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Jackie's POV

Another week had gone by, and a day did not go by that I did not think of what Lucas had said. It was like a second layer of skin on my body, hard to peel no matter how much I tried. I wanted to believe him and wait but I felt stupid to do so. Because he is my first love, I felt like stupidity was driving me into listening to what he had said. He promised me so many times, he failed them. He promised never to hurt me, he failed them. So, I can never believe him again.

"Earth to Jackie!"

I jerked at the loud tone of voice and frowned before shifting my gaze to the person. I rolled my eyes at Andrea and looked back at the documents on the desk in front of me.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked as she sat down beside me.

"Nothing. Oh... I already finished the plan and everything about the budgeting. I went around to find more information from other small businesses and did my homework. I think it's looking pretty good," I said and handed the document to her.

I watched her look through it with my heart pounding hard. I hope it was a good business idea even though it was not anything new or special. When she hummed and nodded her head, I smiled and blinked, waiting for what she had to say.

"This is good. Cafe business is good but..."

The but made my heart drop to my stomach. There was a but. A but was not good.

"W-what is it?"

"Are you sure this will be accepted? I mean, I have seen the plans compiled by my dad's assistant and... they are big. Look, I am not saying yours is bad but you're not the only food-like business and—"

"Andrea don't worry. I trust myself and if I don't get the backing of the sponsors, I will still thrive."

Andrea chuckled. "I like you. If I were into girls, I would have dated you. I like your spirits."

I could not help but laugh and pushed her softly on her arm. I rose from the seat and instantly, my head spun, and my heart felt light. I felt myself tilting sideways and heard Andrea scream out my name then I felt a tight grip around my body. She made me sit and shut my eyes tight.

"Are you okay?"

I moaned when I felt a sharp pain around my left hip. I placed my hand on the spot and massaged it then exhaled hard when I felt like I wanted to throw up.

"Stay here, let me get my aid kit."

I heard her run off before opening my eyes and placing my hand on my large stomach. I glared at it, scolding the baby playfully. Just as I shifted my hand a bit, I felt a soft nudge under my palm. My eyes widened at the movement, which made me confused for a second. The nudge came again, and my heart exploded from realization. The baby kicked!

"I... " I was speechless and spread my fingers on my stomach to feel more of it.

The first kick I felt. I felt my baby's movement. It brought tears to my eyes, and I wanted the baby to do it again.

"Are you okay?!"

I looked in the direction where Andrea was running out from. She was looking anxious as she approached me then stopped before me, eyeing me like I was strange.

"Why are you crying? Oh, my God. Are you hurt?" She sat beside me and placed her hand over mine. "Is it the baby?"

I shook my head and smiled; eyes blurry from tears.

"I'm fine," I replied in a soft voice.

"Why are you crying then?" She was panicking, I could tell.

"The baby... I felt the baby kick. Here, under my hand. The baby kicked me."

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