Chapter 7

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"Do you know something I don't?" he asked as he moved closer to me but before I could answer, Alan and Mum decided to make their selves known.

"Hey, guys that nap really hit the spot!" declared Alan as he stretched revealing his very chiseled and tanned stomach, I stole a quick glance at Justin who was blatantly checking him out, only to pull his gaze away and find my now smirking face staring right back at him. He shook his head and walked off.

"What's up with him?" questioned Alan, clearly concerned for him, not taking his eyes off his retreating back. I made my way over and stood next to him.

"Oh I don't know probably just tired, let's give him some space and check on him later. He probably had enough of us." I offered in an attempt to shift the focus but Alan's eyes never left Justin even though his frame moved into his tent and away from sight. I let a small smile onto my lips as I could see the love in his gaze, as worry clouded his focus. He snapped out of it as dad started talking and turned to face me, seeing the look on mine.

"What?" he questioned, which caused my smile to grow.

"Oh nothing, you just really seem to care about him that's all." I declared with a shrug, starting to move away and walk toward the others.

"Well of course I do he's my ... Friend" He stated, hesitating at the end.

"It's good to have friends! Right, Tanya?" I asked sending a small smirk her way, knowing she'd catch on, which she did.

"Oh yes always good to have friends! Friends are the best, nothing can beat them." she declared causing me to chuckle.

"You two are acting weird, did he say something to you? Is he upset about something?" He asked questions rapidly, but before we could answer, Dad started to speak.

"Hey! Where's Lieutenant Garth I swear he was here when we arrived." dad asked we were about to answer but were silenced by the man himself.

"Here sir!" he said gaining everyone's attention for a short while before it was just Dad, Tanya, Alan, and I. Alan's gaze searched Justin's face for any evidence of him being upset, but Justin's was stone, with no emotion except the respect he showed his commanding officer.

"Ok well, now that we are all here I'd like to give a quick briefing and then move on to assignments. So..." Dad started to talk and discuss what went on in the past six hours, letting us know that the perimeter is set up and the grid is intact. So it's safe to start preliminary testing, while we wait for the second wave. We discussed how far we can go out and the fact that if we venture out more than 1km we have to have someone with us. After the initial briefing and assignments were given out, mum ushered them into the shuttle for some food.

Tanya and I went for a security check of the inner perimeter fence while Dad and the others finished up their dinner and set up their bedding.

"God I wish we could just come right out and say that those two are in love with each other! It's so frustrating watching them pine for one another thinking they can never be together because they believe the other one doesn't like them or they're not good enough for them, when in fact it's just poor communication." groaned Tanya as she adjusted the frequency of the fence projector.

"You'll get no argument from me, sis! I don't think I've ever met two people more perfect for each other but so oblivious to it. Alan tends to ark up easier might be better for one of us to catch him solo and see where his heads at, we've got them as escorts tomorrow so maybe when we split up?" I suggested as we made our way to the next projector.

"Perfect! Hey, maybe we'll get them together before the next wave arrives." Tanya hoped as I checked the frequency.

"Here's hoping! Hey speaking of perfect couples! When are you and a certain security officer gonna get your acts together?" I questioned with a smirk as the next projector came into view.

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