21. Hot and Cold

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"Summer?" I flinched and the first thing I do is check the surroundings. Yet, a chuckle rings in my side only to find Ice.

"Where's the wheezing demon?"

"Summy. It's almost 4am and we better go, they're starting to prepare breakfast" she gestured the canteen with busy people walking all around with boxes on their hands.

I'm in the state where probably I'm still half asleep and things aren't sinking well but Ice helped me to stand up then holding my hand as she pulled me with her out of the canteen where I'm still stuck at watching everyone.

We entered the elevator and maybe my senses is staying vigilant that someone might appear inside but Ice keeps on chuckling beside me.

"Summy. We're alright okay? Stop acting cute"

I frowned at her "do you think it's cute if that wheezing demon appears here? It's just 4am Ice and how can I ride elevator like the usual without thinking of that—dark entity?"

We stopped in the basement and unto her car but "I brought mine" I say to her.

"It's okay. I'll take a cab later going here" I nodded in response before getting inside.

——wait. Are we okay now?

My eyes watching her walking around then get inside. I don't want to stir anymore problem between us. At least, I just wanna stay by her side until graduation.

She drove in her place while I silently follow behind and now watching her taking off the scrubs—wait, why am I standing in her living room and watching her getting change in her room?

It sinked in which I immediately look away.

"Aren't you going to change?" She asked. Now walking in her sweat pants and just sports bra—is she trying to kill me? Because it's working.

How is it that everyday I'm getting more gayer around her? Like the feeling that I have for her? Is getting louder, getting uncontrollable and it's not easy to handle.

I need distractions and there's an apple so I took a bite of it while trying to ignore her getting water from the fridge.

I've seen her a lot of times but—"when did you have an abs?"

"I've been working out for months now, guess it'll actually paying off. You like it?"

—-Do I what?

My lip partly opened, loss of what to respond. Apparently, she let out a soft chuckle then watching her walking towards me. She leaned down, leveling her face before taking a bite of my apple.

"Jajaden has abs too. I guess you're both working out huh?" Thank god, I recovered from that comatose.

She narrowed her eyes at me and once again her nonchalant face turned in. "You see that? What is it, you guys are walking half naked now inside your laboratory kitchen?"

Shit. We just reconciled and now she's probably thinking that I'm checking out her future boyfriend—wait is it still her future or it is her boyfriend now?

I shrug it off "Just saw it in his post"

Her brows perks up with that smirk which means she's a little bit annoyed "So you're always in his profile? What are you doing lately Summer? Checking people's body? Is it because of hormones?"

My jaw dropped down in the floor, utterly shook what she just stated.

"Hohormones?! Are you insane!"

"What? You can be open to me. None will be taken personally. I'm a future a doctor remember?"

One second she looked pissed and now she's playing around with that mocking smirk in her lips.

"No thank you. Never been touch and never kiss so, I'm pretty confident that my body is okay"

Of why her eyes dropped down in my lip for a quick second and now it is makes my heart pounding. Like crazy pounding as if someone is bulldozing the walls of my head.

I'm aware that glancing to lip is normal but it is not when you're not normal girl like me.

But then, I remember something "I do actually have a question"


"What is type 1 diabetes? Is it dangerous?"

"Well. It can be dangerous depending on that person life style. There will be complications along the way, like few organs might get affected, apparently it wasn't curable but insulin shots or insulin pump is a big help. Why do you ask....Summer are you—" she's about to walk towards me when I stop her.

"No" she sighed after hearing it which I'm actually moved by how her reaction slipped "Gigi has it and then there's one time that I saw her, like, almost collapsing because she forgot to insulin something and I completely panicked....just, I guess, I wanna make sure that the next time it happens again, I know what to do you know?"

Without any response coming from Ice, she just walk over back the room and back to being cold again.

Just that and the room feels empty with deafening silence.

So this is me sitting alone in her white cloudy sofa and waiting if ever she wanna speak again or she might be probably sleeping now.

But then, my brows knitted in confusion of why she placed down a soju and dice then sit next to me. "You don't have class right?"


She look at me "then let's play a game"

"A game? Ok?"

We've been friends for 8 years but I still can't get used to her being hot and cold.

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