16. I'm straight

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"Summer" I look at Ice when she calls out my name in firm tone. Actually we all turned our heads to her. "It's not a water, can you slow down?" Her tone being so serious that it almost felt like I'm being scolded by mom in front of my friends for drinking iced coffee in one sweep.

I didn't even know that the glass is almost empty because I'm busy scrolling in instagram.

And there's Vero wiggling her brows at me. I sit straight as everyone was back on their businesses.

"She tagged me again" Ice mutters. I look at her phone.

I absentmindedly snatch her phone and look at my picture that Gigi took and posting to her social.

I absentmindedly snatch her phone and look at my picture that Gigi took and posting to her social

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

ItG: are we winning the fundraising? 🤞🏻🤞🏻@imsummy @ice

"I didn't know she took a picture of me when I was doing sales inventory" Ice snatch back her phone from my hand.

Is she trying to used me...so Ice will notice her??

Joanne is also not helping when she chimed in "Yeah. I saw that too. I didn't know that you know Gigi?"

This is making me smirk. Never in my life, I imagined to be used by someone just to get close by Ice.

"You're friends with Gigi Calista?" Anderson adding "She's pretty popular, a lot of nurses have a crush on her"

I grab my iced coffee and drained all of it because I'm feeling so annoyed. "We're not friends. I found out that she befriended me because she has a crush on Ice" I blurted in irritation.

"Wow our friend here is getting known" Carlisle sing song the sentence.

But Ice is just being Ice. Always nonchalant.

"Just tell her I'm straight" Ice say those words while looking at me....

I tried to say something back or pull a smile but all of it fails....her words made me speechless...it was like an unintentional rejection that we are clearly just friends.

And if you ask me how rejection feels like? It's like knowing that you're falling every seconds but also knowing that they won't be there to catch you.

"Is Ice always like that summy? Getting attention?" Joanne enquire "also, you haven't tell how you guys meet. How cold meets hot"

I took a deep breath, trying to shake it off, trying to act okay, to conceal, to pretend and to be a bestfriend.

—but Veronica eyes were glued on me.

"Uhm...Ice is always an eye catcher even before" I start to remember way back...back where if only I know that I'll fall to her, I shouldn't never approach her.

Joanne nodded then took a bite of her cheesecake "so how did you meet?"

I let out a sad smile then bring out the memories, our memories. "It was raining and I was standing under the waiting sheds when I see her walking unbothered under the rain. Then she entered our room with wet hair and introduced by our homeroom teacher. I hate her at first. Ice was a new student but she became the president and that time my childhood friend was aiming for it but she took it effortlessly and that moment, she's giving me a bitch vibe you know? She look boastful because there's no expression in her face, not grateful, just have that straight face"

"Oh so it started in hate then love situation?" I didn't expect to hear that from Joanne. It total caught me off guard that it folds my tongue to speak.

Luckily I snapped out from my senses and eventually say "but that's not important, we don't have to talk about the past and besides, I barely remember it"

Joanne nodded but I know that Vero is wary about me but I ignored it and try to be normal for the rest of the night.


- Monday

Ice 💙: summy my car broke, can u pick me after class?
Me: sure!

Then message Jaden to pick Ice later after her class because her car was broken and from what I heard, Jaden helped Ice to fixed her car after.

- Tuesday

Ice 💙: can u drive me to school, I haven't sleep yet, just finished my thesis.
Me: okay!

I message Jaden to pick her.

- Wednesday

Ice 💙: Summer?
Me: im busy sorry late reply :(

- Thursday

Ice 💙: i only have half day class. Mall?
Me: got it!

I send the message and about to call Jaden when someone grabs my phone from my hand and when I turn around looking so pissed—-it is a tall girl in cold gaze.

"....Ice" I say almost a whisper, totally not expecting her here.

"Are you avoiding me?" She bluntly asked.

No. I'm avoiding my growing feelings. "What? No! I uhm...I'm just busy, you know finals right? Sso..uhm" why cant I just speak straight? Is it because I'm not? "Why are you here?"

Deep down, my heartbeat is pounding so damn fast while assessing her gaze, emotionless gaze.

"Summer!" It's Gigi running to our direction in her jersey "Hi! And Ice" she acknowledged but Ice stayed nonchalantly.

"Hey" I say. For once I'm thankful that she came to save me from that terrifying moment although I know that she just went here because of Ice "whats up?"

"Wanna watch our game?" Then glances to Ice.

I could use that excuse to be out from Ice, I need to dissolve this growing feelings. I need to move on from Ice.

"Sure" then divert to Ice "catch you later?"

"I'm free today" her words leaves me speechless with cold sweats.

"Cool! Let's go!" My eyes stayed surprised to Ice suddenness until she followed Gigi and I'm still left dumbfounded.

We went to the open court filled with a lots of students coming from other buildings and the bleachers were all fully occupied.

Their's also cheerleading squad doing stunts in the court.

In short it's a lot of people and I don't like being surrounded.

"You okay?" Ice pulled me out from my pooling thoughts. I nodded to her and try to relax.

But how can I relax when she's the reason of why my pounding heart beats in mili seconds when she held my hand.....

And from the crowd a familiar voice calls out "Summer!" I pulled my hand from her hold while watching Jaden coming to us "Ice, you made it" he proudly stated looking happily to Ice.

Then there's me breaking into pieces....

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