Chapter 4: Crush the Soft Persimmon

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Lan Qianjue followed suit. As soon as he took a bite, he raised his eyebrows and praised: "This taste is really great, soft and glutinous, sweet and not greasy."

Shen Jiyao was instantly laughed at when he saw him praising sweet potatoes in such a serious manner as if he had eaten delicacies from the mountains and seas. He suppressed his laughter and handed one of the two remaining sweet potatoes on the ground, the larger one, to Lan Qianjue. Said: "If it tastes good, eat more. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work."

Lan Qianjue originally planned to let Shen Jiyao eat more, but after hearing the next sentence, he smiled and did not intend to say anything else. decline.

After eating the sweet potatoes, Lan Qianjue continued to do his thing, while Shen Jiyao found a shady place to sit down and wait. The sky was dry and the breeze was blowing, and he fell asleep soon.

Lan Qianjue did something for a while, then turned around and saw Shen Jiyao sleeping uneasily under the tree, so he brought some hay over and laid it aside, then carefully carried him to the hay and laid him down. , and took off his shorts and put them on his head to prevent him from being awakened by the bright light.

Lan Qianjue looked at the person lying on the ground, and a subtle feeling gradually rose in his heart, but it was hard to describe.

He smiled without knowing it and went to do things again.

At noon, the sun was at its peak. Shen Jiyao was sweating all over his body from sleep and woke up from the heat.

He took off the turban that covered his head, got up and sat on the hay, squinting his eyes for a moment before gradually waking up. Shen Jiyao touched the soft hay mat under him and knew that Lan Qianjue had made it for him. , couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He looked up and saw Lan Qianjue's body covered with sweat, her bronzed muscles were very beautiful, and she was working with a hoe.

He stared blankly for a long time, then stood up, put his clothes on the thorn awning, and walked towards Lan Qianjue.

Lan Qianjue had already eradicated many weeds throughout the morning. Visually, the clearing was about ten feet wide and about two feet wide. There were about a dozen haystacks piled in the ground. At this time, he was still working without stopping. Work hard and sweat like rain.

Shen Jiyao walked aside and silently watched him working. Lan Qianjue waved her hoe and still looked at him with ease, saying, "Are you awake? If you're bored, go home first."

"You're not bored. "Shen Jiyao said: "I'll see what you do, and I'll work with you in the future."

Lan Qianjue naturally knew when he was referring to, and he couldn't help but secretly calculate the birth of Shen Jiyao's child. time, so he smiled and said, "I'll do it."

Shen Jiyao was noncommittal, but he looked at it very seriously.

In the evening, I finally opened two plots of land, but they only removed the grass. We will continue to loosen the soil tomorrow.

The sky was getting dark, insects were chirping all around, the heat had subsided, and the night wind was actually quite cool. Lan Qianjue put on her shorts, holding the basket and hoe in her left hand, and then she naturally held Shen Ji's hand. Yao, for fear that he would accidentally fall because the sky was dark and he couldn't see the road clearly. Shen Jiyao didn't show any pretense and let him lead him forward. It felt very comfortable to have someone thinking about him all the time. He didn't reject it, at least not. He would feel like he was living a boring life just like in his last life, and he would no longer just think about getting ahead and getting more love from his family.

But now his mind has changed. There is no love from his family here waiting for him to get ahead. What he needs is to live with dignity. He wants to live several times more gloriously than those who look down on him. Secondly, he needs to live a life of dignity. He must be more comfortable than the useless self in his previous life, express his anger when he is angry, instead of just being patient, which will only make others more proud and make him feel infinitely wronged. Love when he has love, and never waste his youth. This is his current purpose.

Thinking of this, he looked at the lean and tall figure in front of him. Although the other person was a man like him, love had nothing to do with gender. If he was willing to love himself wholeheartedly, he would love him too.

Shen Jiyao: "..."

Why did you suddenly think of this? ! Shen Jiyao was a little confused. He always felt that his thoughts seemed a little strange, and he suddenly had such an idea. Although Lan Qianjue's inadvertent actions did make him feel good, could he have such an idea because he had subconsciously recognized this idea? A thoughtful and silent man?

Shen Jiyao touched his face in embarrassment, put aside his distracting thoughts and looked at the road seriously.

It was already dark when the two returned to the village. The lights of the three houses in the courtyard shone through the oil paper windows to the ground. From time to time, the sounds of children playing in the house could be heard, which seemed very warm. However, all this beauty was different from the two. No matter, they walked straight to their own dark woodshed.

Lan Qianjue let go of Shen Jiyao's hand, took out the key and opened the door. He put the hoe outside the door, carried the basket back to the house and lit the oil lamp, then fetched water for Shen Jiyao to clean briefly. He just wiped his face with water, and when he was done, he went outside to light a fire. Shen Jiyao took out a few sweet potatoes, washed them, and boiled them in an earthen pot, which was suitable for tonight's dinner.

The two of them had dinner. Shen Jiyao heated up some water and washed himself before lying down on the bed. Lan Qianjue blew out the oil lamp in the room and groped over to lie down on the bed. Shen Jiyao was afraid of Lan Qianjue, so Lan Qianjue made do with two small stools put together and leaning against the corner until they were replaced. After Shen Yao, the two began to sleep on the same bed.

The two of them were lying back to back. Shen Jiyao didn't say much. He leaned in as much as possible so that Lan Qianjue could lie down more easily. The chirping of crickets outside the house was very hypnotic. Shen Jiyao quickly fell asleep. When he was feeling comfortable, he Feeling Lan Qianjue gently turn over and leaning towards him, Shen Jiyao suddenly woke up and felt the warm chest behind him pressing against his back, while the other party's hand gently rested on his waist.

Shen Jiyao's heart suddenly beat uncontrollably. He squeezed his hands tightly to restrain the tension in his muscles, and adjusted his breathing to prevent the people behind him from noticing his nervousness. A quarter of an hour later, he He gradually got used to the position between the two of them, but it was hard to fall asleep again.

This is the first time that Shen Jiyao feels the embrace of others while he is awake. He has never known what love and care means since he was a child. Ever since his father concluded that his horoscope brought bad luck to the family, he has never been touched by others again. care and concern, and even always get criticized and resented.

The care and concern that he had been thinking about all along were given by someone he had only known for more than ten days. Apart from being sad and nervous, he was actually a little nervous.

Shen Jiyao just thought about it with complicated emotions until he fell asleep. He had a rare good night's sleep.

When she woke up the next day, Lan Qianjue was no longer in the house.

Shen Jiyao first got up and looked at the sweet potatoes in the basket. Not a single one was missing. He couldn't help but frown. Was Lan Qianjue planning to work hungry?

Forget it, I'll boil some sweet potatoes and send them to him at noon.

Shen Jiyao found some hazelnuts and fruits in the treasure bag and ate them for breakfast. When he was full and was about to wash the sweet potatoes, he saw that there was only half a bucket of water left in the bucket, so Shen Jiyao poured out the remaining water. Get into a clean wooden basin, pick up the load and prepare to fetch some water for use.

The well in the village was a little far away from home. He picked up the burden and went out, locked the door and walked out.

The air was very fresh and there were few people in the village. Shen Jiyao was still carrying his burden and walking on the path formed by countless houses built side by side in the village. He didn't care about the occasional comments about him from the courtyard. He walked straight to the well without caring about himself.

There were several women washing vegetables by the well. Shen Jiyao paused, looked at the people in front of him and hesitated for a moment before continuing to move forward.

Several women were chatting and laughing while washing vegetables. As soon as they saw Shen Jiyao, they suddenly became strangely quiet. Several people looked up and stared at Shen Jiyao.

Shen Jiyao ignored them and walked around a few people towards the well built like an arched temple.

He put down the bucket and took out the gourd and gourd in the bucket to fetch water for rinsing the bucket, but suddenly he heard a woman say in a strange voice: "Ever since my husband found out that I was pregnant, he has to hold me in his hands to protect me every day. How can I come out and do such heavy work? This is the difference between a monster and a woman."

Another woman continued: "Who is not like this? Only the animal has to work after being pregnant. Say yes, haha, it makes me happy."

Several people laughed, but Shen Jiyao turned a deaf ear. Even if he knew that they were insulting him in disguise, it didn't matter. He didn't need to be angry over a few nonsense words.

Furthermore, ignoring is the most powerful response.

When several people saw that Shen Jiyao did not continue, they felt bored and embarrassed at the same time, so they started to fight even more wildly. The woman who was the first to speak with a sharp face said: "It's really unheard of and unseen for a man to have a baby. It's unheard of. I don't know what's going on with God. He's not just trying to be nice, but he actually created such a monster to irritate people. There are already women in this world who can carry on the family line. Why do you want to create a brother? Brother. What the hell is that?"

He glared at Shen Jiyao fiercely.

The two people who had not spoken a word looked at each other and did not say anything. The woman who was clearly insulting Shen Jiyao continued: "Humph, it's so shameless. A decent man wants to be under another man." , has no sense of shame at all, no wonder his father used it as a mortgage to pay off debts. If I gave birth to such a thing, I might as well just jump into the river and die. Thinking about it, it's not worth it for his parents. "

Another. The famous woman chuckled and was about to start talking, but Shen Jiyao said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Two old women, you get so much pleasure from talking bad about people, why do you still get married? Your parents should know that a baby is born in ten months. You are such a gossip, you will probably be too embarrassed to reincarnate when you die. Are you worthy of your parents who have worked hard to bring you up?"

These heart-wrenching words were coupled with a look on his face. The mocking look immediately stung the two women. They stood up and put their hands on their hips and cursed: "You shameless monster! What did you say?! Say it again if you dare!"

Shen Jiyao untied the pole tied with a rope and stood up. , stamped the ground with a pole, and looked directly at the two people without fear. He stared at the two people with disdain on his face, and said with a smile: "What the hell are you? Let me say it again and I will say it again. I promise you Why don't I talk about my parents? If I don't say anything, you are a good person. If I say something, you will become angry. Haha, you are indeed a country woman with no education at all."

The two women were choked. Her face turned red, but she still couldn't bear to curse: "You are such a shameless thing for men to sleep on. What kind of good thing do you think you are! You just spread your legs for men to sleep on. Why are you pretending to be noble? You are really a bitch setting up a memorial hall. Don't mind it." You are the one who disgraced your parents!"

"I am not a piece of shit, I am a human being, you are a piece of shit," Shen Jiyao said, "You are a woman who keeps talking about being slept with by men. Well, I know. You've been sleeping with a man for decades, and you've slept with several children, right? Why do you have to say it in front of everyone, and you're probably going to have to spend a lot of time sleeping with someone like you? For a woman of ten years, it doesn't matter that she gave birth to someone else's baby. She also has to take care of the housework inside and out. For a yellow-faced woman, you tell me how much your man loves you and why you don't see him buying you a good dress. Buy some nice rouge and gouache to decorate your dustpan-shaped face. You like to talk about other people's faults. Only an old woman like you can do this."

Shen Jiyao said this without blushing. What he said almost made the woman angry to death. She was trembling all over and pointed at Shen Jiyao, you, you, you, for a long time, she was speechless.

"You can't win but you can't afford to lose. Do you think everyone is as easy to bully as you see?" Shen Jiyao showed a sarcastic smile, but it made people feel very harmless. In this world, he couldn't stand his father's harsh criticism. They would talk back, and he would not look down on these women who had nothing to do with him. His purpose was to endure what he could bear, and if he couldn't bear it, he would never allow others to continue to bully him. He continued: "I must do it in the future." Find out if the other person is easy to bully, and don't make it difficult to get off the stage like today. It's so embarrassing that I blush for you."

These words were undoubtedly the most choking, and almost choked the woman to the point of breathing. , has she ever met such a 'well-spoken' person, who also touches the sore spot with every word? She really likes to pick up soft persimmons and squeeze them. Unexpectedly, today she crushed the persimmons and sprayed them all over herself. She had to choke. Being neither above nor below is really depressing, and another woman who had previously agreed with this woman about Shen Jiyao no longer dared to speak for fear that she would also be put into such a situation of neither being above nor below.

Shen Jiyao smiled to himself and squatted down to fetch half a load of water. He picked it up with some difficulty and walked carefully past the ugly-faced people towards home.

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