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Third Person POV.

Ice exhaled in boredom, scrolling in her social for any updates while Jaden and Bree are sharing fun stories except for Ice being uninterestedly bored sitting with them.

Until she received a call from Anderson but felt a sudden nervous before answering "What?"

"Summer had a car accident—-" Ice didn't let Anderson finish as she found herself running back in the car with uncontrollable heartbeat in her chest.

Jaden and Bree calls her out but they were not heard as she completely forget about them after speeding up into the road.


Ice didn't mind to park her car as her feet rushed into the ER and Anderson saw her while attending one of the casualties. The place was a mess, there's a lot of casualties than what she imagined, but above all her mind focus is—"Where's Summer August?" Her voice sounding terrified while looking around the chaotic place. She's used to this place but this is the first time she felt utterly scared to be standing in the crowd.

The nurse shook her head in sympathy "Ice I'm sorry but Summer isn't here, you should talk to Anderson" her words is clear but to Ice it wasn't, it is disoriented and rumbled.

She step back but finding Anderson stopping her by shoulder "Ice...please calm down" her eyes can't believe how Anderson expression was so wary, of how his voice sounds defeated.

He took a deep breath as he carefully gauging Ice giddy state "It was a multiple car accident. 8 cars crashed Ice....all of them exploded including Summer's, I'm so sorry. They tried to save her but" he took another inhaled but even his tough demeanor couldn't fake it. He pressed his lip together and trying one more time to toughen his composure "they retrieved the burned body of—-a girl"

"Fucking no Anderson" she jerk off his hand and run around the place, to every bed, every patient and operating room but there's no specific familiar face.

It was like a blurry sight with the place slowly spinning around while being stuck standing in the middle of a chaotic place where everyone's rushing and attending patients.

There's the blaring sound of ambulance—-Nurses pushing the transport stretcher heading to places and there comes crying love ones, pleading, begging and gawking to the doctors and nurses while following behind....

But there's no Summer August.

And she felt like her heart sunk into the deepest, that for the first time she feels fear, vulnerability and loss to what to do. Ice always knows what to do but this time her mind turned completely blank as her finger run through her head while turning to every corner, in hope to find the person that scares her the most of losing.

"....Ice" Vero came rushing in her silk pajama, messy bed hair and still in picachu slippers but none of this mind her. She couldn't care less if her eyes were bawling.

But like Veronica, the girl she's looking warily is completely broken in tears too.

"No...please tell me she's safe. You're a doctor Ice! Do fucking something! PLEASE!" She plead in her chest but Ice felt helpless and she hate how it made her feel worthless that she couldn't save her best friend when she needed the most....that all her hard work went completely nonsense, of what's the use of their praises, the outstanding grades, of how talented and gifted she is, if none of it couldn't save the person that she look forward to impress....

Veronica cried loudly in Ice chest while she tries to comfort her but couldn't do it to herself either.

One by one their friends came rushing that even Gigi is rolling her wheelchair in despair.

They all waited but there's no Summer.

Ice sat alone in front of ER stairs in hope to every ambulance coming by that Summer will be there but there were none....

"Ice....your family called me, they said, you have to answer your phone because Summer's family is calling too....and the uhm...about the burned body that was retrieved....they're asking if you can confirm that she's....uhm....she's...." Anderson tries to say the name but seeing how Ice body stiffened while her eyes are keeping focused to the entrance, he knew he couldn't do it. That he couldn't muster to say her name out loud.

He sat beside Ice and patted his friend shoulder until she couldn't no longer hold her bursting tears when Anderson pulled her into his arms while stroking her back as she loudly sobs in fear....of having to face that she lost Summer August—her best friend. "I'm sorry Ice"

 "I'm sorry Ice"

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