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Jackie's POV

I stayed in the library even after Andrea had left. My mood had changed so drastically and it did not go away so easily as the image of Lucas and Cindy kissing stayed glued in my head. I knew I could trust Lucas and that he would never willingly kiss that woman but it hurt. The chances of the DNA result coming out positive would determine how our relationship would be and I have not been okay.

Cindy was manipulative, that I could tell. No one knew what she could be planning. We suffered in the hands of Maddy now someone else with an obsession for Lucas walked into our lives.

To feel comforted, I placed my hand on my small baby bump and stared at it. My lips tugged into a small smile as I imagined my baby safe and sound in my womb.

"I just hope we have our happy ending," I said and my stomach grumbled from hunger. "Really? Tsk, I guess you and I need to eat. Let's go see what's in the kitchen."

As I rose from the couch, my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was a call from Matt. I wanted to ignore it but I suspected he was calling for our class project. I answered the call and continued to walk, leaving the library and walking through the hallway.

"Yes?" I said and he chuckled.

"Hello, Jackie. Are you busy now?"

"What do you want?" I asked as I reached the stairs. I started descending from it, eyes ahead in case I saw Cindy.

"Oh... It's about the project. Bria wants me to follow you to buy the stuff we need. Preferably today so we can start this weekend."

I sighed as I strolled into the kitchen. School was beginning to bore me but I needed to have a career to be the woman I always wanted to be.

"Can it wait till tomorrow? I'm not in the mood to go out," I replied as I grabbed a box of cereal from the shelf.

"Fine. I don't want to stress you since you're pregnant and all. Don't worry, I'll buy you something to eat while we're out tomorrow. See you tomorrow."

I chuckled and ended the call. I dropped my phone on the counter and grabbed a bowl and spoon, then placed everything on the counter. As I was going to the fridge to take the milk, Cindy walked into the kitchen looking smug.

"Hello, baby mama," she said and leaned against the other side of the counter.

I ignored her when the anger in me doubled. Maybe if I kept quiet, she would go away.

"I'm talking to you... You know what? Forget it." She giggled. "Kissing Lucas is hot, right? Damn, his lips are so soft and the way he responded to my kiss was so fucking hot. And the way he smells? Hmm... Heaven."

I gripped the handle of the fridge hard for some seconds before opening it. I took the milk, closed the fridge, and went over to my bowl and cereal box.

"I know he must have told you that I kissed him... Yeah, that's true, I'll admit. That was because he looked so good and I couldn't resist. But if I kissed him first, why did he kiss me back? Makes me wonder if I should seduce him more... Show him what a real woman looks like, and he'll fuck me hard."

I slammed my bowl on the counter and faced her with a scowl on my face.

"That's enough, bitch."

"Ooh..." She taunted, eyes narrowed. "Calm down, girl."

"You need to remember that your stay here is limited until the result is out but I want you out of this house before the weekends. Is it money you want? I'll give it to you."

Cindy gasped. "You want me to go away from my son's father? Why are you trying to bribe me with money? All I want is for my son to be aware that he has a father!"

The sudden change in her tone which hinted at sadness left me confused. It was until I saw Lucas coming from the backyard door, walking into my line of vision.

"What is going on here?"

Cindy, instead of speaking, walked out angrily. I sighed and made a move to walk away but he called out to me.

"Please... Talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?"

Lucas walked until he stood in front of me. He looked sad and I wanted to feel bad but when I remembered that Cindy had said that he responded to the kiss and from what I had seen, he looked like he had.

"Look, if the baby turns out to be mine, you and our unborn child will remain number one. I will never stop loving you or our child. Jackie, we've been through so much for me to make me allow anything to come between us."

I sighed and made eye contact with him. I eyed his face before rolling my eyes.

"It's easy for you to say now because we don't know what the future will become. For now, I want Cindy out of this house."

With that, I walked away, heading for our room. This house was becoming suffocating and I only hoped our issues died down.


Later that evening, I was doing some homework at the kitchen table when Lucas walked in while carrying Cindy's baby. The boy was awake and grabbing his face while making baby noises. My heart sank at the sight as he looked perfect with the child. This was the first time I was seeing him with the baby and it made me feel off.

"Uh... Jackie, can you please take care of the baby? I need to head to my boss's place. There's an urgent meeting."

"Where's the mother?" I asked and went back to what I was writing.

"I don't know. I heard him crying in his room and carried him here. Please, take him."

I aggressively dropped the pen and opened my arms for him. He smiled hesitantly before placing the boy in my arms. The baby cooed and babbled then grabbed my hair. I smiled at the cuteness of his act and faced Lucas who was staring at us with a softness in his eyes.

"I wish this was our baby and the one in your womb was our second. I just want us to have a perfect family," he said in a soft voice before leaving the kitchen.

I looked at the baby and made funny faces at him. He giggled and grabbed my lips, making me hiss. I pulled his chubby hand off my lips and dropped him in the center of the kitchen table then went back to what I was doing.

While I did my homework, I occasionally glanced at him so he would not do anything harmful. When I was certain he wasn't, I went back to what I was doing and before I knew it, I heard a choking sound. My heart skipped a beat and I looked up at the child.

His eyes were wide and tongue out. His face was turning red and panic went through my body. I rushed to him and lifted him into my arms, and at that moment, I saw the cap of one of my pens in his throat.

"No!" I screamed and forced my fingers into his small mouth while the baby wheezed and struggled to breathe.

I was too invested in saving the child that I did not hear when someone walked in until I was pushed and the baby was taken from me.

"What are you doing?!" It was Cindy.

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