🌌Dream 6🌌

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Fourth stared at the man sitting beside mm. It looks like he forgot to breathe for a minute with the shock.

"Earth to cutie, hey, hello! Phuwin tried to get the kids attention.
"Oh, hi- I'm Fourth, why are you here" Fourth quickly responded once he recovered from the shock.

Gem was looking at their direction but fourth's attention was not on Gem. it's with the Gem lookalike.

"Why, can't I be here?" Phuwin playfully responded.

"No, that's not what I mean." But why are you here. Seriously, I just want to know why you approached me." Fourth half whisphered. He still don't understand why Gem's brother is talking to him.

"Ah, well the last time I visited my brother, I heard you asking to join him for much; we are about to head to the res to near by and I want you to join us."

" Huh?"
"There's no Huh, I don't know much about Thailand, I'm pretty new here, all I know is my twin brother and a handful of his friends. Uh, I am by the way, Gemini's twin, not just his ordinary brother" Rambled Phuwin.

"Wait, let's back up. You are talking too much."

"Come on now, are you afraid?" taunted Phuwin. It's just lunch, eating with Gem's a bit boring."
"Won't Gem mind. He doesn't really know me."
"But I know you. You are Fourth-You know me, I'm Phuwin: you're joining us for lunch, as MY friend."

"Uh, okay." said Fourth, finally agreeing. .
"Okay, let me get my brother, wait for us outside the library. There's too many people here." said Phuwin. He wanted to step out of the Library in case Gem makes a scene.

On the way to the restaurant near their campus. Gem did exactly What Phuwin predicted.

"Why are you inviting strangers, we are supposed to eat husch together, I thought you came for me. Gemini said not to softly,so Fourth could hear. He didn't like Phuwin's interest in Fourth. He still don't get why he's irritated but his and he doesn't have any interest in hiding what he feels...

"Uh, Phuwin, I don't have to join you for lunch. I'll just go" fourth to Phuwin, a little dejected since he really did want to have a chance to eat with Gem-the thought today was his lucky day.

"No, you stay-Phuwin to Fourth then looked at Gemini- "You are rude, you don't have the basic manners." the scolded his twin.

Gem got a tad more irritated for being scolded but just relented as he thinks he only have limited time with his twin: "What ever" He finally said.

Fourth sat across Gem while Phuwin sat beside Fourth. Gem raied his eyebrow but did not say anything he can feel that Win is

really interested in fourth. He don't know what level it is though. the would just observe for now-

Phuwin gave Fourth the meme. asking him what he wants to eat.
Fourth was just looking at his hands, clearly still not sure on what to do, here he is about to have much with Gem, he decided to ignore the fact that Gum doesnt really want him here. "I'm fine with Whatever you are having" Fourth said softly.

Fourth excused himself and Went to the bathroom. Gemini decided to confront his twin.
"What the hell are you doing? Why did you invite that fr- kid?" Though Gem said that
in a low voice, you can feel his anger. "Why, I find this baby interesting, I see that you are not interested so I'm calling dibs. I need something to play with while I'm here. now if you'll excuse me, I'II check on my lovely child? Phuwin said playfully which Uff Gem. dumbstruck.

On the way out of the Washroom, Fourth was once again surprised when he saw Phuwin waiting for him.
"Do you also need to go to the toilet?"He asked stupidly.
"No, I came to get you. I was bored cause you Uft" Phuwin said, eyes glistening.

"On" was only Fourth's response.

"Okay, enough with the small chitchats, you like my Twin Gemini." Phuwin said straight. .
Fourth just opened his mouth, no words came out though.

"Cat got your tongue?" Teased Phuwin.

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