Chapter 84 Preparation

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The restaurant was closed. Yang Kaizhou, who had not delivered a takeaway for so long, had to go home. He was still very uneasy at first, fearing that Shen Jiyao wanted to fire him because he had not delivered a takeaway. However, Before leaving, Shen Jiyao asked him for his address, and repeatedly told him not to look for other jobs and to give him a paid break this time. Only then did Yang Kaizhou feel at ease, and at the same time he became more determined to give Shen Jiyao a good job. Yao's determination to work.

Liuxian Tower has been closed for seven or eight days, but the cellar has not been dug for a while. Shen Jiyao has made all the new products and materials he thought of these days, and then he remembered that he had to order the milk first, so That night, Lan Qianjue asked Lan Qianjue to rent a horse and planned to go to Baoshan Village to order milk from the family who lent them the milk goat. It was a kind of repayment, and he could also go to see Su Ye and do some calculations. Su Ye has been pregnant for almost half a year and is due to give birth in about four months. She just happened to ask him if he would need any help during the delivery.

Early that morning, Lan Qianjue took the money to rent a horse. Shen Jiyao was playing in the front hall with Xiao Doumi in his arms. The old man heard Lan Qianjue say last night that they were going to Baoshan Village early in the morning, so he came very early today. A rattle came in, and he walked up to Shen Jiyao with a smile, shaking the rattle, to tease Xiao Doumi. The old man walked a little slowly. The old man who used to be disgusting because of his lack of food and salt has now become extremely kind, looking at Xiao Doumi in his eyes. Full of doting, Xiao Doumi's attention was indeed attracted by the rattle in the old man's hand. A pair of big eyes stared at the rattle tightly without moving. The old man sat opposite and kept shaking the rattle to tease Xiao Doumi. The guy couldn't stop giggling.

Nowadays, the relationship between Shen Jiyao and the old man is getting closer and closer. Although they are not close enough to call him father, they can treat him like an elder. Shen Jiyao holds a grudge, but as long as others treat him sincerely, He can also let go of the past easily, and the old man really likes Xiaodoumi. Everyone can see this, which naturally makes Shen Jiyao deeply moved. The old man can get to know Shen Jiyao better through his love for Xiaodoumi. , after knowing his personality and abilities, he couldn't help but appreciate him a little. Realizing his previous shortcomings, the old man also began to actively change his view of Shen Jiyao.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was very harmonious, and Xu Rong and others felt very comfortable standing aside and watching. While they were enjoying themselves, a horse neighed from outside, and it was Lan Qianjue who had arrived.

Shen Jiyao looked outside. A few breaths later, Lan Qianjue entered the restaurant and walked towards him. His figure against the light looked calm and reliable. As he walked, he said: "The horse is here, when shall we leave."

"Let's go now, while it's not hot." Shen Jiyao said, stood up and put Xiaodoumi in the old man's arms, and said, "Uncle Lan, please help me take care of Doudou. We have to go to Baoshan Village."

The old man said He hugged Xiao Doumi well, stood up and said, "Okay, you just go. Don't worry about leaving Xiao Doumi to me."

Shen Jiyao agreed, while Lan Qianjue said, "Dad, we'll be back as soon as we go."

The old man nodded . Head, the two turned around and left. The old man stood up with Xiao Doumi in his arms and a group of people followed them to see them off. Xiao Doumi looked at Shen Jiyao's back with an innocent face and screamed, raising her little hands and couldn't help but move forward. Fang seemed to want to catch Shen Jiyao. Shen Jiyao knew that Xiaodoumi wanted him but did not dare to look back. Often at such times, he had to leave quickly, otherwise when Xiaodoumi started crying, he would be unable to do anything if his heart softened. After leaving, Shen Jiyao followed Lan Qianjue and quickly walked out of the restaurant. With the help of Lan Qianjue, he got on his horse. Lan Qianjue easily turned over and sat behind him, looking sideways at the group of people who were following him. The man said, "Let's go now, Doudou. We'll be back in a while."

"Ah!" Xiao Doumi was unhappy.

Lan Qianjue hit the horse and drove away. Xiao Doumi looked at the black horse running away and couldn't help but barked twice eagerly. Seeing the horse running out of the street without looking back, she suddenly whimpered in grievance. Tears began to fall.

The old man suddenly felt very distressed and coaxed: "Don't cry, Doudou. Your father will be back soon. My dear grandson, don't cry. Come on, let's go back and play with the rattle." He said and shook the hand in his hand. Use the rattle to amuse Xiao Doumi.

Xiaodou Mi whimpered and didn't look at the rattle. Instead, she twisted her little body and lay in the old man's arms, arching her back and crying sadly.

Xu Rong and others were most unhappy to see Xiao Doumi cry. They were really pitiful, so they busy making faces to make Xiao Doumi happy. Xiao Doumi cried for a while, then burst into tears and laughed. She screamed and jumped with a rattle. , it's really dumbfounding.

The horse ran out of the north of the town. Shen Jiyao asked Lan Qianjue to rein in the horse. He went to buy some reasonably priced bird's nests to take to Su Ye.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at Baoshan Village. Su Ye was lying under a tree in the courtyard with his eyes squinted and a big belly enjoying the cool air. Zhang Tianwen was standing by to fan him, with a look of love in his eyes. Zhang Tianwen After hearing the sound of horse hooves, he looked up and saw two people. He stood up with a smile and greeted them. He helped Lan Qianjue lead the horse to the yard and tied it up. He chatted and laughed with Lan Qianjue in a low voice. Su Ye, who was sitting down, suddenly became happy when he heard the sound, and he managed to get up to greet them. Shen Jiyao saw it and stepped forward to stop him, saying: "Lie down well, we are not What kind of outsider do you need to welcome? This is the most tiring time. Don't be tired. Here are some supplements I bought for you."

Su Ye smiled shyly and said, "I am. I'm just happy to see you here. I don't treat you like an outsider. On the contrary, you are more polite than me. You came

as soon as you came and bought some things for my unborn son . , how do you feel?" Shen Jiyao looked at his belly pointedly.

"Fortunately, I just feel sleepy." Zhang Tianwen and Lan Qianjue came over while the two were talking. Lan Qianjue sat on the pony and said hello to Su Ye, then stopped talking and looked at the two of them. Zhang Tianwen went to the house to make tea and fruits to entertain the two of them.

The sun was blazing overhead, but it was very cool under the small trees in the courtyard. The four of them sat around a small table. Zhang Tianwen poured tea for them and asked: "How is the restaurant going?"

Lan Qianjue said with a smile. "It's okay. It can make money. Is Brother Zhang interested in joining?"

"It depends on Ye'er." Zhang Tianwen said and looked at Su Ye and said, "Are you interested in opening a restaurant?"

Su Ye thought about it . He thought and said: "If dad goes with us, we will go. Otherwise, it would be too boring to leave him alone in the village." Su Ye naturally wanted to go. His grandma didn't have to go every time when he went to town. They all came so far to see him, but his father-in-law was also very kind to him. Suddenly they both went to the town together. The old man would be too lonely in the village alone. That was why Su Ye's first reaction was like this. Zhang Tianwen was very moved.

Zhang Tianwen liked his cute appearance, so he reached out to hold his hand and said, "If you want to go, I will be responsible for convincing our father to let him go with us."

Su Ye nodded and smiled shyly. got up.

The two of them chatted for a while, and then Zhang Tianwen said to Lan Qianjue and the others: "If we can come by then, we will notify you in advance to discuss it with you. By the way, do you have anything to do with your visit this time?"

Shen Ji Yao was not polite and said directly: "We want to order some goat milk. Last time I heard you said that the family that lent us milk goats has many milk goats, so I wanted to trouble you to take us to see it so that we can buy some goat milk for him." Zhang

Tianwen didn't even think about it and said happily: "Sure, when do you want to go? Should we go now?"

Shen Jiyao said: "Go and see now."

Zhang Tianwen hummed and asked Su Ye to wait at home while he took the two of them to find the family that raised dairy goats.

After arriving at that house, Shen Jiyao thanked him first and then explained his intention.

The host was a man in his fifties, with an old wife and a six-year-old baby. He was probably a son of old age. The man's surname was Wang. He smiled and said: "It's such a coincidence that you guys came here. I just thought Find a place for these milks of mine and you guys are here. It just so happens that I don't have to run around. Do you want it for a long time or just buy it once?"

"You want it for a long time," Shen Jiyao said, "But winter is coming. He said it might cost less. "

Uncle Wang said with a smile, "No problem, just give me an estimate of how much you need in a day, so I can prepare it for you."

Shen Jiyao said, "It's as much as I can squeeze in a day. "How much do you want? "

Uncle Wang said, "It's very hot, I'm afraid it might go bad."

Zhang Tianwen on the side intervened at the right time: "Brother Shen, please think about it, Uncle Wang's house. There are more than 20 dairy goats, and it's a lot of milk. Are you sure you want to finish it?"

Lan Qianjue glanced at Shen Jiyao and said nothing.

Shen Jiyao pondered for a moment, but his mind couldn't stop thinking about what else milk can do, biscuits? yogurt? cheese? butter? As soon as the word cream came up, Shen Jiyao couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said: "I'm sure I'll get all of them. It won't go bad. I'll use it. Uncle Wang doesn't have to worry." He planned to use it to make cream. , if you can succeed, you can open other food dungeons, and it will be easy to make cakes by then.

Uncle Wang felt relieved when he saw what he said. Although he would make more money by selling more, he didn't want Shen Jiyao to ask for more because he was grateful to him, and he didn't want to see him waste it after buying it, so he said: "That's okay. , I can send it to you when you want it. When winter comes, if you want less, just remember to tell me."

Shen Jiyao nodded and said, "Okay, I guess it will take a while. I'll ask for it in eight or nine days. I will send someone to inform you at that time. Uncle Wang, we haven't discussed how to calculate the price of this milk."

Uncle Wang mistakenly thought that Shen Jiyao was afraid of the high price of goat milk, so he laughed. "You are friends of Tianwen. How about I give you a little less, thirty cents a bucket."

"You will suffer a loss this way." Shen Jiyao said hurriedly: "You will receive whatever amount you sell to others. That's fine. We can't use this relationship to take advantage of you, Uncle Wang. After all, it's not easy to raise so many dairy goats."

Seeing that Wang Shu misunderstood Shen Jiyao's meaning, he pursed his lips and smiled before saying, "That's okay. , I'll give it to you at the same price as the previous customer, thirty-five cents per barrel."

Shen Jiyao agreed, and the three of them sat at his house for a while before returning to Zhang Tianwen's house.

The two had lunch at Zhang Tianwen's house. Shen Jiyao and Su Yenu had some whispers together, including whether they wanted to help him when he gave birth. Su Ye naturally nodded unequivocally, although His grandma would come when the time came, but it was still a little inconvenient. After all, men and women were different, and Shen Jiyao, who had given birth once, was here, so he had to feel more at ease.

The two talked for a while, and when the sun began to turn to the west, Shen Jiyao planned to go back. After all, Xiaodou Mi made a big fuss when he came out, and he was afraid that if he went back later, the little guy would be in trouble, so he simply decided to go back. He said goodbye to the two of them and rode back to the town.

After two days of this, the cellar was still under construction, and Shen Jiyao took advantage of his free time to make black beans first.

Making tempeh is actually not difficult, just boil it and cover it.

Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue first went to buy a large amount of soybeans. Shen Jiyao was very ambitious and bought two large bags of soybeans. It was very laborious to cook them. All five stoves were used and it took a whole afternoon. After cooking the soybeans, he put them into a cloth bag. Shen Jiyao also specially bought several bamboo baskets and straw. First, he spread all the straw into the bamboo baskets, and then put the cloth bag filled with black beans. Put the bamboo basket in the bamboo basket, cover it with straw, and then lift the bamboo basket and place it in the darker woodshed.

Shen Jiyao had just finished making tempeh, and Mrs. Zhou and the others happened to have brought several bags of small peppers and a small bag of sweet potatoes to Shen Jiyao. Shen Jiyao was so happy when he saw these things, so he gave them to Shen Jiyao alone. One tael of silver was given as a token of thanks.

After sending a group of people away, Shen Jiyao continued to make pickled peppers. The method of making pickled peppers was very simple. He first bought countless jars, heated hot water and poured salt into the jars. After the water cooled down, he would select Put all the washed red peppers into a jar, just like making pickled celery. After soaking the peppers, Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue went around the whole town, killing countless chickens and buying countless more. Pig skins, fortunately, not many people eat them because the pig hair cannot be cleaned. Once the meat is purchased, they will choose to take the pig skins away, so there will always be a lot of pig skins left at the butcher stalls, and these are sold at low prices. It's for the poor, so they don't have to buy pork to get the pig skin. As for the chicken, it's easier to handle. The chicken feet are cut off and soaked, and the chicken legs and wings are used for fried chicken. The rest of the parts are not wasted. It can be used to make chicken tenders, chicken popcorn, chicken nuggets, etc.

The pig skin and chicken feet had to be boiled first and then put into the jar for soaking, which was very time-consuming and labor-intensive, but Shen Jiyao didn't care and did it carefully and conscientiously. Naturally, Lan Qianjue and Xu Rong also followed Shen Jiyao's lead. Ji Yao is busy together.

Just the pig skins and chicken feet were soaked in seventeen or eight jars, costing more than two hundred taels of silver. However, Shen Jiyao didn't feel bad at all. He no longer likes to calculate costs when doing things, because he has the kind of ability to make a sure profit. Lost confidence.

After preparing the pickled peppers and tempeh, Shen Jiyao finally had time to take a good rest.

The weather is getting hotter day by day, and it rarely rains after arriving in the town. It rains so rarely that you can count it on one hand. However, Shen Jiyao recently hopes that the day will be hotter, so that the things he makes can be better. Gotta go faster.

The cellar in the backyard is almost finished and will be ready in about four or five days.

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