Chapter 59 Building Moment

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The bricks and tiles used in this courtyard are not like the red and green bricks in the restaurant, but simple black tiles. The main house has two floors, with a pavilion above it, which is quite rare. It is probably used for For those who want to admire the stars and the moon, it would be perfect to eat moon cakes and eat melon seeds during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The courtyard is in the shape of a gate, and the backyard corresponds to the area occupied by the restaurant. Therefore, the courtyard is very wide. There is a huge flower bed in the center of the patio, and a huge saponaria tree is planted in it. It is almost here. It's June, the flowering period of the soap locust has passed, and the ground is covered with withered flowers. The blooming crown of the soap tree has completely blocked the entire patio of the yard. Some inconspicuous soap locusts have fallen on the crown, and the sunlight is shining from the top of the head. When we came down, the wind blew, and the shadows of the trees on the ground swayed, making the courtyard feel unusually peaceful and peaceful. The last time Shen Jiyao came to visit, he only took a quick glance at the trees, but didn't notice that they were there. What kind of tree is this? After carefully looking at it for a long time, I felt more and more that this yard was really to my liking.

If he makes money in the future, he will definitely buy it, Shen Jiyao couldn't help but think to himself.

Several people over there couldn't help but exclaimed after entering the yard. They could no longer control their legs and looked around the yard. First, they looked at the well and the windlass in the corner of the yard. Xu Rong even stirred the windlass happily. After fetching a bucket of water for several people to drink, after they were full, they ran to the tree to pick up withered flowers and smelled them again and again. Wang Yue'er looked at the fingernail-sized soap locusts all over the tree and pointed them out to Wang Bao'er happily. Wang Bao'er did the same. She was so happy that she looked at Shen Jiyao excitedly and said: "Brother Shen, you can boil water for washing clothes in the future, and you don't have to spend money to buy it."

Seeing them so happy, Shen Jiyao said, He was in a very happy mood. He smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, but I can't do it. Can you endure it?"

Wang Yuer'er said happily: "Of course you can. It's simple. When the soapberry is ripe, leave it to me." Okay, I will wash your clothes from now on."

Shen Jiyao nodded without comment. He looked at this very pleasant courtyard, with a smile on his gentle and jade-like face. Lan Qianjue stood holding Xiao Doumi. After watching beside him for a while, Xiao Doumi looked at Xu Rong who was jumping up and down and screaming, her clear eyes full of excitement as she jumped into Lan Qianjue's arms. Lan Qianjue raised her hand and patted Xiao Doumi. There was a faint smile on his lips: "With the cover of this tree, summer is much better."

"That's natural, thirty-two taels per month, it's not a loss." Shen Jiyao said with a smile: "Although the location is a bit remote, we can play GG. Let's go to the house and have a look?"

Lan Qianjue agreed, and did not ask Shen Jiyao what GG meant. The two of them went to the main building directly opposite. Go to the house.

A few people had their own rules. Although they really wanted to see what the house was like, they didn't rush into the house to visit before Shen Jiyao did it. They just looked around excitedly in the courtyard. At this time, Seeing that they were going to see the house, they all followed them consciously.

Several people followed him noisily, eager to see what was inside the room. Shen Jiyao walked up to the steps, and then thought of another thing, so he did not rush to open the door and go in, but turned around to face the few people. The person said: "I plan to hire a few more people in the future. Including the master chef, I will hire about seven or eight people. There are nine rooms in the backyard, except for the three rooms in our main house and an extra woodshed. There are three rooms left on each side, that is, six rooms. If we recruit seven more people, plus five of you, there will be twelve people. There is just one room for two people, so you can take priority now. Choose a few houses to live in, and when the time comes, I will hire three women, so Yue'er will have someone to keep you company."

After saying this, Zhang Yong said with a smile, "I'll share a room with you. , Xu Rong."

Xu Rong put away his smile and said seriously: "I don't live with you, I live with Wang Baoer, you live with Goudan. They all have flaws, and we just take care of each other. , otherwise it would be inconvenient for them to do anything together, don't you think so?"

Zhang Yong thought that it was indeed the case, so he naturally had no objection, so he simply said: "Okay, then I'll share the room with Goudan, little one. Stuttering, I will take care of you from now on."

Zhang Goudan said unconvinced: "You, you, you are the one who stutters."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this. This Goudan is simply a living treasure. As soon as he opens his mouth, Even if what he said is not funny, just hearing the tone of his voice is enough to make people laugh. Although a group of people often make fun of a dog egg, the relationship between the seven of them is very good, unlike the master and the slave. , rather like a family of brothers and sisters. The rare thing is that the five of them are not arrogant. They can distinguish between master and servant, but they never use this relationship to restrain themselves. Instead, they respect each other and treat others wholeheartedly. Others naturally Being able to feel your kindness is just like Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue treating several people equally and attentively. They are very grateful and return the most sincere feelings.

Shen Jiyao was naturally very satisfied when he saw them helping each other like this. Xu Rong was really not an ordinary sensible person, he was responsible and discerning.

"Go and choose a room that you like." After Lan Qianjue said that, she pushed the door into the house with Xiao Doumi in her arms. Shen Jiyao saw this and followed him in hastily.

Shen Jiyao was dumbfounded when he entered the house. Although the house was not big, it was quite decent. There was a main hall for receiving guests. There were a row of chairs and a square coffee table on the left and right sides of the hall, and a table for the upper seat. There are two Taishi chairs, and the left and right sides of the hall are separated by screens and bead curtains to form two rooms. Shen Jiyao bypasses the screen and lifts the bead curtain on the left and enters the room. Inside is a study room with tables and chairs. It's complete, including bookcases and utensils, but no books.

There was no door in the room, only a hanging window facing the outside of the courtyard. The study also relied on this window to get all the light. Shen Jiyao went up to touch the solid wood desk with an astonished expression, and couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know. What kind of person is the original owner of this restaurant? He understands the mood of life so well. Not only is the house decorated in such a grand manner, but the various furnishings inside are also very generous and decent. Even if you don't do business in such a restaurant, you can still live here. The backyard is also a pleasure. I don't know why the owner wants to rent out this building. Wouldn't it be better to keep it for himself? "

"Xu is no longer in the town. Looking at the furnishings in this house, I'm afraid he doesn't care about this little money. That's why we handed over this building to the supervisor and asked them to rent the restaurant for them." Lan Qianjue was holding Xiao Doumi and walking around a screen in the study, wanting to see what was behind it. He turned around. When I went to the back and took a look, I was a little surprised. What was placed here turned out to be a solid wood imperial couch.

When Shen Jiyao saw him going to the screen, he followed him and said, "How do you know that the owner of this house gave it to the supervisor instead of selling it to the supervisor."

As he said that, he walked around the screen and saw this picture. The imperial concubine's couch was stunned for a moment. The main room was so humane that even a bed for a short rest was prepared.

Lan Qianjue had regained his composure. He patted Xiao Doumi, who was squirming in fear, and said, "If it is sold to the supervisory market, do you think these good things in the house can still be kept?"

Shen Ji Yao then thought about it and thought that this was really the case. He couldn't help but said with some worry: "Then it would be bad if the owner of the house comes back and wants us to move out. Do we have to go to the Supervisory Office to draw up a deed with them?" Set a time limit, so that if someone comes to drive us away, we can also ask for liquidated damages from the city."

"Probably not." Lan Qianjue said, "Since the owner rented the house out, I'm afraid he won't come back in a few years. I asked the supervisor before, and he said that this restaurant was only rented once, and it was not used for half a year. Depending on the situation, the owner has not been gone for long. It is estimated that he will not come back in a year and a half, so there is no need to worry. "

Shen Jiyao finally felt relieved. The two of them looked in the study for a while, and then went to visit the inner room on the right. This inner room was more comfortable. The solid wood bed was very strong and wide. There were bed rails on the inside. The bed was very wide. From now on, you no longer have to worry about crushing Xiaodoumi when you turn over when sleeping.

There are as many wardrobes in the house as there are shelves for placing clothes. There are also hanging windows in the inner room. There is also a table and chairs placed under the window. The table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth and there is a tea set. I am afraid that besides Shen Jiyao Apart from watching TV, this is the best house I have ever seen since I came to this world.

Although Lan Qianjue was calm, he was quite excited at this time, but not as excited as Shen Jiyao. He touched here and looked at that place from time to time, and then he raised the hanging window and looked into the yard. Bian Xu Rong also happened to raise the hanging window. When he saw Shen Jiyao, he smiled cheerfully and said hello.

Shen Jiyao asked, "How is your house?"

"It's very good." Xu Rong said, "It has everything."

After hearing this, Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue went to their house to take a look.

There are also ready-made utensils in these rooms, including beds, tables and chairs. The furnishings in the six rooms are all similar. It seems that this is indeed a place specially designed to house servants.

Several people were extremely satisfied with the yard. After seeing it, they walked out of the backyard with satisfaction. They told the painter and saw that it was getting late, so they returned to the village.

Early the next morning, Shen Jiyao handed Xiaodou Mi to Wang Yue'er to take with him, while he and Lan Qianjue went to the county to buy a few more servants. As for the master of the spoon, Shen Jiyao didn't know where to look for a while. So I planned to put up a sign on the street to hire a cook. If it didn't work, I would go to the supervisor and ask where I could find someone.

The two of them went to the county to buy three women together. They were about sixteen or seventeen years old. All of them had sallow complexions and thin bodies. They looked timid, but they seemed to be well-behaved and obedient. Shen Jiyao had already arranged their work. Okay, they just washed dishes and vegetables in the backyard. In addition, they bought two young men who looked simple and honest, took them to the Yamen to draw up a deed of sale, and then brought them back to the village.

Opening a restaurant not only requires spending money everywhere, but is also very busy. After the two bought the waiter, they had to find a cook. For this reason, the two had to run outside every day in the sun these days. Fortunately, the weather did not change. It was so hot that they sweated all over when they moved. The few people they had just bought were left to Wang Yue'er and others to take care of them. Even Xiaodou Mi was only brought home when they came home. They were so busy that they kept spinning like a top.

However, they searched all over the county and town, but still couldn't find a cook.

For this reason, Shen Jiyao felt very strange. It was fine that there was no cook in a small place in the town, but why couldn't even a cook be found in such a large place in the county? In desperation, the two had no choice but to go to the Supervisory Hall. Now Their supervisor is named Zhang Chengde, a tall man with a beard. He said: "It's hard to find a cook like this. People who have this skill will choose to open their own shops. Besides, these cooks are actually taught. The master teaches the disciples, and the apprentices teach the disciples. After the church, they directly take over the master's position or are recommended by the master to work in other restaurants. This is almost always inherited. However, this is the emphasis of big restaurants. In our town The big restaurants are Yingke Lai in the east, Jubaozhai in the west, and Sifangke in the south. They are all still hiring cooks. Even if they have them, they have all been snatched away by these restaurants. You guys are I don't know, the fights between these families are very fierce, and there will always be a mole who secretly learns cooking, so the cook is only willing to hand over his craftsmanship to people he trusts, not just anyone. Everyone can learn it, so that's why there are so few cooks."

Shen Jiyao nodded in realization, thinking that there are still these things to pay attention to. So, if he wants to find two cooks, he can only do it himself. nourish?

Shen Jiyao thoughtfully thanked the supervisor and said goodbye and then left the supervisor's hall. He stood outside the hall and said to Lan Qianjue: "Otherwise, let's buy two more people and sign a death contract, and then I will Even if they can't learn how to cook, it's good to help me knead the dough, fry the chicken and cut some vegetables, what do you think

? He stood face to face with Shen Jiyao, then reached out to hold Shen Jiyao's hand and said, "I'm just afraid that you will collapse if you are too tired. Opening a small shop for half a year is already hard enough, and now you have to do it yourself." Go stir-fry, if there are many customers, how can you afford it?"

Shen Jiyao said with a smile: "It depends on the situation, if there is someone to help, I will only be responsible for adding seasonings and stir-fry, so it won't be tiring, and it will be easy to wait for a long time. They have almost seen all the dishes, so of course they don't need me when frying those dishes. I will only be responsible for frying the difficult ones."

Lan Qianjue thought for a while and said, "How about I help you, and you can fry some. I've already learned a few dishes. If you really want to learn, it won't be difficult."

Shen Jiyao's eyes lit up and he was about to say yes, but then he thought about a lot of problems and had to say: "Who are you cooking for me? Go and look at the front, there is no one to collect the money."

Lan Qianjue said: "Let Yue'er collect the money. Didn't she also collect the money in the small shop before? I'm afraid I can't compare to her at the cash register. Let me help. You."

Shen Jiyao thought about it carefully. Although cashiering is a big deal, Wang Yue'er has been with them for so long. She is indeed a good girl who won't hide anything secretly. She is very trustworthy, and then said, "That's fine. Then I will teach you cooking. Anyway, the fat will not go to outsiders. If you teach outsiders, I will probably hide it and don't want to hand it over. In this case, let's buy two more laborers, one of whom will replace you and the other will replace Xu. Rong, he is very good. I plan to teach him how to cook. What do you think?"

Lan Qianjue agreed: "Xu Rong is really good, let's teach him."

After the two of them discussed it, they went directly to the county to buy it. Two young men came, so that the matter between the waiter and the cook was settled, and Shen Jiyao felt a lot more at ease.

Next was the things needed to buy a restaurant. They first made a plaque. The name of the restaurant was still what Shen Jiyao thought of. It was called Liuxian Tower, and the powerful characters were plated according to Shen Jiyao's intention. It was painted with gold paint and looked very eye-catching. As soon as the plaque was hung up, the momentum of the restaurant instantly went up a few notches, causing people on the street to look at the sign and say that the shopkeeper's tone was quite serious. Before Shen Ji could wait, Yao had become famous for a while when he went to promote his restaurant, and the matter became an interesting conversation after dinner.

The next step is to buy other things. There is no shortage of pots and pans in the restaurant. You only need to buy some spoons and chopsticks, bamboo sieves for vegetables, dishes for dipping water, etc. Of course, the most important thing is the casserole and the brazier. , these two are indispensable. They will be needed when making hot pot in the future. When it comes to making hot pot, Shen Jiyao is a little worried again. To cook hot pot, you can't use firewood like in the kitchen, so you still have to use charcoal, but you can cook it yourself. There are more or less problems with the charcoal, and there is a lot of smoke.

Shen Jiyao had been secretly worrying about this matter for a long time, but he didn't want to solve it by accidentally saying it.

The two of them came to a pottery shop to buy a casserole. This casserole was called a pottery pot by the locals. As the name suggests, it was made of pottery. Shen Jiyao told Lan Qianjue about this while choosing a pottery pot. Before Lan Qianjue could wait, Then, the shopkeeper who was choosing a clay pot for them said: "This charcoal is sold in the west of the city. That shop is next to a bird seller. You can go to his house to buy it. His charcoal is very good. Not only will it not smoke when burned, but it is also very resistant to burning. It is made from high-quality trees, but the price is not cheap. It costs five yuan per pound. "

Shen Jiyao was instantly excited and said: "Five yuan is not cheap, but a pound of charcoal is a lot. As long as it is available, thank you, storekeeper. I want fifteen clay pots of this style. You help me make it. I'll give you a deposit of one tael first, and you write a note to me. When it's ready, you can help me deliver it to Liuxian Restaurant in the north of the town, and I'll pay you the remaining money. "Do you think it's feasible?" Shen Jiyao said, picking up a gray-black pottery pot and showing it to the shopkeeper, indicating that he wanted this kind of pottery pot.

"Liuxianlou?" The shopkeeper read it in a low voice, and felt that the name sounded familiar. After thinking for a moment, he was surprised and said: "That's the newly opened Liuxianlou in the north of the town? Oh, are you the shopkeeper? Really? It's better to meet than to be famous. I didn't expect that my brother would have such ambition at such a young age. I admire him."

Shen Jiyao was a little embarrassed. He only learned about the interesting facts about Liuxian Tower in recent days. He originally just wanted to be a good person. Unexpectedly, Gao Dian's name has now become a name that reflects his "ambition". Shen Jiyao smiled and said: "It's just a gimmick, not worth mentioning."

The store owner said nonchalantly: "Hey, what's the matter? This restaurant The name should be exaggerated. Some people really like to go there just for the name of the restaurant. But I have to remind you, those who go specifically for the name of the restaurant should be careful. Come to make trouble."

"Thank you for the reminder, I'll remember it," Shen Jiyao said, "I'll bother you, I want fifteen."

The store took the pot and said, "Okay, I've done it. I'll send it to you."

Shen Jiyao agreed, waited for the store to write him a note, then handed over the money and left.

After ordering the pottery, Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue went to the west of the city to order charcoal.

Because they wanted more, the charcoal seller was willing to give them a lower price. Finally, they negotiated a price of ten copper coins and three pounds, and agreed to pick it up in two days.

The two of them worked hard for several days, and after buying all these miscellaneous things, they returned to the village. They planned to bring a few people to the town in two days to buy rice and iron pots, and then move all the pots in the snack alley. Come to the restaurant and hand over the shop to the supervisor, and that's it. Just waiting for the tables and chairs to be ready, the paint to be painted, and the recipes to be prepared, and then you can choose a date to open the business.

There were seven more people in the yard, and they immediately had no place to live. They stayed in the yard during the day and stayed at Da Zhuang's house at night. As soon as the two returned to the yard, they felt like they couldn't go around them.

Shen Jiyao bought seven people and didn't have time to communicate with them. Today he finally had time, so he gathered everyone in the courtyard to get to know each other.

Those three were biological sisters. Because there were too many sisters in the family, the oldest ones were sold off, leaving only a few younger ones, so their names were very simple, namely the eldest sister, the second sister, the third sister, Wu The surname, the sisters are all timid, their looks are not a mark but they are pleasing to the eye.

The names of the four young men were not like those of the sisters. Their names were Zhao Maoer, Zhao Gouzi, Li Erquan and Li Erfu, and they were also brothers.

Shen Jiyao looked at this group of people and felt a little overwhelmed. Except for the names of the women he had just memorized, his mind was now full of cats and dogs and he couldn't remember them at all. He originally wanted to choose a few for comparison. The names that are easy to remember are like those of the women, eldest brother, second brother, third brother and fourth brother. But then I thought that the names were given by my parents. If I changed their names on my own initiative, I'm afraid it would make them have ideas.

Shen Jiyao cleared his throat and said: "Now that we are together, we are all a family. We will go to the town to open a restaurant soon. Yue'er, Xu Rong, when the time comes, you two will take some time to teach them about the guests." What to do when you come here, how to order food, etc. As long as you follow me well, I will not treat you badly. When the restaurant makes money in the future, I will pay you some monthly money. Do you have any opinions?"

A group of people asked . Without raising their heads, they all shook their heads.

Shen Jiyao nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's it, you guys have a good rest these days and then move to the town."

Xu Rong said: "Brother Shen, when will we move to the town? Ah."

Shen Jiyao said; "The paint has been painted, and it will take a few days to build the tables and chairs. Tomorrow we will move everything in the snack alley to the restaurant, clean the restaurant, and wait for the tables and chairs to arrive. , we can open the business on a certain date."

Xu Rong said, "Then what time do you plan to publicize what you said last time?"

Shen Jiyao looked at Xu Rong. He nodded and said: "You can go tomorrow when you move things, and buy a gong, drum and cymbal to build momentum, and that's almost it."

Xu Rong happily responded: "Okay, leave the drumming to me."

The newcomer Li Erfu whispered: "I know how to play the big cymbal, let me do it."

"Okay, that's it."

The next day.

A group of people left the village in great force, looking at the people in the village inexplicably.

The eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law stood in their yard and looked at the group of people leaving. They said in a strange tone: "Hey, you said they made some kind of windfall and bought so many slaves. Look at that shameless guy just now." That proud look almost floated to the sky!"

The second sister-in-law hugged her son and kept shaking him to comfort him, and said: "I heard from Mrs. Wang that they have opened a restaurant now. Don't you think it's strange? It was just a restaurant back then. A shabby food stall has now even opened a restaurant. I'm afraid it's doing something shady. Do you think we should go and have a look?"

The sister-in-law looked jealous and said, "Okay, I really do. I can't bear to see him acting like this. He's really running a restaurant. Let's wait and find some bad luck for them on the day they do business. I wonder if the God of Wealth will go to his house." The

second sister-in-law said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, this is a good idea for you . Damn, if you interfere with this business, I'm afraid there will be no business in the future. "

"Don't talk about me, do you want to see them make a fortune?"

"Of course you don't want to, I don't want them to. You are so poor that you have to eat tree bark."

The elder sister-in-law said disapprovingly: "That's it. Go and take the child to Qian Ming, and let's go and take a look."

The second sister-in-law sighed and went back to the house to take care of him . After the child was handed over to Lan Qianming, he and his sister-in-law secretly followed a group of people to the town.

After Shen Jiyao bought gongs, drums and cymbals for the two of them, he asked everyone to go to the small shop to move things. Because a group of people went there early in the morning, they saw a scene that moved Shen Jiyao as soon as they arrived in the town. In front of his snack bar, twenty or thirty diners gathered, all talking about how they had not seen the owner for a long time and how much they missed the breakfast made by the owner.

Shen Jiyao walked over. When everyone saw it, they all came up to him and said, "Shopkeeper Shen, have you come back to open a shop? Where have you been these days? My wife often clamors to eat the cakes you make. It's really... Let me wait!" Compared with the enthusiasm of this group of diners, the store owners in the snack alley looked bitter and resentful when they saw Shen Jiyao. They were really afraid that Shen Jiyao would come to compete with them for business again. , business finally got better after he left.

Another person said: "Since I ate your breakfast, I can't eat other people's food. You should open a shop quickly, but I'm so hungry."

There was a lot of chatter among the group of people. Shen Jiyao was moved and helpless. He raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet and said: "Thank you everyone for your kindness. I will not open this shop. I will open a restaurant in Zhenbei. That's all." Damn it, if you don't mind it, don't forget to give me a try when the shop opens.

"Why is this so good a restaurant? Then you can still sell the breakfast you made before."

Shen Jiyao said. : "Sell it. There will be other breakfasts and various special stir-fries at noon and evening. You can come and try them."

"Okay, in that case, we will wait for your restaurant to open!"

Shen Jiyao He hurriedly said: "Thank you for your support, we will live up to everyone's expectations."

A group of people talked a lot before leaving.

Shen Jiyao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I didn't expect that I also earned a group of loyal fans. Let's all move."

Except for Shen Jiyao who was holding Xiaodou Mi, he didn't move with him. The group of people more or less took something. , Xu Rongze and Li Erfu walked empty-handed in front of a group of people, beating drums and cymbals as they walked, shouting: "You are changing places at the restaurant again. You will feed at Liuxian Tower in the north of the town. Everyone is welcome to have a look." Look, there are all kinds of delicious food! Everyone is guaranteed to be satisfied."

When passers-by heard the shouts, they realized that Liuxian Tower was owned by a well-known guy in this town, and they followed a group of people to watch the fun.

The eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law were also among them. They looked at the scene just now and were so jealous that this brother actually had such an ability to win over people's hearts!

The eldest sister-in-law gritted her teeth and said, "We must not let him get complacent any longer."

The second sister-in-law smiled and said, "Let's come when he opens and have some fun for him."

"You think of something."

"Okay, sister-in-law, wait a minute . Just watch the show."

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