Chapter 56: Su Ye Gets Married.

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As a brother who is not liked by others and cannot walk on the street openly and honestly, Su Ye has someone to belong to. Naturally, people are happy for him. Shen Jiyao took him to sit at the table. Next, he said: "Then when we go to congratulate, shall we hold a banquet in Baoshan Village or in the town?"

Su Ye smiled a little shyly and said: "Brother Zhang said that it should be done in the town, so we can also do it in the village."

Shen Ji Yao raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and couldn't help praising: "Zhang Tianwen can do it. This way, not only will your grandma be beautiful, but you will also have a face. You will not be bullied and looked down upon in the village in the future, but the people in Baoshan Village The attitude towards my brother is not bad, and you won't suffer any loss if you go there. It's pretty good."

Su Ye nodded when he heard this, and said with a contented look on his face: "The people in the village treat me well and are very warm, yes. Grandma only agreed to let me live with Brother Zhang. She had tested Brother Zhang many times before and saw that he was really good, so she agreed, otherwise it would not have been so easy."

Shen Jiyao said in a clear voice. Said: "Then when you go to Baoshan Village in the future, what will your grandma do? Will she follow you to Baoshan Village or stay in the town?"

Su Ye's originally cheerful face suddenly became more sad, and he said with some loss: "She She said she just wants to stay in the town and let me visit her every now and then."

Seeing that he was not in a good mood, Shen Jiyao patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's okay, my shop is open anyway. If you are bored in the town, you can come to see your grandma, and you can also come and play with me. Then we will go back to the village together."

Su Ye said helplessly, "That's all."

The two chatted in the store. After a while, Su Ye went back.

It's April now, and the weather is gradually getting better, but you still have to wear two layers to stay warm inside and outside. This snack alley has almost become a special place for Shen Jiyao's specialty snacks. Other people's business is getting worse and worse. Only Several people who made different things from Shen Jiyao still had some business, and everyone complained, but they couldn't surpass Shen Jiyao in terms of food. In order to make some money, they tried their best to add features to their snacks, but they always failed. Ended with failure.

Among them, the one with the worst business and the most unlucky situation is the woman selling cooking cakes who had targeted Shen Jiyao before and threw excrement outside his shop. She has stopped doing it a long time ago. Firstly, she really can no longer do it. Secondly, She was not allowed to come to supervise the market. Since Shen Jiyao came, she had no business. In recent days, people have come to make trouble from time to time. They always buy a few cakes to eat in the store first, and then eat them. They inexplicably said that the cooking cakes were not made clean, and they ate hair, bamboo skewers and other things in them. Then they got angry and smashed all over the store without any reason. After smashing them, they ran away. The woman looked confused and had no idea what she was doing. I did something wrong, there was something wrong with the cake, so I had to sit on the ground and curse.

The second time and the third time. After all kinds of people came several times in the past few days, even a fool knew that someone was deliberately causing trouble for her. She immediately thought that Shen Jiyao was causing trouble. Recently, She didn't offend anyone. There was no one else except Shen Jiyao. The woman was annoyed, so she rushed to Shen Jiyao's shop to cause trouble, but was unceremoniously 'invited' by Xu Rong and the others. Got out.

The woman was naturally dissatisfied. The more she shouted, the louder she became, and the more she scolded, the more justified she became. She called all the people and shopkeepers around to watch the fun. Shen Jiyao didn't say much, but directly asked Zhang Yong to shout. Let the market regulator make the decision.

After a while, the supervisor came and was surrounded by people watching the fun. The supervisor looked at the two people displeased and asked them in a deep voice what was going on. Shen Jiyao did not wait for the woman to speak, but he preemptively Said: "She can't stand it when I see that my business is good and she comes to the store to cause trouble. You two adults, please help us to seek justice."

The woman yelled fiercely: "He's talking nonsense! He was the one who found someone to destroy my store first!"

Shen Jiyao said lightly: "I smashed your shop. Everyone is watching. Don't talk nonsense." "

You are still pretending!" The woman pointed at Shen Jiyao and said fiercely. "It's not you who else! That group of people came to my store three times in ten days! This is not deliberately looking for trouble. I have never offended anyone! I have only offended you. You must be retaliating against me and trying to kill me." Get away!"

The supervisor looked at Shen Jiyao and said, "Is what she said true?"

"Sir, please listen to me first, and then you can judge whether it is true or false. You two are so wise. She will not be manipulated by traitors," Shen Jiyao said: "Not long ago, this woman came to my store with excrement and water. Everyone present can prove this. Later, she was arrested by me. Now, she knelt down and begged me. I looked pitiful and didn't do anything to her. I just asked her to clean the floor. Now that it has been more than a month, I'm afraid she will frame it on me again. It makes no sense. If I really wanted to find trouble, would I have waited until today? Sirs, what do you think?"

Some people around listened and whispered: "You are indeed right. This is all a matter of sesame seeds and rotten millet. How could we still care about her now that we had settled the matter earlier? We had almost forgotten about it. How could this person who had been dumped with excrement endure so long before asking for trouble? It doesn't make sense."

"Yes, she is also jealous of him. We have been in business for a long time, I am afraid that he is deliberately setting up this guy."

There were different opinions. The woman stamped her feet in annoyance and said, "It's him who is hurting me now! Why don't you believe it? It's fine if you don't believe it." Say it!"

The supervisor looked sideways at the woman and said in a deep voice: "You said he harmed you, but you can't provide any evidence. How can you judge this? And you all agree on the matter. Are others framed you too? !"

The woman was stunned by what she said, looking at the supervisor and not knowing what to do. Shen Jiyao took the opportunity to continue: "Master supervisor, since she wants to frame me, I don't want to let her go now. She did it twice. The fact that she threw excrement in front of my shop is really infuriating. She even caused me to lose money because of this. She also asked adults to seek justice for me. Moreover, she has been ruining my reputation recently and telling diners that the food I cook is unclean. "You two adults have to make the decision for me."

"Is there such a thing?" The supervisor glared at the woman and said, "These women are really ignorant. Others let you go, but you frame others. You are so sincere. Vicious, it seems that this store will not be used by her again! We will take back the store tomorrow, pack up your things and leave immediately!"

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, which made the woman dumbfounded.

The supervisor told a group of people not to cause trouble and then planned to leave. The woman was shocked and rushed forward to hold the supervisor in her arms, crying and begging for mercy, but it was no use. So she shouted angrily: "I just handed over this store. One month's worth of money, why do you want me to move!"

Seeing this, Shen Jiyao pretended to comfort him: "Master Supervisor, it's okay if she doesn't want to move, let her lose three things to me before. Two taels of silver are still coming. If she is asked to compensate me with three taels of silver, then let her continue. After all, it is not easy for anyone. Although she always wants to slander me, I will not have trouble with a woman. "

That's okay." The supervisor said, "Then you pay him three taels of silver and you continue to do your business."

Now the woman stopped struggling, but gradually let go, gritting her teeth. Staring at Shen Jiyao and saying nothing, she really couldn't afford to buy this shabby place with three taels of silver.

The supervisor snorted impatiently and said, "I don't know what's going on. I don't want to see you here when I come tomorrow. Let's go. We're all gone. We're all gone. Why are you watching the excitement?"

The people watching the show dispersed one after another. Shen Jiyao's group and the woman were left.

Shen Jiyao looked at the back of the supervisor, smiled as warmly as jade and said to the woman: "I kindly let you go, but you are getting more and more shameless. You dare to say that the food I cook is not delicious." , I will make it impossible for you to do business, but it is quite cost-effective. It is a pity that the lesson this time is still too light. I hope that you will come to find some fun for me next time, and I will reciprocate and give you some excitement.

The woman's eyes widened when she heard this, and she gritted her teeth and said, "It's really you!" Shen

Jiyao raised his eyebrows and said, "Who else do you think it is that the food is so unpalatable that no one will eat it?" , do you think there will be diners coming to cause trouble? Haha, you are not stupid. If you don't make trouble with me, I really can't deal with you. Suddenly I think you are a little smarter."

Xu Rong and the others listened to this. She looked at Shen Jiyao in disbelief, while Lan Qianjue had a calm face, as if it was not surprising that Shen Jiyao could do these things.

After all, this woman doesn't have any good words and insists on saying that the food in their store is unclean. If she doesn't have a good memory and wants to mess with Shen Jiyao, then she is asking for trouble.

Shen Jiyao returned to the shop triumphantly. After the second day, the bakery shop did not open again. It was repossessed by the city and rented out after more than ten days. Now it sells candy figures.

The ten days passed quickly, and Su Ye and Zhang Tianwen's happy event also arrived. Shen Jiyao bought some meat and vegetables for a few people and left them at home for them to cook and eat. He and Lan Qianjue took Xiaodou Mi with them. Eat the wedding wine of Su Ye and Zhang Tianwen.

The family of three all put on new clothes. Shen Jiyao and Lan Qianjue wore the same style of light blue robes, and Xiao Doumi wore a colorful little dress. This was sewn by Su Ye for Xiao Doumi. It is said that Su Ye is indeed very capable, and he is so meticulous in his needlework.

The two arrived at the entrance of Debao Village, which had already been decorated with red cloth strips. Shen Jiyao couldn't help but exclaimed, and said to Lan Qianjue with joy: "This astronomical document is very attentive to Su Ye. Yesterday, They also specially held a banquet in the town. Although marrying a brother caused such a big battle, others could not help but comment on it, but it also made Su Ye and his grandmother feel proud and proud, and they also fought for the brother. After a while , the ostentation is so big now, it really makes Su Ye gain face."

Lan Qianjue took Shen Jiyao's hand and walked forward. He gave a faint hum and secretly decided in his heart that he would do it in the future. Organize a glorious banquet for Shen Jiyao.

The two walked through the forest all the way, and someone stood outside the village to greet the guests. Shen Jiyao did not bring any gifts, but directly packed fifty taels of silver to send them. Someone took them all the way to Zhang Tianwen's house and left. The courtyard is full of people, and there are tables and chairs. A group of people are busy here and there. It is almost time for the banquet, and it is very lively.

Su Ye has been taken to Baoshan Village by carriage. As soon as Shen Jiyao appeared, he attracted the attention of many people. Many people in Baoshan Village did not know about Shen Jiyao, so now that there is another brother, they always feel that It was strange, and when they saw the child in Lan Qianjue's arms, they seemed even more surprised, but there was no look of disdain in their eyes.

Shen Jiyao smiled friendly at the crowd around him, and then he and Lan Qianjue went straight to Zhang Tianwen who was entertaining guests. Zhang Tianwen was wearing a bright red groom's wedding dress today. He looked resolute and handsome. Shen Jiyao smiled. He congratulated him and said: "Lovers finally get married. Congratulations to Brother Zhang. I wish you two a happy and harmonious life. Where is Su Ye, can I go and accompany him?"

Zhang Tianwen said with a smile: "Hahaha, I wish you good luck. "Yan, go ahead, he's in the house."

Shen Jiyao took Xiaodoumi and went inside. Lan Qianjue and Zhang Tianwen were entertaining the guests. The house was full of people. Mr. Zhang Yuesheng happened to see Shen Jiyao. With a smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to tease Xiao Doumi. Xiao Doumi stared at Zhang Yuesheng with a pair of bright eyes, and then called out twice, her little face was full of smiles.

This made the old man amused. He stretched out his hand to hug Xiao Doumi, so Shen Jiyao handed Xiao Doumi over, and Xiao Doumi, who was held in the arms of the old man, lay in the old man's arms without crying or fussing. The old man was really happy and couldn't put it down, hugging Xiao Doumi. When the people on the side saw it, they also came forward to praise Xiao Doumi for being sensible and not caring about life, and wanted to reach out to hug him. Shen Jiyao was immediately unhappy and also The good old man couldn't bear to let her go, so he politely refused to hug her.

Shen Jiyao smiled proudly. Seeing that the old man really liked Xiaodou Mi, he planned to let him hug him for a while while he went to find Su Ye. The old man saw that he was here to find Su Ye, so he pointed at Su Ye. In the room where Ye was staying, he carried Xiao Doumi to a seat aside to tease him.

Shen Jiyao pushed the door where the old man pointed and went in. Su Ye was wearing a bright red wedding robe embroidered with gold threads with blossoming peonies. The style was somewhat feminine, and she looked a bit soft, but she was not a woman. She was wearing wedding clothes, but fortunately she didn't have any hijab on her head, otherwise it would have been scary.

Su Ye's eyes lit up when he saw him, and his gloomy face suddenly turned into a smile. Then he stood up to greet him and said, "You are finally here." "

Congratulations." Shen Jiyao walked with him to the bedside. He went to sit down and said with a smile: "How do you feel? Is it fun?"

"It's okay, I just don't know anyone, I'm so nervous." Su Ye was particularly docile today, and always had a blush on his cheeks, looking very happy. Eye-catching, he continued: "Fortunately you are here, otherwise I would be bored and nervous here alone. I would be really uncomfortable."

Shen Jiyao joked funnyly: "Besides being nervous and boring, aren't you happy ? Feeling? Isn't it worthy of you to be happy that you are getting married to the person you like?"

As expected, Su Ye's face turned red. He murmured a few times before saying, "Of course I am happy, but I am always a little worried. , I have no friends here, and I don't know how to get along with them."

"Think so much," Shen Jiyao reassured: "Whatever personality you usually have will be the same in the future. Don't deliberately change yourself to cater to others. Don't be cautious about love. He, Zhang Tianwen, likes you. Naturally, he likes everything about you. As for how to get along with the villagers, it is easier, just like getting along with us, but these women talk behind their backs. Just remember not to get involved. Even if I tell you, just laugh."

"After you said it, it seems that it really means that." Su Ye gradually calmed down, he took a breath and said, "Follow me. Getting along with them is actually not difficult, just like getting along with you. I am too nervous. These days, I am always afraid that I will not do well and keep thinking about things, which makes me too nervous. "

"Relax . , just be yourself." Shen Jiyao said, "I was like this when I was getting along with Qian Jue. It was very embarrassing, but I got used to it within a few days."

Su Ye couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, and then became thoughtful. , and suddenly said after a few breaths: "Ji Yao, I want to ask you something, um, will it hurt during sex?"

Shen Jiyao: "..."

"Actually, I don't know either." Shen Jiyao said with a look on his face. Embarrassed, he was still a little unprepared when he was asked this by a pure guy, so he hesitated and said: "This is your first time, so it will definitely hurt. Once you get used to it, it won't hurt. Instead, it's quite comfortable. Hey, Don't think so much, you will know when you do it."

Su Ye blushed and nodded. After a while, he said: "Actually, I used the flower intestine grass, it was very useful, and the back was soft. "It's a lot better, Ji Yao, you can use it on weekdays if you have nothing to do. It didn't work last time, but you can use it now. It will also make you feel better."

Shen Jiyao no longer looked embarrassed. He asked seriously: "Isn't that for brothers who have children? Can it be used even if you don't have children? There are no side effects."

"You can just use it, there will be no other "It has bad effects." Su Ye said: "This is what my grandma told me. She said that I should put some in it every day. Our brothers are different from women. The places where we use it are different, so we have to be careful, otherwise we will use it too much." There will be many problems in the future, so it's better for you to use it."

Shen Jiyao thought to himself. The two of them haven't been intimate for a long time. A few days ago, Lan Qianjue suddenly became interested in doing something he wanted to do. I could just pretend I didn't see it, but I was afraid of pain in the back. After careful calculation, I haven't done that kind of thing since giving birth to Xiaodoumi. It's not an option to continue like this. Now that he happened to have this suggestion, I naturally had to try it. If it was useful, Shen Jiyao said: "Okay, I'll use it when I get back."

Su Ye smiled shyly, and suddenly realized the next moment, and asked: "By the way, why didn't Xiaodoumi see it?"

Shen Jiyao said Yao smiled and said: "Xiao Doumi was played outside by your father-in-law. He wore the little clothes you made for him today. It fits him perfectly and looks pretty good."

"Our Doumi was born so well-behaved, so naturally he can wear anything. Looks good."

"Haha, I think so too." Shen Jiyao smiled proudly, and suddenly thought of a question, his face suddenly became serious and asked Su Ye: "By the way, my brother's pregnancy rate was very high. But I won the prize once. Also, will I get pregnant again next time?"

Su Ye thought for a while and said, "My grandma told me that my brother has a special physique, and it only takes one. I can only have one child in my life. What's wrong, how many more do you want?"

Shen Jiyao: "I'm just asking you if I don't want to have any more. Just don't get pregnant again."

Su Ye: "..."

The two of them. After chatting for a long time in the room, someone came to call Shen Jiyao to sit down. Su Ye was left alone in the room and couldn't help but become nervous. He always felt that he didn't want to face Zhang Tianwen today, but he was looking forward to it in his heart. He sat uneasily for a moment, then remembered that today's medicine was not used yet, so he got up, dug out a small bottle in the bag he brought with him, opened it, and poured some dark green paste into his hand. , then lifted up the hem of his clothes, unbuttoned his trouser pockets and wiped his hands behind his back. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched that place, the door was suddenly opened.

Su Ye was startled, secretly saying something bad, and hurriedly took out his hand and turned around to look. Outside the door was Zhang Tianwen who was stunned, and his eyes were fixed on his lower body.

"Oh my god, Tianwen." Su Ye was very embarrassed, his eyes were wandering and he didn't dare to look at him and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Tianwen came into the room, locked the door, and approached Su Ye step by step. He said in a low voice: "I'm afraid you'll be bored, so I came here to keep you company. What are you holding in your hand?"

Su Ye put his hands behind his back and said nervously: "It's nothing."

Zhang Tianwen didn't ask much, but walked over to He came up and hugged him, kissed the top of his head, and said, "Don't be shy. Whatever you are doing, I will help you."

After saying that, he held Su Ye's hand and took a look, but he didn't recognize this thing. , but he clearly remembered that he just wanted to wipe this thing off his back, so he guessed that it might be something useful for that back, so he wiped the dark green paste from his fingertips and said: "We are married now. "Can I touch you?"

Su Ye trembled all over and couldn't raise his head. He was stunned when he heard this, and his ears turned red. After a few breaths, he nodded with difficulty.

Zhang Tianwen raised the corner of his lips, then hugged him tightly against him, lifted up the hem of his clothes with one hand, and put his hand in. Su Ye suddenly became so nervous that his whole body tensed up. When Zhang Tianwen felt it, he patted him with one hand. She rubbed his back to comfort him, and her other hand gently applied the ointment into his back.

His area was already very soft, and the ointment went in easily.

Zhang Tianwen felt that his whole body was getting hotter and hotter. After doing it for a while, he finally couldn't help but pick Su Ye up and walked to the bed in a few steps and they both fell on the bed.


Time always flies by. After attending Su Ye's happy event, Shen Jiyao used the medicine as Su Ye said. Only then did he know that the flower intestine will condense when it cools down. It is in the shape of a plaster, very easy to carry, and there is no discomfort after use. After a while, you can feel that the inside is really flexible and soft. When I was doing things a few days ago, it was not only easy to enter, but also very flexible, and I was very happy. So Lan Qianjue hugged him for several nights, until he was so exhausted that he couldn't do business the next day.

Lan Qianjue was very satisfied with this. She looked very good and high-spirited every day. Although Shen Jiyao was a little embarrassed that his comfort was the result of having fun with him, he still insisted on taking the medicine every day.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and Xu Rong and the others have already begun to change into their coats. May is here.

The wild plums on the mountain were already ripe, and a group of people picked many of them when they went to the fields to plant vegetables. Wang Yue'er would always wash the wild fruits cleanly and put them on the plate. As long as the half-year-old Xiaodou Mi saw something, I just want to grab it and stuff it into my mouth. This is the time when it becomes difficult to take care of me.

Fortunately, he won't cry if you can't give him something, and he will divert his attention the next moment, which is very easy to take care of.

Shen Jiyao has not done business for five days. Recently, he has been busy planting vegetables, spicy rice seedlings, and harvesting vegetables. The fields are extremely busy. He wakes up early and stays late every day, so he has no time to do business. Fortunately, now All the work inside has been done. The garlic was harvested earlier, and a lot of garlic moss was harvested. The wheat can be harvested after another month and a half.

They gathered a total of more than twenty pieces of land. Except for the three confiscated wheat pieces, all the other ingredients Shen Jiyao needed were planted, including various beans, melons, vegetables, peppers, etc. It is impossible for Ji Yao to grow all the vegetables he needs before opening a restaurant. There are ways to do things with materials, and there are ways to do things without materials. Shen Jiyao no longer plans to wait for the vegetables in the ground to be grown before opening a restaurant. , he plans to start making preparations now. Naturally, this time he cannot be as hasty as last time. He needs to investigate first before making a decision.

There is no work left in the fields. Just wait for the wheat to be harvested in half a month, and then use those pieces of land to plant corn. I have been making snacks for several months, and Shen Jiyao will sell a few more later. He gave the recipe to the restaurant where he had received his porridge recipe before, and he had already saved six to seven hundred silver taels, which was enough for him to have the working capital to open a restaurant. What he had to do now was to spend some time eating various dishes made in the town. Plant dishes, learn about ancient cooking methods, and then wait for the wheat in the fields to mature and plant corn, and then you can start looking for restaurants.

On this day, the two arranged everything at home and took Xiaodou Mi to the town. They planned to stay in the town for a few days, taste the surrounding food, and then start planning a menu.

Lan Qianjue did not stop Shen Jiyao's plan to open a restaurant, and allowed him to do it. Anyway, he had already considered everything that needed to be considered. If there were any shortcomings, he would just solve them. Although he always He was a little worried, but he was very relieved about Shen Jiyao's skills. He might believe it if Shen Jiyao was not capable of running a restaurant, but he would not believe it if he was told that he was not capable of cooking well.

After the two of them found a relatively exquisite-looking inn to stay at, they began to taste the food.

Shen Jiyao first chose a restaurant that looked more luxurious to try. As soon as the two entered the restaurant, a waiter came up and greeted them warmly to go inside. Shen Jiyao looked at the restaurant. This restaurant has On the second floor, there are many people coming to eat. There are at least a dozen famous waiters in the store. Shen Jiyao goes straight to the counter to read the menu, while the waiter recommends his special dishes.

After looking at it for a while, Shen Jiyao said: "Here comes a beggar's chicken, a portion of dogwood and pork liver, a portion of Penglai seabass, two dishes to go with the wine, a cold dish and a pot of wine. You guys can look at these two. Come on, try to choose what you are good at. By the way, let's have a soup, too." The

waiter said politely, "Okay, sir, please take a seat. I'll go and arrange it for you."

It's interesting." Lan Qianjue sat down while holding Xiao Doumi, who couldn't help but kick her calves, and said, "But it's just the two of us. I'm afraid the portion is too much and we won't be able to finish it."

Shen Jiyao smiled and said . "It's okay, let's take a look at the portions first. Moreover, the items I ordered are actually four major modules, one is poultry stir-fry, the other is meat stir-fry, and the other is seafood and gazpacho. I don't know how they stir-fry. Specialty area, so we can roughly divide it into these modules. If we can't finish it, we can take it away and go back to the inn to eat."

Shen Jiyao analyzed it well, so Lan Qianjue naturally said no more.

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