17. Your secret is safe with me

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Carlisle, Joanne, Anderson and Vero came in the middle of the game. It's actually boring. I didn't know what was happening or how the rules work, all I know is our university won the game and now we're eating random foods from university stalls.

"You like her don't you?" I cough when Gigi speaks behind me while I was watching Ice and Jaden buying drinks.

"I told you she's straight"

"I wasn't referring about Ice" she added then smiled after "I noticed it when your expression changed after confessing that I like Ice....and then you actually confirmed it, whenever you look, whenever you silently watch her, your movements, how you look her with sparkling eyes and how your body reacts whenever she's near. Trust me, it's like I have a gay radar"

"You just. She's my bestfriend" I contest yet it gained another smile from Gigi.

"And you never deny that you're into girls" she got me speechless and made me breathe through parted lip with this shaky breath "that's hard Summer. Liking someone and worst it's your bestfriend and you're not even out about who you are" she says then poking where my heart is.

She got me panicked because she knew, she figured it out.

I almost lost my balance when Gigi leaned down to level her face on me but her reflexes were fast by wrapping her arms around my waist "your secret is safe with me Summer"

"Wwhat are you talking about? I told you, we're just friends" wow saying it loud stings.

Gigi nodded but not in agreeing way, more on being sarcastic "you'll just making things harder for you"

I'm aware that they're all walking back to ours, so I cleared my throat and act normal.

"You guys up for drink?" Anderson asking all of us and everyone agrees.

"Lezz go!" Vero says between putting her arms around my shoulder.

We went to the parking lot and decided to bring our own car instead "I didn't bring my motorcycle, can I Summy?" Everyone turned their attention to Gigi smiling face.

And of course, I don't wanna be rude "Yeah"

"Cool" she responded

"Ice on mine" Jaden says to Ice

And being a nonchalant person, she just gets inside Jaden car without a word.

Carlisle, Joanne on Anderson car while Vero also chose to be with me and now sitting at the backseat who also keeps on glancing at me in case she thought I didn't noticed her silently judgment.

"So. Gigi. What's so sudden?" Vero started "out of the blue you're hanging out with us?"

"I don't know honestly but summy was interesting to hangout with" I took a deep breath, it is super uncomfortable that she figured out my secret, given that she's a stranger to me "besides, I think summer and I have one thing in common"

"How's Xian?" I immediately asked Vero, looking at her through the rearview "did you tell him about the concert?"

Thank god her attention diverted on the topic and now she starts telling me about them but I heard Gigi scoffing and lightly shaking her head.

We parked on our usual and sat on our usual table spot too, in front of the sea side and Gigi is starting to get into my nerves. I'm fully aware of her watching me intently whenever Jaden is being a gentleman towards Ice.

"So summy, tell me about you" Gigi says out of nowhere as she drinks her beer while looking at me "when did you know that you like--cooking?" She ask then smirks off.

Please bring me patient.

I eyed her flatly before responding "I don't know it just happened"

Gigi nodded then place down her beer "Me too. I didn't know that I like basketball until I saw it and it was hard at first but it's worth it"

"You know what?" Joanne drawing our attention to hers "I can't believe that cool kids are hanging out with us. I mean, Jaden, our school pride, there's Gigi, the school athlete and of course Ice, our future doctor. They're all sitting with us in this one table!"

"You're drunk" Vero breaking her drama as we all laugh at her being silly.

After drinking we all decided to stroll around the night market, just to savor the night since tomorrow is no class but I'm actually worried about Ice since she has class tomorrow.

"Did you know?" Gigi once again is bugging me by suddenly walking next to me with that sadistic smile even when I was glaring her "I also fell in love with my bestfriend?" She continues.

I couldn't lie that it got my attention, to hear someone relatable.

"I confessed" then there's sadness in her eyes, I couldn't take off my gaze towards her "But sadly she told me that she's straight and she only sees me as her friend. And that night, we stray away from each other"

Hearing her stories making my chest tight, as my eyes finds Ice with Jaden, stopping to one stall....watching them from here...slowly sinking that we is impossible to happen and I can't do anything about it.

I guess loving her silently is what I can do.

"But I didn't regret any of it. It hurts, yes, but if I will be given a chance to redo it? I will still do the same"

I stared down to my feet as we stop to wait them from here while they're checking clothes.

"I'm not telling you to do the same but at least accept yourself" somehow the annoyance towards her, fades out "I'll help you"

......I smiled back.

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