🌌Dream 14🌌

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You're in a bright mood'." Mark teased Fourth. "Hmm. I don't know what you are talking about, I'm normal."
"Back to normal with one level up to cheeryness. You don't smell like beer today, which I like? "You make me sound like an alcoholic" 1 You almost were. so not that I wanna Jinx it but I like seeing you like this." Said Mark solemnly.
"You are over acting, Mark. let's eat lunch."

Mark and Fourth head to the University cafeteria. They were chatting about whatever when suddenly Gem approached them.

"You" Gem said to Fourth, Fourth remembered Phuwin's reaction when he told Phuwin that be talked with Gem so he got nervous.

"Can we help you?" Mark asked since Fourth looked distressed. the just thought that Fourth is just too shy to talk to Gem though.

Gem just glared at Mark and then looked at Fourth again.
"I'm talking to you:
"What is it G- what do you need." For some reason, Fourth's no longer comfortable saying Gim's name.

"Have you talked with Phuwin? the's not at his place?
"Oh, you went to his place, is his, I mean your mother still there?"
"Oh, you know about that w- how close are you with Phuwin? Where is he?"
I - I have to go. Mark, I'm not hungry anymore let's go. ^
I asked you questions and you answered none: Gem pulled Fourth's arm.

Mark stood up and pulled Fourth closer to him, "you can Just talk no need to get physical." said Mark glaring at Gem, he don't have any idea on what's happening but he will forever take Fourth's side.

"This is none of your business!" said Gen to Mark.
"What I am and What I know is also none of your business! Said Fourth which shocked not only Gem but also Mark.

"Make sure to not lay your hands on me in the future." continued Fourth pulling Mark with him.

time skip Fourth and Mark are sitting
at a bench inside their faculty.

"spill" Said Mark.
Fourth knows that he can no longer avoid it though it's none of anyone's business, he decided to let Mark know about Phuwin, not every detail, but some-He don't think Mark would understand Phuwin's and Fourth's undefined relationship but he is his best friend.

"so..." He began.
"The guy that picked me up, that's his brother." Still refusing to mention Gem's mark.

"yes. I met him by chance and we got close.

He went MIA for a bit and now he's back."

"so he's the reason why you've been drinking a lot, because he Went missing?"
"No, not really, I just had a problem sleeping."
Mark decided not to argue. He had more pressing things to know.
"What's your relationship with this Win guy, why is Gem mad at you? Are you dating him, you no longer like Gem?"

"You are asking a lot of questions, I'm close with Win, that's all I can say now."

Mark hugged Fourth "I'm here for you, okay. If you can't sleep or have any problems at all, let me know, you don't need to drink or whatever."

They didn't know that Gem followed them and he secretly took a picture of Mark and Fourth hugging.

"Your slut friend" the DMed Phuwin the picture.

Phuwin was at a mall buying essentials. When he saw the message he regognized that the guy is the one he saw eating with Fourth Who spoonfed him the first day he met Fourth. the immediately thought that this was Fourth's best friend.

Though he wants Fourth, for some reason
he don't feel threatened with this guy.
But he needs to teach his pet a few things. He can't go around hugging anybody but him.

He replied a picture of Fourth which he secretly took with the hickeys just below the collarbone, he immediately unsent the message as soon as it was seen.

Gem was now calling him, which he refused to answer.

Instead of heading back to Fourth's place he decided to pick Fourth up at the University.

Mark and Fourth were on their way out when they saw Phuwin by the gate.

Fourth was shocked at First but immediately smiled" Win!" he said excitedly.
Mark was however still dazed.
After a minute he followed Fourth to where Win was.

"Hello" the awkwardly say. Fourth forgot about Mark but now he started introducing the two.
"Mark this is Phuwin, my Wh -Win this is Mark my best friend.
"Hello Mark, it seems like my little Fourth is shy, I'm going out with him." Win said claiming Fourth. Fourth was dumbfounded he did not want to assume things and he thought Win was just having fun. He did not clarify anything though •

"What?" Gem exlaimed.NO one noticed Gem approching them. Mark was
overwhelmed, he feels like a bystander in
a movie shooting.

"Yo brother!" Said Phuwin, wrapping his arms on Fourth's shoulder pulling Fourth closer. .
I have alot of questions, but answer this one first, what's your relationship with this guy?" Pointing to Fourth.

"You've heard it or you wouldn't have exclaimed earlier."

"What do you mean why?"
Fourth was feeling lightheaded, he hates being the center of attention and they are gathing crowde, Mark saw Fourth's reaction so he immediately pulled Fourth away from Phuwin.
"Uh, nice to meet you Phuwin, I wish to have a proper conversation with you soon, maybe over lunch, but right now Fourth's not feeling well, I'll take him home while you brothers sort things out.." Mark said But Phuwin refused to let Fourth go.

"Oh, I'd like to take you to lunch, I'll have my little Fourth set it up, thank you for your concern, Fourth is lucky to have a friend like you but no need, I can take Fourth home, We live together so it's more convenient"

Mark and him were frozen. Fourth shocked but then he smiled at Phuwin.
"Mark, I'll go home with Win, I'll talk to you after I rest, I really feel like throwing up now so you know the drill." the then looked at Phuwin, ignoring Gem and said " let's go home."

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