Chapter 27

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"Girls... are you listening to me?" Mother's voice cut through the doom and gloom music previously running on a loop in my head.

"Ah... sorry what did you say?" I asked as mum released a sigh, clearly a little annoyed at our lack of interest. If only she knew.

"Never mind you guys have had a long day, why don't you go have some R&R. I'll run a few more tests, if you're up for it we'll go over the results tomorrow." Her tone was loving but I could tell she was disappointed, I wanted to explain and tell her the real reason for our distracted state but I couldn't, at least not yet.

"I'm sorry mom, I really am interested but I'm just a little unfocused at the moment." I apologised as she shook her head and came over to give us both a hug, as she pulled back she gave us both a kiss on the sides of our head.

"It's alright love, I understand let's try again tomorrow. Ok so run along have some time to yourselves just don't forget about dinner, we'll meet up in a couple hours." As she said this, she nudged us in the direction of the exit and then went back to her computer.

With one last look at my mother I could feel the guilt swirling inside of me, pulling at my heart, telling me this is wrong I shouldn't keep this from her. But my mind held strong and kept me blurting out this life altering secret. I felt someone grab my hand and give it a comforting squeeze. I turned to Tanya and saw she felt the same way, I squeezed her hand as well, hoping to send her the same comfort, before turning back to mom.

"Ok if you're sure, we'll head off then and see you at dinner." I confirmed as she gave a dismissive wave back, clearly heading back to being fully immersed in this mystery.

"Yes, sweetheart I'm sure, go on I'll see ya then. Love you." Her voice was light, she meant what she said, but her eyes never left the computer screen. She gets like this sometimes so focussed on a new discovery that the outside world melts away and usually I'm right there with her, but not this time. So we said our goodbyes and headed off.

"I hate this, I wish I could just tell her." My frustration was clearly written in my voice, Tanya nodded and gave me a sideways hug.

"Me too, I wish we could tell all of them but remember you were the one that said we couldn't tell them, that it wouldn't end well. And it was the right call, until we have something to show them we can't say anything." As she reminded me of my own words, I knew she was right but it didn't stop the ache in my heart.

"Yeah I know, just sucks is all." Before Tanya couldn't reply Selene decided to pop up right in front of us.

"Garrr, stop doing that!" My half a scream gained some attention from scientists and soldiers passing by, giving me the 'is she all good?' Looks and the 'what's she screaming at?' Look around.

"Sorry but there really isn't any other way to show myself to you." Chimes from her voice, rang through my head once again, I'm never going to get used to that.

"How about a little mental heads up?" I offered as we continued our walk, trying to find somewhere more private.

"Where's the fun in that?" Her chimes turned into more of a jingle as she let out a small chuckle , walking along with us. As we passed the outer tents and made our way to a small secluded section, close to the outer perimeter her facial expression turned more serious and just that action alone caused the atmosphere to darken dramatically.

"Alright so what did you mean back there?" I questioned as Tanya and I took a seat on the ground, looking up at Selene expectantly.

"Yeah I thought once we took care of that pocket of darkness we were in the clear for a bit?" The way Tanya said this was so natural as though we were just talking about the weather and not some inter-dimensional ancient war which threatened to exterminate us all.

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