🌌Dream 11🌌

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A/N: Hello! Felt kinda guilty so decided to finish chapter 11.
Kinda tough 'cause I'm writing between meetings.
Hope you all are still enjoying this story. 🩷🖤🩷

It's been days and Fourth has not heard from Phuwin. Not a single text.

No, he does not miss Phuwin. It's not that.
It's just that, Fourth didn't know if he did something wrong.

He tried calling but Phuwin's phone's off. He doesn't know where Phuwin lives so even if he wants to go there, which he doesn't he cant.

He needs to know. If it's him, he can change. Phuwin can't just waltz in his life then live him without any explanation.

"Hey Fourth. You've been staring at the abyss for so long now. What's happening?" Mark asked Fourth.
"Huh, no, nothing!
"Just tell me, you've been absent minded for a while now. You even got the answer wrong when the prof asked you earlier?
"I said nothing's wrong, just leave me alone will you!" Fourth's voice rised without him meaning to.
"I'm sorry Mark, I was... I was just thinking. I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout."
"It's fine, I guess you have a lot of things on your mind, I'm not going to push you into telling me things now but remember I am here for you. You can talk to me. I am your friend."
"Yes, Mark, my very Good friend, my best friend. I know I can count on you, I have nothing to say."
"I said I'm not gonna push you but let me just ask one thing, is what's going on related to the guy in the motorbike who picked you up last Friday?"
"How did you know about Win?"
"so Win... Nice name."
"Tell me, do you know Win?"
"No, I just saw him when he picked you up. I didnt see his face clearly cause I was a bit far."
"Oh, he is my friend." Fourth whispered. Then he saw Gemini so he quickly stood up.
"I have to go, I'll see you later? Fourth left without waiting for Mark to respond. He quickly headed to Gemini.
Uhm. Gem. Excuse me." He timidly got Gem's attention which visibly surprised the latter.

"Oi, what?"Gem asked Fourth a bit taken aback.
"Uhm, I... I..."
"What, speak, I don't have all day."

"Hmm. Well, do you know where Phuwin is? I can't reach him." Fourth half whispered.
"Why? What do you need from my brother? Why are you asking for him?" Gem said with a slightly irritated voice as he grabbed Fourth's arm.

"it's, no- nothing,I - I just can't reach him at this moment and I'm-I'm a bit worried - Do you know where he is?" Fourth pressed.

"Who are you to worry about my brother? What's your relationship?"

"It doesn't matter, you don't haver to tell me if you don't want to, sorry If I bothered you." Fourth though dejected just gave up since Its'clear that Gemini doesnt want to let him know where

Phuwin is. He's a bit irritated with Gem, first time he felt a bit of dislike for his long time crush. Why hug the information? It's not gonna kill him if he tells Fourth if he knows or doesnt know where Phuwin is- the turned to leave. Gem grabbed his arm again stopping Fourth.

"I asked you a question!'Gem tugged Fourth.

"It's not really any of your business ! Fourth almost hissed then realized that he snapped at Gem that surprised the latter, he continued at a gentler tone. "I need to go, again I 'm sorry if I bothered you.

Fourth's mood did not improve till end of day. He lays in his bed sleepless. He snapped at Mark and Gem today, he felt guilty but that's not the biggest thing that's troubling his soul right now. He gave up in trying to sleep and quickly got dressed.
He went to a seven store nearby and bought a pack of b'eer and cigarette and a lighter.

He settled in his balcony while he drinked and smoke, not caring that It's just Thursday and he still has school tomorrow.

His mind drifted back to Phuwin. will I never see him again? I thought we were getting close, why did he have to enter my life and just have me like this?"
He finished all six cans of beers and laid in his bed, soom he drifted to a slumber.

Fourth was wearing sunglasses to class The next day, hair shrivelled. His hangover is killing him, and he feels like if makes any sudden movements he'll throw-up.

"Fourth, what's happening? You reak of alcohol! What is wrong with you? Where you with that Win again?"

" Don't scream" Fourth said as he laid his head on the table.
"I had a hard time sleeping last night so I drank a few cars, don't bring Win into this, I was alone?
"so your drinking on your own now, you're addicted! This is bad,Fourth, You need to stop this now. You can't make this a hobbit."

"Stop nagging Mark, you are neither my mother nor my father"

"Yes not your parent but I am your friend, I care for you. This is not right. Please."

"Yes Mark, I get it, there's nothing to say, I am fine, I'll let you know when I need anything. You don't have to worry about me now. I promise." I'm still okay, right? Fourth internally thought.

Before heading back, Fourth brought a couple packs of beer and a few packs of Marlboro, he decided to buy an ashtray'cause the can his using as a makeshift is already overflowing and it's just not easy to use.

It's Friday night, normally he just goes through his lessons but right now, he is just not in the mood to study.

He's half way through his third can, half a pack of cig's gone he heard the bell rang.
He rarely gets visitors so he was puzzled, checked the time, 10 PM. When the bell rang again he lazily stood up, the thought that it could be Phuwin crossed his mind but brushed it off since he accepted the fact that Phuwin already Ghosted Fourth.

Fourth opened the door and...

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