Chapter 58: Being a host and entertaining guests

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Shen Jiyao seemed very happy because he found a suitable restaurant. He happily returned to the village and called the five people into the house to discuss going to the town with them. However, what happened As soon as it reached my mouth, I had concerns again. The joyful mood gradually disappeared, and the five people began to feel worried.

The restaurant is very big, so we will have to recruit a few more people, and after the restaurant opens, everyone will inevitably live in the backyard. So if everyone in the room goes to town, who will be there to manage it? As for things at home and work in the fields, Shen Jiyao couldn't bear to sell the chickens and geese he had raised for so long. He always felt that these were symbols of a family. There was also a dairy goat that needed to be taken care of, and someone in the fields had to watch over them from time to time. , although few people know about that place, it is hard to say whether it will be discovered in the future. Although there is a land deed and you are not afraid of being taken over, there are still many people in the village who can't stand them, and they are not well-intentioned, so it is better to be careful. , otherwise the gain outweighs the loss by waiting for them to destroy or dig up the vegetables.

If nothing else works, just leave two of them at home to take care of the crops, while the other five go to town.

Thinking of this, Shen Jiyao said: "We have already found a restaurant, and we also have a backyard. From now on, we don't have to run around and live directly in the restaurant. However, we have to leave two people at home to look after the vegetables. Of course, , if the vegetables in the field can be harvested, we will come back to harvest them, as long as we manage the house well, tell us who of you is willing to stay."

When the five people heard this, they looked at each other in confusion and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lan Qianjue thought that the others were afraid that she and Shen Jiyao would think they were lazy by staying at home, so they dared not take the initiative to speak up, and then said: "You are all helping us whether you go to town or stay at home, and you don't have anything to do with it either. If you have any other ideas, just tell us if you want to go to town with us or stay."

After a few people hesitated, Wang Yue'er took the lead and said, "I want to go to town and help Brother Shen with the work."

Xu Rong said. Me too."

Zhang Yongye said hurriedly: "There is still me, I am so capable, so of course I can't be left behind."

Seeing this, Shen Jiyao could only look at Wang Baoer and the little stuttering Zhang Goudan. With a sad look on their faces, the three people rushed to say that now they were afraid that they would have to stay, so Zhang Goudan said with an unhappy face: "He, they all, go, then I can only, I'll stay with Bao'er."

Seeing the aggrieved look on his face, Shen Jiyao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I'm afraid even Xiaodou Mi can tell that you don't want to, Bao'er. Goudan, you also want to go to town?"

Wang Baoer pursed his lips and nodded hurriedly, his eyes full of hope. It was obvious that he wanted to go to town very much, but he couldn't say anything, while Zhang Goudan had a kid's heart. He was full of grievances and said anxiously: "Brother Shen, go, I will go wherever you go! You all go... Go to the town to be busy, just, we will enjoy the happiness at home, I don't, no, no, no Qian, I can bear all the hardships, but don't let me idle in the village. Even though there is work in the fields, doing business in the town is not easy at all. Brother Shen, we, our business is so good, but you five or five are too busy, so you better take Bao'er and me with you." It's

so hard to say a sentence with this stammer. It's really funny and heart-wrenching.

Shen Jiyao looked at Lan Qianjue helplessly. After asking, no one wanted to stay at home. Several people were thinking about them all the time. Shen Jiyao was naturally reluctant to order anyone to stay, for fear that they would have ideas in their minds. , so he had to say: "What should I do? Sell all the living things at home? Just bring a dairy goat and let's go to the town together?"

After hearing this, several people looked at Lan Qianjue eagerly, fearing that he would disagree.

"That's okay." Lan Qianjue picked up her bib and wiped Xiaodoumi's saliva. She didn't see the hopeful looks from several people and said, "It's troublesome to keep it, otherwise, just sell it. Since they don't want to stay in the village, Let's go to town together. After all, they have been working as waiters for several months and know how to greet customers."

Shen Jiyao thought for a while and then said: "Poultry can be sold, but what about the vegetables in the fields? It can't be left alone. In fact, I have always had an idea about Brother Zhou and the others, but it's just not time yet, so I don't want to say it too early, but now it seems that I have to implement it."

Lan Qianjue said: "What idea. "

Shen Jiyao said: "Hire a few people in the village who are close to us to grow vegetables for us, such as Brother Zhou, Da Zhuang and Zhang Quanwang, so that we can hand over the crops in our fields to them and we will pay. Give them money to ensure they earn more than farming, do you think it is possible?" Lan Qianjue

thought for a while and said, "I have to see if they are willing first, otherwise I will ask Brother Zhou and the others."

Yao said: "You don't need to ask, I'll tell them, later you go and invite Brother Zhou and others to our house for a meal. Invite all those who are close to us. Since we opened this shop, we have also I haven't had a good time to get together with them, so it's a good idea to get together today."

Lan Qianjue agreed and said, "Okay."

The matter was settled, and the five of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Jiyao said to Xu Rong: "Can you kill chickens? If you can, go catch four chickens and kill them. Kill two rabbits. I'll make something good for you to eat tonight."

"I can, I'll do it right away. " Go and kill." Xu Rong stood up and said to Wang Bao'er, "Bao'er, shall we go together?"

Wang Bao'er nodded, got up and followed Xu Rong.

Nowadays, the temperature is getting higher and higher. The vegetable seeds sown in the vegetable field in the yard will sprout in a few days and will be edible again in a month and a half. Shen Jiyao picked up some young vegetables in the vegetable field. , planning to use it to cook hot pot at night, while Wang Yue'er carried a basin full of tender vegetables to the well to wash the vegetables.

In the evening, Shen Jiyao's chicken and rabbit had been fried, and they were waiting for Lan Qianjue's stone bowl to mix the glutinous rice cake with chili, make spicy chicken, and stir-fry yellow braised rabbit.

Although it is easy to get angry when eating spicy chicken hot pot on this hot day, Shen Jiyao has not eaten spicy chicken for a long time, so he fried it for a meal. At this time, Shen Jiyao's mind also turned around. A group of geese can be sold, but the chickens can be kept and slaughtered for cooking. Although they are all raised at home and some cannot be slaughtered by hand, if they are sold, they will still be slaughtered. They will be slaughtered everywhere, Shen Ji Yao no longer worried about these things, so he fed them some good food and then killed them.

Shen Jiyao asked several people to move two tables and a dozen benches into the courtyard and set them up. He also went to get lanterns and hung them on the trees, planning to have dinner in the courtyard.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lan Qianjue, who had gone to invite people, led everyone over.

A group of people entered the yard chatting and laughing, and greeted Shen Jiyao one after another. Sister-in-law Zhou came up to Shen Jiyao with a smile and said: "I heard from Brother Lan that you are going to host something to treat us to dinner again. It's really annoying, although again I have to trouble you, but we still came shamelessly. Once we heard that you were going to make delicious food, we couldn't control our own legs."

Zhang Quanwang said with a hearty laugh in a rough voice: "Isn't it, my son? I've wanted to come here for a long time. When Brother Lan said he wanted to come to your house to eat, he ran faster than a rabbit."

Shen Jiyao smiled and said, "It's an honor for you to show me your face. We'll eat in the yard today. You go first." Sit down and be casual, I'll go get the food."

Lan Qianjue walked to the kitchen with Shen Jiyao with the stone bowl in hand, and said at the same time: "Xu Rong, go get the shortbread you bought last time for everyone to eat. "

Xu Rong responded and happily went to the house to get shortbread.

Everyone pulled up stools and sat down. Wang Dazhuang looked around the yard and sighed: "The days go by so fast. I haven't eaten the food cooked by Brother Shen for five or six months."

Li Quanfeng laughed at the side. Laughing without saying anything, Zhang Quanwang hugged his son and joked: "Why don't you sell yourself and come to Brother Lan's house? From now on, you can eat the food cooked by Brother Shen every day."

This made everyone laugh, and Zhou Laosan said: "Da Zhuang, stop worrying about Brother Shen's cooking skills. I think you are in need of a wife. Hurry up and find a wife to cook for you. She is already in her twenties. If you don't find one, no one will want her. Well, we are all worried about you."

Wang Dazhuang's dark face couldn't help but blush, and he said: "I'm not worried about you."

His shy look made everyone laugh again.

Wang Yue'er came out with a tea can at this time, distributed the bowls on the table to pour water for several people, while Xu Rong brought two packets of shortbread wrapped in oil paper and placed them on the table for everyone to eat.

In the kitchen, Shen Jiyao soaked the dried chili peppers in water, and then started to pound them in a stone bowl. The wet chili peppers were very weak and difficult to mash. Lan Qianjue was very confused as to why he had to dry them. The dried chilies were put through water again before being pounded, and then Shen Jiyao was asked what his intention was.

While peeling garlic cloves, Shen Jiyao said: "There are several types of chili peppers, and there are three common ones. One is to dry it in the sun and then fry it. The fried chili peppers can be crushed directly. They are chili noodles. Make it for dipping in water, or eat it directly in the noodles. One is to dry it and mash it directly. This is raw chili noodles. Eating it raw is very stomach-breaking. You can stir-fry it with oil for cooking, but if you pound the raw chili noodles, Be careful and put some salt in it. It tastes great when used to dip boiled potatoes. Another kind is this glutinous rice pepper. This kind of pepper is probably the most delicious among several kinds of peppers. It is good for whatever it is used for. Eat, if you want a dish to taste good, chili is the key. For example, the spicy chicken I want to make will not taste very good if it is fried with raw chili noodles, so it must have glutinous rice cake chili."

Lan Qianjue. He seemed to understand, so he didn't ask any more questions and continued pounding the chili peppers.

Shen Jiyao peeled the garlic, put it into a stone bowl and pounded it with the chili peppers. It took him two quarters of an hour to get the glutinous rice cake chili peppers out.

Shen Jiyao happily took a wooden spoon and scooped two chili peppers into the bowl and smelled it. Then he sighed exaggeratedly and praised the fragrance before starting to light the fire to cook.

Lan Qianjue likes to watch Shen Jiyao cooking. The process of cooking food is always the most interesting.

It was getting dark, and a few people were still chatting and laughing in the yard. Xu Rong came out to light the lantern and saw that Shen Jiyao's dishes were almost fried, so he started to get the bowls and chopsticks consciously.

When everyone saw that they were about to start eating, they were no longer in the mood to chat, and all looked towards the kitchen.

Not long after, Shen Jiyao had fried the spicy chicken hot pot, and the braised rabbit had been fried early in the morning. Wang Baoer and others took out all the food and put it on the table, then consciously stood aside to watch over it. Ji Yao came out with Xiao Doumi, who was screaming with hunger, and said: "What are you doing standing here? Come and eat together."

Brother Zhou looked at a few people and said: "Yeah, we don't pay attention to that. You all are Come and sit down together and just stand aside and watch what's going on."

They looked at each other and Lan Qianjue said, "Sit down and eat together. Brother Zhou and the others are not outsiders, so you don't need to be too reserved. "

Hearing this, several people walked to the table and sat down.

Lan Qianjue went to get a jar of wine and poured it for everyone. A group of people sat around the courtyard and started drinking and eating meat under the trees with the light from a few lanterns. Shen Jiyao was feeding Xiao Doumi. Lan Qianjue saw that he had no time to eat, so from time to time he would pick up a piece of boned chicken and put it to his mouth to feed him.

The taste of Shen Jiyao's stir-fried dishes was undeniable. As soon as it was served, they started eating quickly with their chopsticks until they were sweating profusely. Even the five people who seemed more restrained because of the presence of outsiders gradually began to eat happily. When they got up, a group of people ate and praised. Four chickens were stir-fried to make a pot of spicy chicken. Half of it was quickly gone. The aroma of the glutinous rice cake and chili made everyone full of praise, and they all said in disbelief that this dogwood fruit could be cooked. The smell is simply incredible.

Shen Jiyao laughed when he heard this and said, "Sister-in-law Zhou doesn't know, but this is actually not a dogwood fruit, but a vegetable from France called pepper. It tastes much better than dogwood."

"Chili?" Sister-in-law Zhou said, "That's a good name. , but where did you get the Fanbang cuisine?"

Shen Jiyao casually said: "Last time in the town, a group of strangely dressed people came to have dinner, but they had no money to pay for the meal, so they used these seeds to pay off the debt. Today I asked you to come here because I want to discuss something with you about these vegetables. I wonder if you are interested."

Zhou Laosan, who had not spoken since the meal, started to speak up . , he said without raising his head: "Whatever it is, just say it."

Shen Jiyao thought for a while and then said: "Qianjue and I found a restaurant in the town, and we plan to open it in a few days. restaurant, so I was thinking about using these seeds to grow some rare vegetables that are not available in our town for cooking and selling. However, all seven of us are going to town, so we don't have time to farm, so I wanted to ask you if you would like to help. Let's plant these vegetables, and when they mature, I will spend money to harvest them for you. I want them all, and the price is negotiable."

Everyone paused, looking hesitant, and said nothing.

"What kind of vegetables are there?" Zhang Quanwang said: "Can the vegetables from this country be eaten? There will be no problem. It is said that the people from this country are not very friendly and ambitious. They always want to annex the country of our Daqing Dynasty. They give " Isn't it some kind of poisonous weed?"

"No, what you are eating now was grown from the seeds they gave you, so that's fine." Shen Jiyao smiled and changed the topic. "Sister-in-law Zhou, how much money can you make from growing crops for one season?"

Sister-in-law Zhou said truthfully: "We who grow crops all depend on God's mood. At the best time, we can keep the food we eat at home, and we can sell it for two or three taels. , when the time comes, just one or two taels."

Shen Jiyao shook his legs gently and teased Xiao Doumi, and said without hesitation: "Let's do this, I will rent your land and hire you to help me grow vegetables when the vegetables are ripe. , what do you think if I spend money to collect vegetables? ""This is not necessary." Zhou Laosan said seriously after hearing this: "You will make a big loss by doing this. You must really use these vegetables. We will give you one or two pieces of land to plant, and we don't need any money from you. Why are we so polite? It's just a lot of money."

"Brother Zhou, what I want is not just one or two pieces of land." Shen. Ji Yao said: "Do you think this will work? I will rent an acre of land for 300 yuan, and then I will give each of you one tael of silver a month to help me grow vegetables. When the vegetables in the field are ripe, I will pay you per catty." I'll charge you three cents, what do you think?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Quanwang said at this time: "You are doing business, not a loss-making business, and you still need to hire us to rent our land. Forget it, there is no reason why you have to spend money to buy the vegetables you asked someone to grow in the end. I know Brother Shen is taking care of us, but we really can't afford you to do this. Have you planted the vegetables you mentioned? Question, I, Zhang Quanwang, have agreed. I will lease all seven acres of land to you. You can grow whatever you want. Give me the vegetable seeds. I will plant your vegetable seeds when the crops are ripe and harvested this season. "

Li Quanfeng, who had been deep in thought, spoke up and said, "Brother Zhang is right. Although I don't have much land, I can grow a lot of vegetables on three acres of land. Brother Shen, if you don't mind, I'll give it to you too." "

I think what they said is fine," Sister Zhou said, "The land is leased to you, and we will let you hire it, but don't pay for the vegetables in the land, otherwise others will laugh at us."

"That's it." Shen Jiyao said: "Four hundred dollars per mu of land, and I'll give each of you two taels of silver per month, so you don't have to pay to buy vegetables in the vegetable field. What do you think?"

Zhou Laosan uttered an ouch. , said: "You two are really good friends. It's impossible to work in the fields every day. Sometimes when the farm is slack, you still sit at home. Let's put aside the relationship of brothers now and just discuss the matter. It's not worth two taels of silver." , some vegetables will be ripe quickly after planting, but most vegetables have to wait for several months before they can be eaten. Brother Shen, we can earn seven or eight taels of silver in just two months of the year. Where can we make it? I can charge you so much money, so let's do it. The cost of renting the land is only three hundred yuan, which is enough for one or two a month."

Wang Dazhuang said: "I think this will work. Even so, it will make more money than farming by myself." "Yes, sometimes the crops in the fields are not harvested well, and they are just enough to make ends meet. If we can make money, as Brother Zhou said, none of us will lose."

Shen Jiyao looked troubled and was thinking about whether to agree . , Lan Qianjue said: "Although you can't make much money by farming your own land, it is a net profit. You will definitely keep a year's worth of food before selling the food, but you can't keep any food when you help us grow vegetables. If you don't give me more, you won't be able to make any money. After all, it's better to grow your own crops. If you are willing to help us grow crops, then listen to Ji Yao. Putting aside whether it's worth it, we are good. Brother, don't worry about the money. It's settled like this, four hundred yuan per acre, two taels per person per month, starting from the time the seeds are planted. Ji Yao and I will go to the town to see the development first. If it's a business Well, supply and demand are high, so I have to trouble everyone."

Everyone stopped talking. Everyone was tempted by the temptation of profit, but they were unwilling to let the two of them suffer, so everyone remained silent. Brother Zhou thought for a while. , and then reluctantly said: "Then it will work, just as you said."

Lan Qianjue smiled and said: "Then it's settled, we'll talk to you after we go to the town for a few days, okay Come on, let's all eat."

After dinner, several people chatted until late in the evening. Shen Jiyao was so happy that he almost forgot to tell them about his pieces of land, so he hurriedly told everyone. Asking them to take care of them for a few days, of course, they will be paid, but Shen Jiyao didn't say it. Saying it so casually would embarrass everyone. It wouldn't be good to accept it or not. If he did, it would make people think He was greedy for money, and if he didn't accept the offer, it would make people think that he was unwilling to help with such a small favor. Therefore, he planned to wait until someone accepted the offer, and then go directly to that offer with the money.

The job was finally taken over by Mrs. Zhou's family. Shen Jiyao thanked him a few times and changed the subject.

After entrusting the land at home, Shen Jiyao felt more at ease. Tomorrow he could go to the town to find a carpenter to make tables and chairs and paint them.

Lan Qianjue and Brother Zhou drank some wine before eating, and were still sitting in the courtyard talking. Sister Zhou had already taken Xiaobao back, and Tianci fell asleep in Zhang Quanwang's arms. Shen Jiyao was really Feeling sleepy, I hugged Xiaodou Mi and went to rest, leaving a few gentlemen in the courtyard blowing all over the place. I don't know how long it took, but Shen Jiyao felt that the thin quilt on his body was lifted, and a faint aroma of wine lingered around him.

Shen Jiyao looked back in confusion. There was no light in the room and he couldn't see anything.

Shen Jiyao felt a pair of hot hands hugging him tenderly and slowly opened his pocket, then softly shouted: "Qianjue?"

"Yes." Lan Qianjue responded in a low voice, following Shen Jiyao's footsteps. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, then untied his trousers and pulled down his trousers. After a few gentle expansions, he lay down and pushed in from behind.

Perhaps because he had been drinking tonight, Lan Qianjue's movements were so big that Shen Jiyao couldn't help but hum.

Afterwards, Lan Qianjue did not pull out, but gently hugged Shen Jiyao and fell asleep.

Shen Jiyao struggled a few times but couldn't break free, so he had to let him go.

The next day.

Shen Jiyao went to Mrs. Zhou with a tael of silver. After some pushing and shoving, he finally gave her the money. Then he came back and had lunch before going out. Those people were very curious about what the new restaurant looked like and they all wondered. They went to take a look but didn't say anything. They just looked at Shen Jiyao expectantly. Shen Jiyao naturally saw this look and took the five of them to the town.

They first went to the person who made tables and chairs for the snack alley shop last time and ordered a batch of beautiful and elegant tables and chairs. They spent a total of twenty taels of silver. They then went to the painter to negotiate the price, and then they went together. Restaurant.

There is a street outside the restaurant, and only a few vendors are doing business here. Seeing them walking to the end of the street and entering the restaurant, a hawker whispered to a vendor selling side dishes: "This building has not been open for a while, what do you think this guy is?" Could it be that I was stupid, I chose this place, and I was not afraid that no one would come to visit me, so I wasted so much market money."

The vegetable vendor said: "Hey, you have seen that he is a brother, he can do great things, I am afraid that someone will favor him. I just like to throw away this kind of money. Besides, who doesn't want a building with a cheaper market capital? Although the world is peaceful now, business is difficult to do. Isn't it just to avoid the more than ten dollars of market capital? Did you come to this damn place?"

"That's right." The salesman sighed, and suddenly said nervously: "Hurry up, hurry up, the supervisor is coming!" He stood up and took the load in a hurry. He ran to the end of the street and then branched into another alley. By the time the vegetable vendor reacted, he had disappeared.

The vegetable vendor cursed lowly, then hurriedly picked up the burden and ran away.

Wang Yue'er and the other five people looked around in the restaurant and couldn't help but marvel. Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue took the painter up and down and looked around before saying: "What do you think, master? Can you just pick out the areas where the paint has peeled off?" Paint."

The painter was a man in his late teens. He looked at the railings on the second floor for a long time before he said: "Shopkeeper, I think we should repaint them all. It's better not to paint this floor. Although there are not many places where the paint is cracked, if you pick it up after a long time, it may become a piece of paint here and there, and

you will not be able to stand it." Shen Jiyao smiled and said, "Then just follow the master's instructions. But at this price..."

The painter said: "I won't charge you more, so how about you add an extra tael."

Shen Jiyao didn't say anything. He thought it was a bit expensive, but seeing that the pillars of the restaurant were so high, the painter said. It is not easy for a person in his forties to climb up and down, so he said: "Okay, you do it. I will pay you one tael first. When you finish it, I will pay you another one tael. I will hand over the key first." Here, we live far away and we can't come in time to open the door for you, for fear of delaying your work."

The painter nodded, took the key and a couple of silvers, and felt a little better for Shen Jiyao, but he didn't like him yet. I have never seen such a carefree and unsuspecting person.

After the matter was settled, Shen Jiyao no longer cared about the painter, but took a few people who were eagerly waiting for him to finish talking to visit the backyard.

This restaurant is very exquisitely built. At least you can tell that the owner who built this restaurant is very sentimental. The roof has a pointed roof, and the combination of red walls and green tiles is very eye-catching. The second floor is slightly smaller than the first floor, but it is There are railings surrounding the perimeter. Although there is no window position, you can still see far away from a high position, which has a unique atmosphere.

The inside is even more grand. The floor is made of wooden boards, and the surrounding walls are all flattened with wooden boards. The kitchen and the account counter are lined up on one side, and a door is opened at the back. The kitchen is even more grand. The stove has five burners, and behind it is a row of high-quality wooden cabinets that can accommodate a lot of things. The pots and pans inside are all piled up in the corner. Shen Jiyao also just finished it today. I looked around carefully, and after reading it, I felt that I had made money.

A group of people circled around the first floor, and then went up to the second floor. The stairs were diagonally facing the kitchen, and the situation in the kitchen could not be seen from up and down.

A few people went upstairs, and the facilities on the second floor were simpler. Therefore, they did not take a closer look, but directly opened the doors on three sides. There was no door on the side facing the backyard, which was a good protection for a group of people. After seeing the corridor, several people were amazed again. They were really satisfied with this restaurant.

After viewing the second floor, a group of people went downstairs in a hurry and walked to the backyard.

After seeing the backyard, those people were dumbfounded.

They had never expected to live in a courtyard like this one day. Suddenly they could live in such a good place. They couldn't believe their eyes.

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