23. Ok.

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We kissed. That word keeps on unlimited rewind stuck in my head.

That happened 58 hours ago, 14 minutes and 5 seconds but I can still feel Ice lips on me, it is so soft, very gentle with a taste of an alcohol.

"What is happening? Did you failed your exam again?" Vero asking me with both of her hand placing on top of her waist. "Summer. You've been drifting away since this morning. What is happening to you? Our prof was pissed because you almost burn the goddamn laboratory when you absentmindedly pour the rum continuously in flambé while giggling like a lunatic! Are you high?"

"—-oh. Sorry about that. It slipped off my mind but I promise to be careful next time. The alcohol bottle just remind me of something"

Her mouth literally hanged open while giving me this terrified expression "what in the world a normal bottle reminded you of?" Her face changes to looking horrified with her eyes grew bigger "Wait. Did you try to use the bottle to masturbate?"

That snapped me from happy place to completely looking around in shocked to what she blurted out. "Shush! I did not and who is in the right mind to do that? Ice and I just kissed okay?" —-I regret saying the last few words and now watching Vero jumping like a kid.

"You two k.i.s.s?

"Veronica lower down! She said that she just want to tell me that kissing is like—she actually used foreign words so I couldn't put it together BUT" I said putting an intonation "That its for science purposes that she only want me to know that k.i.s.s isn't something to be a big deal....just two skull colliding"

"What?" She stop for a second and thinking about "Two skulls colliding?"

"Yes. Actually, she says some muscle movements. Whatever. In short, she just clarifies that kissing isn't something big deal" and now watching her thinking deeply on it.

"Why would she ruin romance using a science? She's so cold" and I agreed by nodding. Honestly, Ice has a point and maybe she did it so I wouldn't be curious what it feels like. Or probably saving me for doing stupid in future stances due to curiosity.

I shouldn't be affected, after all she's a future doctor and something like this are all can explain by science.

Probably seeing naked woman or man or anything sensitive and private will be normal because it's part of her job and nothing more. Just like teaching me that kissing is just two normal bones connecting and isn't something to romanticize.

And to completely dissolve this delusion inside my head? She woke up the next day like nothing happened. —and it hurts to admit that for her, it's nothing but to me? It is everything.

"You know what? Never mind her cold heart. You have Gigi, move on from secretly being in love with your best friend"

"Gigi and I are friends Vero and stop saying it out loud people might hear it! I don't want Gigi to misinterpret that I'm giving malice to her kindness"

"Ok. Ok. Fine. Why are you so defensive?" She said then sit down with me. "What if"

I held my breath when Vero looked apologetic and as if I know that whatever she's about to say will hurt. "What if. She tried it to you so she knows what to do when her and Jaden kiss?"

Ok thats really way more what the word hurt means. Like my heart sunk deep down in my chest and now it causes a chest pain.

—-I shrugged. Speechless of what to say.

"Oh summy, I'm so sorry to say that but I just wanna save you from false hopes you know?"

Even my lip is confused whether to smile or frown after hearing it. "—-of course"

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