

I took the seat from her and alined it at the back of the car. She placed the baby into the back of the car and I went back to the driver's side. I boarded the car and waited for her to strap the baby in his seat. Once she was done, she got into the car.

The moment I started the car, Cindy shoved her hand that held a folded paper into my line of vision. I stared at it in confusion before glancing at her.

"What is that?" I asked, dropping my hands onto my thighs.

"It's the medical report that has the DNA result," she replied.

Her statement made me confused as I wondered how that was possible for her to match the DNA of the child and mine.

"How did you get a sample of my blood or whatever you used?" I asked and she moved her hand away.

"You stayed with Josh a lot. So, when I found out I was nauseous and throwing up every morning, I had a feeling I was pregnant. I wanted to tell you about it because you were the last guy I slept with at that time, but I had to move away around that period. It was hard for me to do. So, to confirm if the baby was yours, I went to Josh's room and found your bag. In it, I saw your comb and took a strand of your hair."

"Why didn't you just text me or call me?" I demanded. "Do you realize how this news is affecting me? If you had told me about it when you just found out, we could have talked about it or decide on something."

"Like abortion, right?" Cindy asked and I tensed as her tone didn't show she was happy.

"I don't know but we could have decided on something."

I was frustrated and wanted a peaceful life where Jackie and our baby existed. Now, I had two children to look after.

"Look, let's just go to the hospital and you can confirm that this baby is yours," she said and put the report into her purse. "I don't think you're going to believe whatever is in here anyway. So, let's go to any of your trusted clinic, pharmacy or whatever."

I pressed my lips together, forcing my tongue down as I did not want to retort in any angry way toward her. With a deep exhale, I put the car in drive.


I was feeling impatient, tapping my foot on the floor of the hospital as we waited for the nurse that had attended to us. I wanted the result out as soon as possible. If Cindy was lying, I would not be happy with her for trying to ruin my lovelife and if she wasn't, I had to prepare my mind for what my future would look like with two children from different mothers.

The situation reminded me of myself. I grew up thinking Axel's father was mine. It was as if history was about to repeat itself but in a different way and story.

I rose to my feet when the nurse who had attended to us came out of an office in the hallway where we sat. She smiled at me before glancing at Cindy who held the sleeping baby.

"Are the results ready?" I asked and the nurse chuckled. This wasn't funny to me at all.

"No, sir. The results aren't ready until four weeks," she replied.

"F-four weeks?!" I yelled.

"Keep your voice down, please," she pleaded. "Yes, four weeks. Checking DNA tests aren't as easy as drawing blood or providing any bodily sample from your body. There will be procedures we have to take and making reruns of tests. It may be available before the end of the four weeks."

My heart felt like it was stepped on. I didn't know how to take this information. Four weeks was like a month. I have to live with the anxiety for four weeks. I felt mentally weak that I stepped back and sat down on the chair I had been on. I covered my face and sighed.

"I'll take my leave now," I heard the nurse say, followed by her footsteps fading away.

"It's a normal waiting time, Lucas. I had to wait two and half weeks to get the results I wanted. You just have to be patient. Besides, you're the one who wanted to do a DNA test when I already have one. I don't even know why you don't believe me. I don't want anything else from you except support, so what's making it hard for you to believe that this child is yours?"

Her question made me think. If I was being honest with myself, I would say that the only reason I was not ready to accept this child was because I have already pictured Jackie as the only woman to give me children, nobody else. So, it was a hard pill to swallow knowing another woman took away Jackie's right of giving us our first child. It hurt my heart to know this.

I rose to my feet and looked away from Cindy when I realized she was close to me. I took out my phone and wiped through.

"We have to go rent a place for you to stay or are you planning on living in Atherton?" I asked and hoped in my mind that she said no.



"Okay," I said. "I'll call my agent and he'll help me find a small apartment for you to stay in."

"What happened to staying in your place?" She asked and I finally met her eyes.

"No," I replied. "My home is a personal and intimate place for me."

Cindy came closer and ran her eyes up and down my body. I could see a hint of lust in them which made me uncomfortable.

"You know, we could continue where we stopped the last time we were together. Don't worry, we don't have to have any strings attached."

I glared at her and started to march away from her. I heard her laugh behind me and it caused me to clench my hands. Something about this situation wasn't going to end well, I just know it in my heart that it won't.

A/n: Really, Cindy?

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