Chapter 10 The second sister-in-law's scheme

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The sun is setting in the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

The two of them walked and rested, and finally arrived home.

Shen Jiyao neatly hung the washed clothes on the rope outside the house, picked up the wooden basin for washing vegetables, grabbed half of the dog grass and day lilies in the basin, and then went to the well to wash vegetables. Lan Qianjue He poured a half-dead fish in a dung basket into the wooden basin that had been used to hold clothes. Seeing that he was about to go out, he quickly took the pole and poured all the water in the bucket into the wooden basin. He picked up the two fish and took a dagger. Pick up the bucket and go out with him.

As the meal was approaching, there were many people washing vegetables at the well, and the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law were among them. When a group of women gathered together, they naturally talked about right and wrong.

A group of people were immersed in washing vegetables and did not notice the arrival of the two people. As soon as they walked in, they heard the sister-in-law say: "I'm so stupid. His brother is so kind and righteous to him, but he repays his brother in this way. He has done something scandalous." I don't want anyone to say anything, but he took out his anger on Erdan because of that lowly brother. He just sat down on that brother's chair, and then he picked up Erdan and threw him to the ground. It's really abominable. I It seems that he was probably fascinated by that evildoer. He didn't hesitate to make the old man so angry, but he still embarrassed his own son like this. "

This made everyone sigh, and the second sister-in-law continued: "Sister-in-law, it's no wonder. He would be so presumptuous, and I told you not to mind his business. But now, your good intentions are not rewarded. Two days ago, my honest man saw that he had no food and no use, so he kindly wanted to take him to the town to work. Who would have thought that he would actually show off his face to that man of mine? If you ask me, this kind of person does not deserve sympathy. If you sympathize with him, he will criticize you!"

The woman who was listening cheered and said: "Yeah. As for those two of you who are kind-hearted, why should such people care about what they do? It bothers me when I see a man who doesn't know anything about him. If you ask me, you two sisters-in-law should just leave his business alone. , since you don't listen to advice, just let him fend for himself. It's not a thankless thing for you two to worry about."

The sister-in-law sighed and said: "Hey, after all, he is also the son of his brother-in-law, and his life is not easy. We are also anxious when we see it. Aren't we hoping that he will get better? Don't we, as sisters-in-law, feel relieved? If we don't care, who will take care of it? The old man has long ago not wanted to see him because he was entangled with that brother. Well, if we don't help him on weekdays, how can he live without money?"

"No," the second sister-in-law said, "I don't know, it's his business, we can't be like him. We are still a family after all."

The two went around and praised themselves, but they devalued Lan Qianjue as worthless. A group of women were filled with indignation and said something wrong about Lan Qianjue.

Shen Jiyao, who never expected that they would spread rumors like this, glanced at Lan Qianjue with a dark face. Seeing that he had no expression on his face, he seemed not to care, and had no intention of going forward to argue, but Shen Jiyao But he found that the veins in his fisted hands that were resting on the pole were bulging out. He was clearly trying his best to endure it, and Shen Jiyao felt uncomfortable for no reason.

He knew why Lan Qianjue didn't go forward to defend himself and confront his two sisters-in-law in front of a group of women. Not to mention that he wouldn't do it. Even if he did, others would only watch the show and not do anything about it. They will understand him, and they will not think that what he said is true. They will only feel that he is a grown man who has trouble with two women. In the future, he is afraid that he will be spread as rumors and even worse than a pig or a dog.

But Shen Jiyao didn't have so many scruples. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't want to see Lan Qianjue being slandered and slandered like this and remained indifferent. He walked over and looked at a group of women who were immersed in washing vegetables and couldn't stop talking. Said: "It's so made up that it sounds like it's real. I, the client, almost believed it. You made it up out of thin air and you're not afraid of going to hell and having your tongue pulled out and put in a frying pan."

When a group of women heard this voice, they all looked up to see the second sister-in-law. The sister-in-law immediately changed her face, and Shen Jiyao continued: "If God really opens your eyes, are you people who have done so many evil things really not afraid? You know what is going on, but I have to advise you, People are doing it, God is watching, and karma will always work."

The sister-in-law's face was quite unnatural, but she refused to show her guilt. She said with a smile: "Oh, who do I think is so loud? , a lowly brother has the nerve to teach someone a lesson, karma? I'm afraid this must be applied to you. If it weren't for you, our family wouldn't be like this."

"You are. Good at fabricating facts." Shen Jiyao sneered and said: "Whether things are what you said, outsiders don't know what the facts are, so they can only make up nonsense, but I think as long as you have some analytical skills and a brain, People, based on your usual virtues, will be able to judge the authenticity of what you say to some extent, but for those stupid people who have no brains to distinguish and will only agree blindly, it is no wonder them. After all, not everyone has a brain. , You can do whatever you want, the laws of nature are clear, and you must pay attention when it thunders and rains."

Shen Jiyao's words were really perfect. He not only refuted the sister-in-law, but also ridiculed those people. He would just follow the women who were making noises.

As expected, the faces of the women in front of them all turned a little darker.

"It's not what I said. That's what it is." The sister-in-law was so angry that she threw the vegetables in her hands into the basin. Water splashed everywhere. She stood up and pointed at Shen Jiyao and said, "Didn't he carry the two eggs this morning? Well, you didn't let him sleep and you got pregnant? What did I say wrong?"

Shen Jiyao was not afraid at all, he said: "Does it have anything to do with you that I am pregnant with his child? You need to take it. Are you here to excuse your nonsense? As for Erdan, please explain it in detail, tell me the whole story, and compare it with what you just said. Let the aunties who agree with you listen to see if it is what you said. That way."

The elder sister-in-law was speechless for a moment. Just as she was about to make an unreasonable argument, the second sister-in-law spoke up.

She didn't want to say anything at first, but when she saw her sister-in-law talking more and more enthusiastically, she was afraid that if the argument continued, the other party would expose what she just said out of nowhere, so she pretended to be disdainful and said: "Sister-in-law, let's ignore him, you just talk to him. What is this lowly brother talking about? It's bad luck to see him."

The sister-in-law snorted. She didn't intend to just let it go. She had never been so embarrassed before, but a woman on the side tried to persuade her, so she glared at Shen. Ji Yao stopped talking at a glance.

After Shen Jiyao saw that the two of them were no longer fabricating facts, he was not ready to continue. Although he was reasonable, these two women had the ability to turn white into black. As long as they stopped slandering Lan Qian. Jue, even if there is, don't let him see or hear him, otherwise he will stay with him to the end even if the former villagers are his enemies.

Lan Qianjue came over and patted his shoulder gently, then asked him to wait for her in the grass dam while he carried the bucket to fetch water to wash the vegetables.

A group of women avoided Lan Qianjue like snakes and scorpions, and some even squeaked in a low voice. Lan Qianjue didn't care and just filled up the water and carried it to the grass dam to meet Shen Liyao. Wash vegetables.

The two of them squatted in the grass dam with the water in the bucket and did what they were doing. Lan Qianjue neatly removed the scales of the two fish, disemboweled them, and cleaned all the internal organs. Shen Jiyao carefully I was washing the day lily in the basin and pulled out the stamens. I was thinking about where I should go later to get some seasoning from the treasure bag to make dipping water.

The sun gradually disappeared behind the distant mountain peaks, and the sunset glowed like fire on the horizon. The two of them had almost finished washing. Lan Qianjue was carrying the bucket and planned to carry a load of water back for use. At this time, the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law had washed the vegetables and carried the vegetable basin away. Come, when passing by Shen Jiyao, he saw two clean fish and a bunch of wild vegetables that he had never seen in his vegetable basin. He immediately had an expression of disbelief on his face and kept looking at the fish in his basin, lingering. Walk forward.

The elder sister-in-law said furtively to the second sister-in-law: "Am I not dazzled? That basin contains fish? The fish in the river outside the village are notoriously difficult to catch. Where did these two people get them? And What are those red and green things? Are they the wild vegetables they went to dig?

"They looked familiar, but I didn't see them clearly before." The second sister-in-law looked back frequently and said with a look of jealousy. These two poor people can't afford to eat fish, but they don't even have the salt to cook the fish.

"It seems they are probably going to catch fish," the sister-in-law said with eyes. They can still eat so well after being driven out. We can't take it easy for them. Go talk to your sister-in-law later and ask her to ask for some fish soup. Just say it is for the old man. He, Lan Qianjue, will never be like this. Don't give it to me."

The second sister-in-law rolled her eyes behind her and despised her sister-in-law's behavior. Every time she had something to do, she would encourage her to do it. However, she was not stupid. How could she be manipulated? She was even better at it. I just heard her say: "How much fish soup can two small fishes cook? How can he drink the fish soup? In my opinion, we might as well go and see him first." Are there any fish left in the house? If so, just bring a few over."

The sister-in-law thought the same thing, but then she thought again and said, "That's what I said, but you can still go into his house. No? Normally we could go in and take a look, but after what happened just now, he probably won't let us in. Even if he lets us in, it's impossible to get the fish. "

This played into the second sister-in-law's wish. He hurriedly said: "Hey, my good sister-in-law, if we need to go there in person, why don't we just let Erdan go? If a child wants something, is it possible that he can't give it to him? If he really doesn't want to give it, let Erdan go. Tell his grandpa, wouldn't it be better if the old man hates him more and more? It would be better to drive them both out of the yard and let them die outside."

The elder sister-in-law hesitated for a while, although the method suggested by the second sister-in-law was the best of both worlds. She was not very willing to let Erdan go, but she was even more unwilling to just watch them eat fish happily. Moreover, she had not had any fish for a long time, so she couldn't bear the thought that there might be some fish left in Lan Qianjue's house. I was tempted and agreed.

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