🌌Dream 1🌌

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It's been a long day thought Fourth. The day's almost over but I haven't seen Gem yet.

Fourth remembers the day he met Gem though it's been years. During sixth grade there was a transferee from the US, It was already the middle of the school year so he thought who would transfer school that late.

Mark gently nudge his best friend because Fourth has been staring at nothing for quite sometime.

"Are we going to eat first, or shoud we go home?" Asked Mark.

"Let's just head home, I'm not in the mood." Answered Fourth.

"Why? Cause you didn't see your hubby?" Teased Mark.

"Hubby your ass! He doesn't even know I exist. I've been following him since primary school days, I don't even like engineering yet I'm here, cause I really want to be close to Gem, but he never once acknowledge my existence."-Fourth

"Well... sucks to be you! Haha" Teased Mark. "But seriously though. You need to actually try and talk to Gem, you've wasted enough time following him around. You need to know if your just wasting your time or you actually have a shot." -Mark

I know, we've had this conversation before, you damn well know that I've tried. I don't even dare to dream that he will look at me romantically, I just want to be his friend."

"I'm getting tired of this conversation" cried Mark. "Let's just head home."

Time skip Fourth is Home

After dinner, Fourth logged in to his Insta account to do his favorite pastime- Lurking and stalking Gem's account.

He then saw Gem's post:

"Welcome back Bro! It's been forever #twins. #Reunited."

A/N It's my first attempt so please be kind

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A/N It's my first attempt so please be kind. I'll try to update as frequent as I can.

Love Lots, WS.

*Proofread and edited some spelling misses. I'm using the handwritten to text feature so some words are being captured differently. I am trying to write and upload as much as my free time allows so I don't always have time to proofread. I'll try to go back to all the uploaded chapters when I'm free.

If it can't be youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ